Choose one of the middle-range theories – NUR 502 Week 6 Discussion 1
Choose one of the middle-range theories. How could you use this theory to direct care in a nursing unit if you were the manager? Share your results.
NUR 502 Week 6 Discussion 2 Answers
Choose one of the middle-range theories. What impact would this theory most likely have on your individual practice? Give specific examples.
NUR 502 Week 7 Discussion 1 Essay Paper
The influence of consequential ethics as an ethical framework (the greatest good for the greatest number) opposes the ethical principle of deontology (i.e., the rightness of an act itself determines what is right). Both of these impact the nursing profession. Modern social exchange theories are based on the principle of utility.
Read the assumptions of social exchange theory and consider how these would affect the nurse-patient relationship, compared to how these impact the nurse within the health care environment. To what extent are all theories ethical? Is social exchange theory compatible with the values of the nursing profession? NUR 502 Week 7 Discussion 1 Essay Paper.
NUR 502 Week 8 Discussions Assignment Papers
1- Individually, comment on at least three reports posted by other CLC teams by the end of Topic 8. Provide substantive comments that include a focus on the application of the theory as a framework for practice (general or specific, basic or advanced).
2- As a group, respond to all posts directed towards your CLC group’s posted report.
NUR 502 Week 8 Discussion 2: Comment on the usefulness of Benner’s work
Comment on the usefulness of Benner’s work in your present or future role. Provide several examples.
Applying Theory to a Practice Problem: Part 3
It is important to understand how borrowed theory can help you in your everyday environment as a nurse. In the previous assignment, you identified a practical problem that emerged from the evidence in the extant literature or professional practice, and you explored how middle-range theory could be applied to solve the problem.
In this assignment, you will explore and apply borrowed theory to solve the specific problem that you identified previously, and you will synthesize the applications of the middle-range theory and the borrowed theory into the most appropriate solution to the problem.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the GCU APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.
Have one member of the CLC post the Grand Theorist Report in the Module 8 Discussion Forum.
You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin, unless otherwise directed by your instructor. If so directed, refer to the Student Success Center for directions. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin.
NUR 502 Final Assignment
It is important to understand how borrowed theory can help you in your everyday environment as a nurse. In the previous assignment, you identified a practical problem that emerged from the evidence in the extant literature or professional practice, and you explored how middle-range theory could be applied to solve the problem. In this assignment, you will explore and apply borrowed theory to solve the specific problem that you identified previously, and you will synthesize the applications of the middle-range theory and the borrowed theory into the most appropriate solution to the problem.
Consider the problem that you described in the previous assignments and the instructor feedback about those assignments.
Write a paper (1,750 to 2,000 words) that describes how borrowed theory can be applied to the identified problem. The paper should include the following:
- A brief summary of the problem including the potential middle-range theory that could be applied.
- A description of a borrowed theory that could be applied to the problem. Is this borrowed theory appropriate to your identified problem?
- A brief history of the borrowed theory’s origins.
- A discussion of how the borrowed theory has been previously applied.
- A discussion of the application of the borrowed theory to the identified problem. How would your practice change by incorporating this theory?
- A discussion of how application of both the borrowed theory and the middle-range theory can be integrated to create the most appropriate solution to the identified problem.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.
Grading Criteria –
CLC Course Information
Course Name/Section Number:
Instructor’s Name:
Start Date of the Course:
CLC Member Contact Information
(Who is in our group?)
CLC Member Name Primary E-mail Address Secondary E-mail Address Other Contact Information
CLC Group Values
(What do we need to do to ensure our team’s success?)
What Each Team Member Agrees to Do Why This Is Important to the Team
Check into the CLC regularly to review progress on the assignment.
Contribute ideas and feedback to the group from initial discussions throughout project completion.
Communicate with all CLC members as soon as a problem or issue arises.
Maintain respectful communications with all team members.
Complete assigned tasks by the deadlines set by the CLC members.
Take a leadership role in CLC assignments.
Make sure to cite and reference all sources of information used in completing tasks.
Project Management Specifics
(What needs to be undertaken to complete the CLC project?)
CLC Group Member’s Name Task to be Completed by This Team Member
(This section will change for each CLC Project.) Due Date for Completing the Task for the CLC to Review
Contributing one or more ideas for how the project should be completed.
Outlining the CLC project.
Assigning tasks to CLC members.
Performing research on assigned topics and writing it up for CLC members to review.
Making sure everyone meets their assigned deadlines for tasks.
Proofreading and editing the paper.
Submitting the paper via the Assignments feature by the due date deadline.
CLC Group Interaction Guidelines
(How can we anticipate and deal with group conflict when it arises?)
What Could Happen To Impede Our Teamwork? What We Will Do if This Happens?
A CLC member doesn’t provide project ideas or feedback to other team members.
A CLC member doesn’t complete his/her task at all.
A CLC member completes his/her task, but turns it in after the agreed-upon due date.
CLC Group Review Process
(What makes a CLC effective?)
What did Our CLC Do Well This Time?
(This section will change for each CLC Project.) What Can We Do to be a More Effective CLC Next Time?
(This section will change for each CLC Project.) Choose one of the middle-range theories – NUR 502 Week 6 Discussion 1