4-1 Module Four Lab Worksheet

4-1 Module Four Lab Worksheet

4-1 Module Four Lab Worksheet


These labs explore the nature of long-term memory, including how to best harness it (the Encoding Specificity and Levels of Processing labs). However, the very tendencies that make it successful can lead to its fallibility in some situations (False Memory lab).



Complete the following labs:

  • Encoding Specificity
  • Levels of Processing
  • False Memory

Then complete the Module Four Lab Worksheet Template. Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  • Record data and include screenshots of results for all module labs.
  • For the Encoding Specificity lab, address lab questions accurately.
  • For the Levels of Processing lab, address lab questions accurately.
  • For the False Memory lab, address lab questions accurately.
  • Address the module question accurately.
  • attachment


    PSY 375 Module Four Lab Worksheet Template


    Complete this template by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information. All responses to lab questions should be in your own words or paraphrased.


    Encoding Specificity Lab


    · Insert your data in the table below.

    Study/Test Cue* Proportion Correct
    [Insert text] [Insert value]
    [Insert text] [Insert value]
    [Insert text] [Insert value]
    [Insert text] [Insert value]
    [Insert text] [Insert value]

    *Strong and Weak refer to the extent to which cue and target are related in meaning. Weak/Weak and Strong/Strong designate conditions where the cues, used at study and test, were the same. Weak/Strong and Strong/Weak designate conditions where the cues, used at study and test, were different.


    · Insert a screenshot of the lab output below.

    [Insert screenshot]


    Lab Questions

    · Do your results support the encoding specificity hypothesis? Why or why not? Note: Consider what led to the best results—having strong semantic associations between cue and target, or matching cues at encoding and test?

    [Insert text]


    · Describe a real or hypothetical example of a situation that demonstrates encoding specificity. Ensure that your example is original and not from course materials.

    [Insert text]


    Levels of Processing Lab


    · Insert your data in the table below.

    Condition/Task Proportion Correct
    [Insert text] [Insert value]
    [Insert text] [Insert value]
    [Insert text] [Insert value]
    [Insert text] [Insert value]
    [Insert text] [Insert value]
    [Insert text] [Insert value]
    [Insert text] [Insert value]


    · Insert a screenshot of the lab output below.

    [Insert screenshot]


    Lab Questions

    · Do your results support the levels of processing theory? Why or why not? Focus on how well you did in the test condition (relative to how you encoded) to answer this question.

    [Insert text]


    · What is meant by deep processing? How might you use this to improve memory in a real-world scenario? Describe a unique example. Be creative!

    [Insert text]


    False Memory Lab


    · Insert your data in the table below.

    Type of Item Percent Recognized
    [Insert text] [Insert value]
    [Insert text] [Insert value]
    [Insert text] [Insert value]


    · Insert a screenshot of the lab output below.

    [Insert screenshot]


    Lab Questions

    · Did your results conform to those predicted for this lab? Why or why not?

    [Insert text]


    · How did this study set participants up to experience false memory? Deese, Roediger, and McDermott also found people can be confident in their selection of the false memory item. Why do you think that is? Your answer will be graded based on the depth of your thinking.

    [Insert text]


    Module Question


    · Compare and contrast levels of processing with encoding specificity. Describe a difference and a similarity.

    [Insert text]




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