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9-1 Journal: On Being A Therapist
9-1 Journal: On Being A Therapist
Read the news article summarizing a court case in which a client stalked her therapist and review the resources on Dr. Kenneth Pope’s website for therapists who are being stalked, threatened, and assaulted by patients.
In your journal, discuss your thoughts on the risks faced by therapists working in the field. 9-1 Journal: On Being A Therapist
Were you aware of these situations faced by mental health professionals? Did any of the research findings presented by Pope surprise you? Explain your thinking.
For additional details, please refer to the Journal Guidelines and Rubric PDF document.
Woman pleads guilty to stalking psychologist O’Connor, Matt . Chicago Tribune ; Chicago, Ill. [Chicago, Ill]. 27 Apr 2001: 2C.2.
ProQuest document link
ABSTRACT (ABSTRACT) In addition to prison, Judge [William Hibbler] barred [Alicia M. Floyd] from any contact with the psychologist. He
also ordered her to pay the psychologist $358 in restitution–the cost of installing a home-security system.
FULL TEXT This story is a composite of the versions published in the various zones.
A woman with a history of psychiatric troubles pleaded guilty Thursday in U.S. District Court to stalking her
psychologist and was promptly sentenced to 20 months in prison.
Alicia M. Floyd, 29, had carved the psychologist’s initials into her arm and dressed all in black for two trips from her
Wisconsin home to the psychologist’s west suburban residence in May 2000, prosecutors said.
Authorities alleged Floyd had a kitchen carving knife with her on the first trip and planned to kill the psychologist
and herself.
But Floyd of Oak Creek, Wis., testified Thursday that she had lied when she told a psychiatrist and a police officer
about having a knife with her “because I was really looking for help.”
U.S. District Judge William Hibbler pointed out that in a diary of Floyd’s seized by authorities, she had recounted
the first trip to the psychologist’s home in great detail but didn’t mention having a knife.
Assistant U.S. Atty. John Kocoras said Floyd, a U.S. Navy veteran who was undergoing treatment at a Veterans
Affairs medical center in Milwaukee, had become angered after the psychologist refused to answer questions
about her personal life.
When the counseling session at the medical center ended that day in May 2000, Floyd prevented the psychologist
from leaving the room and a VA police officer had to intervene, according to her plea agreement with prosecutors.
Later that same day, Floyd drove to the psychologist’s Elmhurst home dressed in black clothing and boots, parked
her car two blocks away and viewed the victim’s residence through binoculars, Kocoras said.
She left a satin rose on the doorstep of the psychologist’s home and returned to her Wisconsin residence late at
night, writing in her diary, “It’s midnight and I just went through the coolest six hours.”
Late that month, Floyd was arrested after she showed up at the psychologist’s home in the evening and the victim
called police after holing up with her young son in a bathroom, authorities said.
Floyd’s lawyer, John Houlihan, said his client suffers from borderline personality disorder and believed the
psychologist was the only person to whom she could turn for help.
The psychologist testified Thursday that the ordeal had changed “my life … forever.”
“The horror I felt as this unfolded and the sense of dread that remains with me are hard to describe,” she said.
In addition to prison, Judge Hibbler barred Floyd from any contact with the psychologist. He also ordered her to
pay the psychologist $358 in restitution–the cost of installing a home-security system.
Subject: Criminal pleas; Criminal sentences; Stalking
Location: Chicago Illinois
People: Floyd, Alicia M
Publication title: Chicago Tribune; Chicago, Ill.
Pages: 2C.2
Number of pages: 0
Publication year: 2001
Publication date: Apr 27, 2001
Section: Metro
Publisher: Tribune Publishing Company, LLC
Place of publication: Chicago, Ill.
Country of publication: United States, Chicago, Ill.
Publication subject: General Interest Periodicals–United States
ISSN: 10856706
Source type: Newspapers
Language of publication: English
Document type: News
ProQuest document ID: 419275906
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Copyright: (Copyright 2001 by the Chicago Tribune)
Last updated: 2017-11-14
Database: ProQuest Central
- Woman pleads guilty to stalking psychologist
PSY 570 Journal Guidelines and Rubric
Overview: Journal activities in this course are an opportunity to share personal examples and reflect on the course content in a safe and private environment. Because of nature of the information posted, only the instructor can view and comment on your assignment. Journal assignments should be 300 words or less. Each journal is graded individually. Guidelines for Submission: Submit assignment as a Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. 9-1 Journal: On Being A Therapist
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Personal Reflection on
Ethical Content
Student provides a sincere and comprehensive personal reflection of the ethical course content
Student provides a sincere individual reflection of the ethical course content
Student provides a reaction to the ethical course content, but does not provide a personal reflection of the ethical course content
No content of the journal is supported with a personal reflection of the ethical course content
Depth of Knowledge
The journal demonstrates excellent depth of knowledge of the module content and exhibits careful consideration of the topic
Most of the journal demonstrates good depth of knowledge of the module content and reveals that the student has read the module content
The journal shows limited depth of knowledge, indicating that the student may have reviewed the module content but needs to explore further
The journal does not address the journal prompts and reflects that the student has not read the module content
Organization/ Style
The journal is written in a style that is appealing and appropriate for the intended audience and presented in a clearly organized manner
Most of the journal is written in a style that is generally appropriate for the intended audience and is mostly clear; organization does not interfere with communication
The journal is written in a style that considers the audience, but is difficult to understand in parts
The journal is written in a style that does not attempt to consider the audience, and the content is not clearly communicated/is difficult to understand
Writing Almost all of the journal is free of errors in grammar
A majority of the journal is free of errors of grammar; errors are marginal and rarely interrupt the flow
The journal contains some errors of grammar, but these are limited enough so that assignments can be mostly understood
The journal contains errors of grammar that make the journal difficult to understand
Earned Total 100%