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Annotated Bibliography on Child Abuse
Annotated Bibliography on Child Abuse
Research Paper – Annotated Bibliography Instructions
The Annotated Bibliography is a collection of 10 one-paragraph summaries of peer-reviewed journal resources that you intend to use in the Research Paper – Final Paper.
1. The articles must be current or dated within the past 5 years.
2. Do not simply paste the article abstract in the annotated bibliography paper. Annotations must be your summary of the article. The summary must include any research findings that were included in the article. (Do not state that the authors “conducted a study” without providing a short summary of their findings.)
3. Do notpaste the Annotated Bibliography in your Final Paper. The Annotated Bibliography simply provides information that will contribute to the Research Paper – Final Paper.
1. Include the full source citation at the beginning of each summary, following current APA format guidelines.
2. Provide sufficient information in the summary so the reader knows what the article contributes to the Research Paper – Final Paper. For example, if you mention a study, also include a summary of the relevant findings. To say, “The authors conducted a study” without an explanation of what they found offers no information.
3. List the sources alphabetically according to the first author’s last name.
4. Include a title page.
5. A References page IS NOT required since you are already listing your sources.
HSCO 500
Research Paper – Annotated Bibliography Rubrics Template (Based on 100 point total)
Criteria Levels of Achievement Criteria Advanced (A- to A): Satisfies criteria w/ excellence
Proficient (B- to B+): Satisfies Criteria
Developing (C- to C+): Satisfies most criteria
Below Expectations (F to D+): Does not satisfy criteria
Not Present Points Earned
Content 70% (70 pts.) References 28 – 30 pts. At least 10 scholarly sources are used.
26 – 27 pts. At least 10 sources are used. Most sources are scholarly.
23 – 25 pts. Less than 10 sources are used. Most sources are scholarly. 1 – 22 pts. Less than 10 sources and/or few sources are scholarly.
0 points Summaries 37 – 40 pts. There is a clear summary for each reference covering the main points of each article. 34 – 36 pts. Most summaries are clear and cover the main points of each article.
31 – 33 pts. Summaries are vague, lacking clarity and focus.
1 – 30 pts. Vague summaries and/or sources missing summaries.
0 points Structure 30% (30 pts.) Style 28 – 30 pts. The paper properly uses current APA style and DCCC Professional Writing Guidelines.
26 – 27 pts. The paper consistently uses current APA style and DCCC Professional Writing Guidelines with few or no exceptions.
23 – 25 pts. The paper inconsistently uses APA style and DCCC Professional Writing Guidelines.
1 – 22 pts. The paper erroneously uses or does not use APA style and DCCC Professional Writing Guidelines.
0 points Total Page 1 of 1