Application of Middle-Range Theory to Practice

Application of Middle-Range Theory to Practice

Application of Middle-Range Theory to Practice

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    Application of Middle-Range Theory to Practice Doe K. Doe College of Health and Human Services-School of Nursing, Olivet Nazarene University MSN 600 Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice and Research Dr. Blu Withermer August 12, 2022


    Please provide an introduction for Module Three Power Point assignment. Paraphrase and cite any information shared from professional literature with author(s) and year.


    Description of Selected Practice Problem

    Describe selected practice problem. Paraphrase information about selected practice problem with support from professional literature and cite (Author(s), year).


    Include visual works and voice-over on slide.


    Significance of Practice Problem

    Explain significance of practice problem. Paraphrase information with support from professional literature and cite (Author(s), year).

    Include visual works and voice-over on slide.


    Identification of Selected Middle-Range Theory

    Identify the name of selected middle-range theory along with author of the middle-range theory and year. One could also share some brief background information. Aim to cite and reference original work of the selected middle-range theory and author.

    Paraphrase information about selected middle-range theory with support from professional literature and cite (Author(s), year).

    Include visual works and voice-over on slide.


    Middle-Range Theory: Rationale for Choosing

    Explain the rationale for choosing the selected middle range theory for the selected practice problem. Paraphrase information regarding rationale for choosing middle-range theory with support from professional literature and cite (Author(s), year).

    Include visual works and voice-over on slide.


    Middle-Range Theory: Appropriateness for Practice Problem

    Explain how the selected middle-range theory is appropriate for the selected practice problem. Paraphrase information with support from professional literature and cite (Author(s), year).

    Include visual works and voice-over on slide.


    Middle-Range Theory: Key Points

    Identify key points of the selected middle-range theory. Paraphrase information about selected middle-range theory key points with support from professional literature and cite (Author(s), year). Application of Middle-Range Theory to Practice

    Include visual works and voice-over on slide.


    Explanation of how Middle-Range Theory Influences Practice Problem

    Explain how the selected middle-range theory influences the selected practice problem. Paraphrase information with support from professional literature and cite (Author(s), year).

    Include visual works and voice-over on slide.



    Provide conclusion to assignment. Paraphrase and cite any information shared from professional literature with author(s) and year.



    All references need to be current (within the last three to five years).

    Please list all references using APA (2020) format and ensure each reference has a citation and that every citation has a reference.

    Some examples (not all inclusive):

    American Psychological Association (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). American Psychological Association.

    Microsoft (2019). Record a slide show with narration and slide timings. with-narration-and-slide-timings-0B9502C6-5F6C-40AE-B1E7- E47D8741161C

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    Your presentation needs to include the following:

    1. Title Slide.

    2. Introduction to presentation. Support any information from current peer-reviewed professional literature shared in introduction with citations.

    3. Content: Clearly describe the problem or issue identified within your own practice area.

    4. Content: Provide a rationale for the significance of this issue or problem. The rationale must be supported by current peer-reviewed professional literature. Use citations.

    5. Content: Choose a middle-range nursing theory that can influence or change the issue or problem. Support with current peer-reviewed professional literature. Use citations.

    6. Content: Explain why you chose this middle-range nursing theory. Support with current peer-reviewed professional literature. Use citations.

    7. Content: Discuss the appropriateness of theory chosen. Support with current peer-reviewed professional literature. Use citations.

    8. Content: Present key points and/or concepts of middle-range nursing theory. Support with current peer-reviewed professional literature. Use citations.

    9. Content: Explain how this middle-range nursing theory influences your issue/problem. Support with current peer-reviewed professional literature. Use citations.

    10. Conclusion to presentation. Support any information from current peer-reviewed professional literature shared in conclusion with citations.

    11. Reference slide(s).



    The Application of Selected Theory to Practice PowerPoint assignment is worth 20% of your Course Grade.

    The Application of Selected Theory to Practice PowerPoint assignment will be graded according to Application of Selected Theory to Practice PowerPoint Grading Rubric (listed below), assignment guidelines/directions, and MSN 600 syllabus. The Application of Selected Theory to Practice PowerPoint Grading Rubric should be used to ensure the required elements are included in your presentation.




    Grading Rubric for Application of Selected Theory to Practice PPT

    Grading Rubric for Application of Selected Theory to Practice PPT
    Criteria Ratings Pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescription of issue/problem
    15 pts

    Full Marks

    8 pts

    Partial Marks

    Partially and/or unclearly covered

    0 pts

    No Marks

    Incorrect or missing


    15 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRationale for significance of issue/problem supported by current (within last 3-5 years) professional sources
    15 pts

    Full Marks

    8 pts

    Partial Marks

    Partially and/or unclearly covered

    0 pts

    No Marks

    Incorrect or missing


    15 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeChoice of middle-range nursing theory supported by current (within last 3-5 years) professional sources; Explanation of reason for choosing middle-range nursing theory supported by current (within last 3-5 years) professional sources; Appropriateness of middle-range nursing theory chosen supported with current (within last 3-5 years) professional sources *The power point presentation must reflect a middle-range nursing theory or the power point presentation may not be accepted and zero points may be earned.
    15 pts

    Full Marks

    8 pts

    Partial Marks

    Partially and/or unclearly covered

    0 pts

    No Marks

    Incorrect or missing


    15 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeKey points and/or concepts of middle-range nursing theory supported by current (within last 3-5 years) professional sources
    15 pts

    Full Marks

    8 pts

    Partial Marks

    Partially and/or unclearly covered

    0 pts

    No Marks

    Incorrect or missing


    15 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExplanation of middle-range nursing theory to your issue/problem supported by current (within last 3-5 years) professional sources
    15 pts

    Full Marks

    8 pts

    Partial Marks

    Partially and/or unclearly covered

    0 pts

    No Marks

    Incorrect or missing


    15 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCurrent (within last 3-5 years) Professional Sources are included. One original (historical) professional source written by author/creator of middle-range nursing theory is acceptable as one of the five current professional sources.
    5 pts

    Full Marks

    3 pts

    Partial Marks

    One original (historical) and/or two current (within the last 3 to 5 years) professional sources are present.

    0 pts

    No Marks

    Only one current (within last 3 to 5 years) professional source or no current (within last 3 to 5 years) professional sources included.


    5 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA 7th edition is followed for formatting citations and references. Citations to support information on each slide including any visuals are required. Reference slide(s) at end of presentation are required. Each citation should have a reference and each reference should have a citation.
    5 pts

    Full Marks

    3 pts

    Partial Marks

    One’s own work submitted-no copying of other students or sources work and submitting as one’s own work; some source material paraphrased; some direct quotes not identified; some source material not referenced.

    0 pts

    No Marks

    No Marks= *Plagiarism: Copying other students or sources work and submitting as one’s own work; Source material not adequately paraphrased; direct quotes not identified; source material not referenced. *Plagiarized assignments will be given a grade of zero and could result in failure of the course.


    5 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCorrect Spelling and Proper Grammar-APA 7th edition format for writing. Writing refers to bullet points or short sentence statements on PowerPoint slides. Full paragraphs on PowerPoint slides are not necessary. Paraphrase and cite information on each slide. Avoid direct quotes. Avoid personal pronouns. Use correct grammar, spelling, sentence structure, mechanics, and such.
    5 pts

    Full Marks

    3 pts

    Partial Marks

    0 pts

    No Marks


    5 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUse of visual work(s) on a minimum of five (5) slides with a citation for every visual included.
    5 pts

    Full Marks

    3 pts

    Partial Marks

    One to four visuals included

    0 pts

    No Marks

    No visuals


    5 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOriginality & organization
    5 pts

    Full Marks

    3 pts

    Partial Marks

    0 pts

    No Marks


    5 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeVoice-Over Narration: *The power point presentation must include voice-over narration for each slide as the narrated power point presentation reflects an oral presentation. If voice-over narration is not included, the power point presentation assignment may not be accepted and zero points may be earned.
    0 pts

    No Marks

    0 pts

    No Marks


    0 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePoints Deducted for Late Submission
    0 pts

    Full Marks

    0 pts

    No Marks


    0 pts
    Total Points: 100



    Your presentation needs to include the following:




    Title Slide.




    Introduction to presentation. Support any information from current peer

    reviewed professional literature shared in introduction with citations.




    Content: Clearly describe the problem or

    issue identified within your own

    practice area.





    Content: Provide a rationale for the significance of this issue or problem. The

    rationale must be supported by current peer

    reviewed professional literature.

    Use citations.




    Content: Choose a middle

    range nur

    sing theory that can influence or change

    the issue or problem. Support with current peer

    reviewed professional

    literature. Use citations.




    Content: Explain why you chose this middle

    range nursing theory. Support

    with current peer

    reviewed professional liter

    ature. Use citations.




    Content: Discuss the appropriateness of theory chosen. Support with current


    reviewed professional literature. Use citations.




    Content: Present key points and/or concepts of middle

    range nursing theory.

    Support with current peer


    viewed professional literature. Use citations.




    Content: Explain how this middle

    range nursing theory influences your

    issue/problem. Support with current peer

    reviewed professional literature.

    Use citations.




    Conclusion to presentation. Support any informati

    on from current peer

    reviewed professional literature shared in conclusion with citations.




    Reference slide(s).






    The Application of Selected Theory


    to Practice PowerPoint assignment is worth

    20% of your Course Grade.


    The Application of Selected Theory to Practice PowerPoint assignment will be graded

    according to Application of Selected Theory to Practice PowerPoint Grading Rubric

    (listed below), assi

    gnment guidelines/directions, and MSN 600 syllabus. The Application

    of Selected Theory to Practice PowerPoint Grading Rubric should be used to ensure the

    required elements are included in your presentation.









    Grading Rubric for

    Application of Selected Theory to Practice PPT


    Your presentation needs to include the following:

    1. Title Slide.

    2. Introduction to presentation. Support any information from current peer-

    reviewed professional literature shared in introduction with citations.

    3. Content: Clearly describe the problem or issue identified within your own

    practice area.

    4. Content: Provide a rationale for the significance of this issue or problem. The

    rationale must be supported by current peer-reviewed professional literature.

    Use citations.

    5. Content: Choose a middle-range nursing theory that can influence or change

    the issue or problem. Support with current peer-reviewed professional

    literature. Use citations.

    6. Content: Explain why you chose this middle-range nursing theory. Support

    with current peer-reviewed professional literature. Use citations.

    7. Content: Discuss the appropriateness of theory chosen. Support with current

    peer-reviewed professional literature. Use citations.

    8. Content: Present key points and/or concepts of middle-range nursing theory.

    Support with current peer-reviewed professional literature. Use citations.

    9. Content: Explain how this middle-range nursing theory influences your

    issue/problem. Support with current peer-reviewed professional literature.

    Use citations.

    10. Conclusion to presentation. Support any information from current peer-

    reviewed professional literature shared in conclusion with citations.

    11. Reference slide(s).



    The Application of Selected Theory to Practice PowerPoint assignment is worth

    20% of your Course Grade.

    The Application of Selected Theory to Practice PowerPoint assignment will be graded

    according to Application of Selected Theory to Practice PowerPoint Grading Rubric

    (listed below), assignment guidelines/directions, and MSN 600 syllabus. The Application

    of Selected Theory to Practice PowerPoint Grading Rubric should be used to ensure the

    required elements are included in your presentation. Application of Middle-Range Theory to Practice




    Grading Rubric for Application of Selected Theory to Practice PPT

  • attachment



    – Please follow APA (2020) formatting for all writing, citing, and referencing as indicated in syllabus,

    assignment guidelines, and grading rubric.

    -Avoid use of direct quotes. Paraphrase in own words. However, if a profound direct quote is used, cite

    with author, year, and page number.

    -A reference listed on reference page is needed for every citation.

    -Information from professional literature and visual works shared on each slide need citation(s).

    Paraphrase and cite any information shared from current professional literature (within the last three to

    five years) with author(s) and year. Exception: Original theorists’ work and some graphics may not be

    within last three to five years depending on date of creation.

    -If each statement shared on a slide is from a different professional resource, then each statement

    needs a citation. Application of Middle-Range Theory to Practice

    -If all statements shared on a slide is from one professional resource, then the citation may occur at the

    bottom of the slide.

    Some examples for in-text citations:

    • One example for when each paraphrased statement is from a different current professional


    Paraphrase information (Author(s), year).

    Paraphrase information (Author(s), year).

    • One example for when all information on slide is from only one current professional resource.

    Paraphrase information.

    Paraphrase information.

    Paraphrase information.

    (Author(s), year)

    -Provide reference on reference page for visual works. Refer to section 10.14 of APA (2020), for

    reference and citations (cite each graphic on the power point slide) of visual works. Additional website

    to view for assistance in citing and referencing visual works, particularly clip art and stock images:

    One example of reference and citation for visual works is shared below.

    One reference example for untitled photograph:

    Artist’s last name, artist’s first and middle (if available)initials. (Year). [Photograph description]. List

    source where photograph retrieved from. List URL site.



    Rinaldi, J. (2016). [Photograph series of a boy who finds his footing after abuse by those he

    trusted]. The Pulitzer Prizes.

    One parenthetical citation example for Photograph:

    Rinaldi (2016)

    • Synthesize content on each slide. Be concise, yet thorough.

    • Use voice over and note section for each slide to expand on slide content.

    Please feel free to be creative and original (creativity/originality aspect)with the set-up of your

    PowerPoint ensuring all required elements of the assignment are included, and PowerPoint is organized,

    logical, clear, thorough (use voice over and note section to expand on slide content) and easy to read.

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