Assignment: Annotation of a Quantitative Research Article

Assignment: Annotation of a Quantitative Research Article

Assignment: Annotation of a Quantitative Research Article

This week, you will submit the annotation of a quantitative research article on a topic of your interest. Quasi-experimental, casual comparative, correlational, pretest–posttest, or true experimental are examples of types of research designs used in quantitative research. Assignment: Annotation of a Quantitative Research Article


An annotation consists of three separate paragraphs that cover three respective components: summary, analysis, and application. These three components convey the relevance and value of the source. As such, an annotation demonstrates your critical thinking about, and authority on, the source. This week’s annotation is a precursor to the annotated bibliography assignment due in Week 10.

An annotated bibliography is a document containing selected sources accompanied by a respective annotation of each source. In preparation for your own future research, an annotated bibliography provides a background for understanding a portion of the existing literature on a particular topic. It is also a useful first step in gathering sources in preparation for writing a subsequent literature review as part of a dissertation.

Please review the assignment instructions below and click on the underlined words for information about how to craft each component of an annotation.

Please use the document “Annotated Bibliography Template with Example” for additional guidance. Assignment: Annotation of a Quantitative Research Article

It is recommended that you use the grading rubric as a self-evaluation tool before submitting your assignment.

By Day 7

  • Use the Walden library databases to search for one quantitative research article from a peer-reviewed journal on a topic of your interest.
  • Before you read the full article and begin your annotation, locate the methodology section in the article to be sure that the article describes a quantitative study. Confirm that one of the types of quantitative designs, such as quasi-experimental, casual comparative, correlational, pretest–posttest, or true experimental, was used in the study.
  • Annotate one quantitative research article from a peer-reviewed journal on a topic of your interest.
  • Provide the reference list entry for this article in APA Style followed by a three-paragraph annotation that includes:
  • Format your annotation in Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced. A separate References list page is not needed for this assignment.
  • Submit your annotation.
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    Annotated Bibliography


    Author Name

    Walden University

    RSCH 8110/7110/6110: Research Theory, Design, and Methods

    Instructor Name

    Due Date




    Annotated Bibliography


    Autism researchers continue to grapple with activities that best serve the purpose of fostering positive interpersonal relationships for children with autism. Children have benefited from therapy sessions that provide ongoing activities to aid their ability to engage in healthy social interactions. However, less is known about how K–12 schools might implement programs for this group of individuals to provide additional opportunities for growth, or even if and how school programs would be of assistance in the end. There is a gap, then, in understanding the possibilities of implementing such programs in schools to foster the social and mental health of children with autism. The six articles I selected for this assignment present research on different types of therapeutic programs that have been used to promote social interactions in children with autism. Comment by Author: An introduction paragraph is a helpful addition to your annotated bibliography to tell your reader about your topic of interest and the general context of your topic.An introduction paragraph is not required for the Week 6 and Week 8 Application assignments.An introduction paragraph is required for the Week 10 Application assignment; this single paragraph should provide context for why you selected the six research articles that you did.

    Annotated Bibliography

    Wimpory, D. C., & Nash, S. (1999). Musical interaction therapy – therapeutic play for children with autism. Child Language and Teaching Therapy15(1), 17–28. Comment by Author: Each APA style-formatted reference entry should be followed by a three-paragraph annotation that includes (a) a summary of the source, (b) an analysis of the source, and (c) an application of the source.

    Wimpory and Nash provided a case study for implementing music interaction therapy as part of play therapy aimed at cultivating communication skills in infants with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The researchers based their argument on films taken of play-based therapy sessions that introduced music interaction therapy. To assess the success of music play, Wimpory and Nash filmed the follow-up play-based interaction between the parent and the child. The follow-up interactions revealed that 20 months after the introduction of music play, the child developed prolonged playful interaction with both the psychologist and the parent. The follow-up films also revealed that the child initiated spontaneously pretend play during these later sessions. After the introduction of music, the child began to develop appropriate language skills. Comment by Author: The first paragraph of the annotation is a summary of the source. The summary should present the (a) main findings of the study, (b) primary method(s) of the study, and (c) theoretical or conceptual basis of the study.

    Since the publication date for this case study is 1999, the results are dated. Although this study found that music interaction therapy is useful, emerging research in the field has undoubtedly changed in the time since this article was published. Wimpory and Nash wrote this article for a specific audience, including psychologists and researchers working with infants diagnosed with ASD. Their focus means that others beyond these fields may not find the findings applicable to their work. Comment by Author: The second paragraph of the annotation is an analysis of the source. The analysis should explain the strengths and limitations of the source.

    I am interested in the role of music in therapy to foster social and mental health in children with ASD. Therefore, Wimpory and Nash’s research is useful to me for background information on the implementation of music into play-based therapy in infants with ASD. Wimpory and Nash presented a basis for this technique and outlined its initial development. Therefore, their case study can be useful to my research when paired with more recent research on the topic. Comment by Author: The third paragraph of the annotation is an application of the source. The application should (a) justify how the source is applicable to your research interest, (b) describe how the source’s method is applicable to your research interest, and (c) indicate how the source might help to guide your future research on the topic. In this paragraph, it is acceptable to use the first person (I, me, my) in your writing.

    Conclusion Comment by Author: A conclusion is not required for the Week 6 and Week 8 Application assignments. A conclusion is required for the Week 10 Application assignment; this single paragraph should present a synthesis of the six research articles you annotated. Assignment: Annotation of a Quantitative Research Article

    For the Week 10 Application assignment, include a one-paragraph conclusion that presents a synthesis of the six articles you annotated.

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    Annotated Bibliography 2


    Rachel Kurucz

    October 3, 2018

    Walden University

    Annotated Bibliography


    Luis Jasso-Medrano, J., & Lopez-Rosales, F. (2018). Measuring the relationship between social media use and addictive behavior and depression and suicide ideation among university studentsCOMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR87, 183–191. https://doi-


    This is a quantitative research study measuring the relationship between social media usage and its relationship with addictive behavior, depression, and suicide ideation. There is a sample of 374 univeristy students for this study. Of the participants, 58.6% of them are women and 41.4% are men. The median age of the group is 20.01 years old. They ages ranges between 18 and 24 years old. A 31.8% of the participants reported working while being enrolled in school and 68.2% reported only being a student. Additional, 39% reported being in a relationship while the majority 61% reported being single.

    Regarding social media usage, participants conveyed that the WhatsApp as their most important and most used social network with 54.4%. Facebook followed with 35.3%. The main purposes of their social media usage is to be in contact with friends (35.6%), entertainment (17.6%), conversing with significant other (13.2%), contact with colleagues for academic reasons (10.75), and keeping contact with family (7.4%).


    Participants were invited to partake in the survey with authorization from the universities. The questionnaires was applied through an online platform so the students could maintain confidentially. The objective of the study was explained, and the participants were given instruction on how to assess and report in the online survey.

    Social Network Addiction Questionnaires of Escurra and Sales (2014), is a scale that consist of 24 Likert-type items that range of 5 points (from 0 “never” to 4 “always”). This is designed to evaluate the persons addiction to social media. It if formed by 3 dimensions: obsession, lack of control, and excessive use. Center for Epidemiologic studies Depression Scale (CES-D) has 10 Likert-type items with a range of 5 points (from 1 “never” to 5 “always”) and measures emotions and situations related to depression. The Positive and Negative Suicidal Ideation Inventory consists of 14 items. Six items measure positive suicidal ideation and eight measures negative ideations or risk factors. This scale is Likert-type items with a range of 5 points (from 1 “never” to 5 “always”). This focuses on the last two weeks of the participants lie.


    An average of 6.91 hours of social media usage was reported per day. The average score of social media addiction scale were below the intermediate score rating 2.33 out of 5. Depression and suicidal ideation was report 1.91 out of 5. The frequency of use of electronic devices was reported high at 4.42 out of 5.

    It was found that the amount of daily hours and the addictive behavior to social media obtained a significant correlation. Addictive behavior was related to depression, suicidal ideation, and mobile use. The hours of social media use were significantly related to the mobile use. Assignment: Annotation of a Quantitative Research Article

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