Assignment 2: Digital Clinical Experience: Focused Exam: Cough
Review this week’s Learning Resources and consider the insights they provide related to ears, nose, and throat.
Review the Shadow Health Resources provided in this week’s Learning Resources specifically the tutorial to guide you through the documentation and interpretation within the Shadow Health platform. Review the examples also provided.
Review the DCE (Shadow Health) Documentation Template for Focused Exam: Cough found in this week’s Learning Resources and use this template to complete your Documentation Notes for this DCE Assignment.
Access and login to Shadow Health using the link in the left-hand navigation of the Blackboard classroom.
Review the Week 5 Focused Exam: Cough Rubric provided in the Assignment submission area for details on completing the Assignment in Shadow Health.
Consider what physical exams and diagnostic tests would be appropriate to gather more information about the patient’s condition. How would the results be used to make a diagnosis?
Focused Exam: Cough Assignment:
Complete the following in Shadow Health:
Respiratory Concept Lab (Required)
Episodic/Focused Note for Focused Exam: Cough
HEENT (Recommended but not required)
Note: Each Shadow Health Assessment may be attempted and reopened as many times as necessary prior to the due date to achieve a total of 80% or better (this includes your DCE and your Documentation Notes), but you must take all attempts by the Week 5 Day 7 deadline.
Sullivan, D. D. (2019). Guide to clinical documentation (3rd ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis.
Chapter 2, “The Comprehensive History and Physical Exam” (Previously read in Weeks 1, 3, 4, and 5)
Bedell, H. E., & Stevenson, S. B. (2013). Eye movement testing in clinical examination. Vision Research 90, 32–37. doi:10.1016/j.visres.2013.02.001. Retrieved from
Rubin, G. S. (2013). Measuring reading performance. Vision Research, 90, 43–51. doi:10.1016/j.visres.2013.02.015. Retrieved from
Harmes, K. M., Blackwood, R. A., Burrows, H. L., Cooke, J. M., Harrison, R. V., & Passamani, P. P. (2013). Otitis media: Diagnosis and treatment. American Family Physicians, 88(7), 435–440.
Otolaryngology Houston. (2014). Imaging of maxillary sinusitis (X-ray, CT, and MRI). Retrieved from
This website provides medical images of sinusitis, including X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs (magnetic resonance imaging).
Document: Episodic/Focused SOAP Note Exemplar (Word document)
Document: Episodic/Focused SOAP Note Template (Word document)
Week 5 – Focused Exam: Cough Danny Rivera
8-year-old Latino male patient presents today with abuela (grandmother) for c/o cough the past 5 days, sore throat since yesterday along with right ear pain. denies fever, chills, HEENT: denies headache or dizziness, EYES: vision unremarkable, denies eye pain, drainage or redness. EARS: +pain- right ear- 3/10, denies drainage or hearing loss, NOSE: denies sinus pain, +clear thin nasal drainage, reports almost always has runny nose, worse since cough started. THROAT: sore, 2/10, reports started after cough.
ROS CHEST/LUNGS: coughing every couple minutes, “worse at night”-keeps him from falling asleep easily. describes cough as “gurgled and watery”. reports “sometimes” coughing up “slimy, clear stuff”, reports mom gave cough medicine this am, denies any aggravating factors for cough. denies chest pain with or without cough, denies trouble breathing with cough.+tired from cough at night, denies heat/cold intolerance, takes multivitamin, NKDA or environmental allergies, no surgeries, no hospitalizations, PN last year- treated at urgent care- missed 2 wks. of school, HX ear infections, childhood immunizations up to date, no flu vaccine this past year, multivitamin daily, lives with mom, dad, grandparents, primary language is English- some Spanish, +smoke exposure in the home.
Objective V/S: 120/76, HR 100, R 28, T 37.2c Spo2 96%. Noted pediatric male patient sitting upright on table, alert/oriented- answers questions appropriately, pleasant affect, dressed appropriately.
Exam HEENT: no abnormal findings to orbital area- no edema, erythema, sclera white, conjunctiva moist, pink and without erythema or drainage, NOSE: frontal and maxillary sinuses palpated- nontender, not palpable, nares passages pink, patent/intact, clear drainage noted, no wounds/sores, polyps or bleeding noted. EARS: right ear canal erythema, tympanic membrane erythema, cone of light at 5:00, no bulging, intact, no drainage, no obstruction. Left ear canal pink, tympanic membrane intact, pearly/gray, no drainage, no bulging, cone of light at 7:00. THROAT: oral mucosa moist/pink, tonsils +erythema- without edema, no exudate, posterior oropharynx with notable cobble stoning and erythema, no post-nasal drainage noted. NECK: symmetric, no visible abnormality noted, palpable cervical nodes to right lat.
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CHEST/LUNGS: supraclavicular and axillary lymph nodes not palpable, palpable equal fremitus bilat, no visible retractions or accessory musculature used during respiration, -Bronchophony, all areas resonant with percussion- no dullness, chest symmetrical, no lesions or rash noted. Lung sounds present, CTA AP/bilat, CARDIAC: RRR, no rubs, palpitations, clicks, gallops, or murmur noted, S1 and S2 audible.
Assessment Differential Diagnoses 1)Upper Respiratory infection
2)Ear infection
Lab- CBC, rapid strep test, Chest x-ray, sputum culture
Plan Based on labs/diagnostics- antibiotics versus symptomatic care. relieve cough, rhinorrhea, ear and throat pain. humidifier, Tylenol/Advil, cough suppressant/expectorant. return PRN for new or worsening sx’s- n/v/d, febrile, increased malaise/fatigue.
Rest, eat regularly, hydrate with water, take medications as directed, continue with multivitamin- instruct caregiver to monitor to make sure patient only takes as directed.
Wash hands frequently, avoid smoke exposure, refer ENT for frequent rhinorrhea/past HX frequent ear infections eval.
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