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Discussion- Oxygenation and Physiological Needs
Discussion- Oxygenation and Physiological Needs
Think about the priorities inherent in the basic care and comfort needs of clients. After meeting the need for oxygenation, identify and briefly discuss the following:
- Which need is the next priority for you
- How a change in health status would affect meeting that basic need.
- Discuss what actions a nurse could take to assist you with this change.
Module 01 Discussion- Oxygenation and Physiological Needs Rubric
Total Assessment Points – 30
Levels of Achievement Criteria Emerging Competence Proficiency Mastery Initial Posting Comprehension (13 Pts)
Initial post does not include explanations with examples or supporting evidence. Failure to submit initial posting will result in zero points for this criteria. Initial post includes brief explanation with at least one example and limited supporting evidence. Initial post includes clear explanation with examples and supporting evidence. Initial post includes comprehensive explanation with detailed examples and supporting evidence. Points: 10 Points: 11 Points: 12 Points: 13 Response Posting Reasoning (12 Pts)
Response to peers attempts to contribute to the discussion but lacks suggestions and/or supporting evidence. Failure to submit response postings will result in zero points for this criteria. Response to peers provides minimal contributions and suggestions with limited supporting evidence. Response to peers contributes to the discussion with suggestions and supporting evidence. Response to peers offers substantial contributions and detailed suggestions with supporting evidence. Points: 9 Points: 10 Points: 11 Points: 12 Spelling and Grammar (3 Pts)
Six or more spelling or grammar errors. Detracts from the readability of the submission. No more than five spelling or grammar errors, minimally detracts from the readability of the submission. No more than three spelling or grammar errors. Does not detract from the readability of the submission. No spelling or grammar errors. Points: 1 Points: 2 Points: 2.5 Points: 3 APA Citation (2 Pts)
Six or more APA errors reflected throughout initial and response postings. No more than five APA errors reflected throughout initial and response postings. No more than three APA errors reflected throughout initial and response postings. APA in-text citations and references are used correctly with no errors in initial and response postings. Points: 0 Points: 0.5 Points: 1 Points: 2