Effects of Smoking with Cancer Patients

Effects of Smoking with Cancer Patients

Effects of Smoking with Cancer Patients

Your Assignment is a PowerPoint presentation that summarizes your Population-Based Nursing Care Plan Project. Include a minimum of 7 slides (15 maximum) and the information as presented in the weekly Practicum Discussions.


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    Grading Criteria


    Create a PowerPoint presentation that summarizes your Population-Based Nursing Care Plan Project. Include a minimum of 7 slides (15 maximum) and the following information provided below. (Contact your instructor with questions.)The PowerPoint Presentation is worth a maximum of 150 points in addition to Week 6 Discussion.


    Points will be awarded as follows:


    Requirement Criteria
    25 Points:


    Described population group

    Described population’s health problem Provided health data relevant to population and health problem

    Identify a Population Group at risk, population of interest, and/or vulnerable population in your community.


    Use health data to refine and limit population of interest/at risk for your community.

    Find and compare epidemiological data (national, state and local) to refine population of interest/at risk through continued collaboration with professionals and consideration of health data

    30 Points:

    Described the results of comprehensive community assessment showing collaboration with health care team members (system) and/or individuals/families/groups that represent the population.

    Collaborate with professionals across the health care system in order to find the gap in care or other social determinant. Begin to take the lead to advocate and collaborate for population.

    Informally interview at least one professional who works on primary and secondary prevention at the community and system level of care. Include professionals from disciplines outside of nursing.

    Informally interview family members of population of interest/at risk to identify culturally appropriate interventions. Volunteer as appropriate.

    30 Points:


    Developed possible evidence-based, culturally competent interventions/programs aimed at primary prevention at the community and system level of care specific to community.

    Consider primary prevention for key health concerns for population of interest/at risk in your community. (Do not include tertiary preventative measures.)

    Consider nursing interventions at the community and system level of care aimed at primary prevention for population of interest/at risk.

    Include culturally competent assessments and interventions by Interviewing family members of population of interest/at risk. Support your ideas with the scholarly literature. (Do not include care at the individual level.) Continued….



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    20 Points:

    Chose a possible way to evaluate outcomes of project

    Use initial health data and intervention goals to choose one short term and one long term goal to evaluate outcomes of the intervention(s).
    25 Points:


    Presented to Community Professional

    Present your project ideas to at least one professional in the community. Include feedback received and important lessons learned. Informally present your draft plan to at least one professional/mentor in the community. (Video your presentation). Include contact information – first name and agency)


    20 Points:


    Described role as a health care leader in community

    Describe your role regardless of personal work setting. How will you promote positive social change as a health care leader in your community?
    Total 150 Points

    PowerPoint Presentation

    Though there is no official APA format for PowerPoint presentations, the Writing Center has created a basic template that includes formatting suggestions and tips.  Review what the APA Style Blog has to say about presentations here.

    ·  APA Presentation Template



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