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Electronic Health Record Assignment
Electronic Health Record Assignment
Opinion about advantages and disadvantages of Electronic Health Record
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Effect of an electronic medication administration record application on patient safety
Noelia Vicente Oliveros PharmD1 | Teresa Gramage Caro PharmD PhD1 |
Covadonga Pérez Menendez‐Conde PharmD PhD1 | Ana María Álvarez‐Díaz PharmD1 |
Sagrario Martín‐Aragón Álvarez PhD3 | Teresa Bermejo Vicedo PharmD PhD2 |
Eva Delgado Silveira PharmD PhD1
1 Hospital Pharmacist, Hospital Universitario
Ramón y Cajal, Department of Pharmacy,
Madrid, Spain
2 Chief of Pharmacy, Hospital Universitario
Ramón y Cajal, Department of Pharmacy,
Madrid, Spain
3 Professor, Universidad Complutense de
Madrid, School of Pharmacy, Department of
Pharmacology, Madrid, Spain
Noelia Vicente Oliveros, Hospital Universitario
Ramón y Cajal (Department of Pharmacy),
Carretera de Colmenar Viejo km 9,1; 28034
Madrid, Spain.
Rationale, aims, and objectives: To evaluate the effect of an electronic medication admin-
istration record (eMAR) application on the rate of medication errors in medication administration
recording (ME‐MAR).
Methods: A before‐and‐after, quasiexperimental study was conducted in a university hospital
that implemented the eMAR application in March 2014. Data collection was conducted in April
2012 (pre‐) and June 2014 (post‐) by two pharmacists. The ME‐MARs were analysed by the staff
involved to identify their cause. The two pharmacists independently classified the ME‐MARs. In
the case of disagreement, a research team examined the ME‐MARs and categorized them by
consensus. Three classifications were used: A classic medication error taxonomy and 2
technology‐induced error taxonomies.
Results: The pharmacists analysed 2835 (pre‐) and 2621 (post‐) medication administration
records (MAR), respectively. Overall, the ME‐MAR rate decreased from 48.0% (pre‐) to 36.9%
(post‐) (P < .05). The same types of ME‐MAR were observed in both phases except for “MAR with
incomplete information,” which was not observed in the postimplementation phase. In both
phases, the most frequent ME‐MAR was “MAR at the wrong time” (MAR before or after medica-
tion administration) (31.6% vs 30.2%). The main cause of ME‐MARs in both phases was the fail-
ure to follow work procedures. The potential future risk of ME‐MARs significantly decreased
after the eMAR implementation (P < .05). All ME‐MARs were “use errors” because of human
factors. New ME‐MARs (1.24%; n = 12) were observed in the postimplementation phase.
Conclusion: Use of the eMAR application significantly reduces the rate of ME‐MAR and their
potential risk. The main cause of ME‐MAR was the failure to follow work procedures.
clinical safety, evaluation, medical error, medical informatics
More than 15 years have passed since the “To Err Is Human” report
was published and considerable controversy remains on how much
improvement in patient safety has actually been achieved.1 Clearly,
some progress has been made, but improvement is still proceeding at
a glacial pace. Nevertheless, the implementation of healthcare informa-
tion technology (HIT) has provided an opportunity for continuing
improvement.2 A great deal of clinical care involves gathering and syn-
thesizing information. In healthcare systems with increasing patient
complexity and distribution of care, high standards of patient care
can no longer be supported by traditional paper‐based information
Particular emphasis has been placed on the use of HIT to reduce
medication errors.4,5 Advocates of HIT contend that the widespread
use of systems such as Computerized physician order entry (CPOE)
Received: 10 November 2016 Revised: 7 March 2017 Accepted: 8 March 2017
DOI: 10.1111/jep.12753
888 © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J Eval Clin Pract. 2017;23:888–
and electronic medication administration records (eMAR) will improve
the efficacy of care delivery and help meet the challenges of medica-
tion management.6,7 It is now well recognized that HIT innovations
offer many benefits through the improved management of health
information, but it should be taken into account that any new develop-
ments have the potential to introduce new errors and risks in
healthcare delivery.3,8,9 Thus, the unanticipated negative conse-
quences of such systems should be identified. Unfortunately, the
extent of HIT‐associated patient harm is difficult to quantify due to
the lack of empirical data.2
Safety is an emergent system property that needs to be addressed
throughout the lifecycle of HIT systems, including their design, con-
struction, implementation, and use.2,3 In our hospital, an eMAR appli-
cation was developed using continuous usability evaluation. Even so,
it was not possible to predict all possible interactions between the sys-
tem components during the design stage. Safety problems or hazards
tend to emerge from unexpected interactions between system compo-
nents and human users. There is a potential for unsafe interactions
when HIT systems are integrated with local clinical workflows, includ-
ing other technologies and the organizational structure itself. There-
fore patient safety should also be addressed during and after the
implementation of systems, and problems and hazards should be con-
tinuously evaluated and promptly mitigated.2,3
The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of the eMAR
application on patient safety. A before‐and‐after study was conducted
to measure the impact of this application on the medication error rate
in medication administration recording (ME‐MAR) after the implemen-
tation of the eMAR application.
2.1 | Study design
A before‐and‐after, quasiexperimental study was conducted between
2012 and 2014 in a 947‐bed teaching hospital that implemented the
eMAR application. The primary outcome measure was the ME‐MAR
rate before and after the implementation of the eMAR application.
An ME‐MAR was defined as the omission of the medication adminis-
tration record (MAR), the wrong MAR, or a MAR lacking sufficient
information on medication administration.10
2.2 | Setting
A medical and a surgical hospitalization unit was chosen for the
study. Both hospitalization units worked with CPOE and automated
dispensing cabinets. The CPOE software Prescriwin® (Baxter®)
was provided with basic clinical decision support systems (CDSS),
such as drug allergy and drug interaction alerts and drug information
resources, and was integrated with ancillary applications in
pharmacy. Electronic Health Record Assignment
Nurse records in the preimplementation phase:
All nurse records were paper‐based. In the case of MAR, once the
electronically‐assisted prescriptions had been made, the physicians
printed the medical records in which the nurses subsequently docu-
mented the medication administration.
Nurse records in the postimplementation phase:
The nurse records were created using the electronic system
(eMAR) as well as paper records (the remaining nurse records). In the
case of MAR, once the prescriptions had been made, the nurses
directly documented subsequent medication administration in the
eMAR application.
The eMAR application was integrated within the CPOE‐CDSS and
pharmacy validation process, which allowed nurses to acknowledge
orders, document the medications administered to the patient, and to
communicate online with physicians and pharmacists. Moreover, the
eMAR application reminded nurses about medications that were due
for each patient and made the MAR visible to every team member. A
vendor (Baxter®) designed the eMAR application, which was based
on the CPOE‐CDSS application and current paper MARs and installed
on desktop computers. Thus, after the medication administration ward
round, nurses had to return to the centralized nursing station to sign
the medication administration.
The implementation of the eMAR application entailed changes in
hospital procedures and workflow. Among other aspects, the eMAR
application included justifying an omission or change of medication
administration dose, working in real time, and standardizing adminis-
tration times. Before the eMAR was implemented, and once drugs
had been prescribed, a nurse scheduled the doses to specific drug
round times and indicated the drug round at which the first dose had
to be given. After implementation, administration times were
established at the moment of the prescription and the nurses followed
the new schedule.
2.3 | Data collection
Data collection was conducted in April 2012 (pre‐) and June 2014
(post‐). The postimplementation phase started 3 months after imple-
mentation (March 2014).
Two pharmacists directly observed MAR for 14 hours per day
(8:00 am to 10:00 pm) from Monday to Friday, for 4 weeks before
eMAR implementation and afterwards. Before beginning the data col-
lection, two researchers examined a small training set (100 MAR) to
measure their interrater reliability for classifying observations as med-
ication errors (k = 0.75 (95% CI 0.59‐0.901)).11
One of the pharmacists collected data during the morning shift
and the other during the afternoon shift. The pharmacists reviewed
MAR after the medication rounds, 9 am, 12 pm and 1 pm in the morn-
ing shift and 4 pm, 6 pm, and 8 pm in the afternoon shift. Whenever an
ME‐MAR was found, the researchers asked the healthcare staff
involved to discover the cause of the error. Other data included the
hospital unit, characteristics of the patients (sex and age), date, shift,
medication, active substance, Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC)
group, dose, route, time of administration, and a detailed description
of how the error occurred and its impact on the patient. Electronic Health Record Assignment
2.4 | Classification of errors
Each ME‐MAR was classified according to 3 taxonomies: a classic ME
taxonomy in both phases and 2 technology‐induced error taxonomies
for classifying the errors after the implementation of the eMAR appli-
cation (appendix 1).
1. Classic ME taxonomy: ME‐MARs were classified according to the
Ruiz‐Jarabo Group classification, which is an adaptation of the
National Coordinating Council for Medication Error Reporting
and Prevention taxonomy to the Spanish setting.12,13 The conse-
quences of ME‐MARs were rated using the adaptation of the
potential future risk matrix for ME‐MAR previously published by
our group.14
2. Technology‐induced error taxonomy:
• Classification of problems involving information technology15: ME‐
MARs were first divided into those that mainly involved human fac-
tors or technical problems, and then assigned to 1 or more sub-
classes. Human factors were defined as problems related to
human‐HIT interactions. We examined errors in the use of software
(use errors) as well as sociotechnical contextual variables (contrib-
uting factors) that contributed to incidents (eg, training, cognitive
load, and clinical workflow). Regarding technical problems, we
examined and characterized hardware and software issues.
• Classification of clinical errors16: We next sought to examine ME‐
MARs arising from the problems based on their underlying mecha-
nisms. A clinical error was an ME‐MAR with potential conse-
quences for a patient. They were classified into: errors that were
unique to eMAR application (class A), errors more likely with eMAR
(class B), errors more likely to cause harm with eMAR (class C),
errors that did no difference (class D).
The taxonomies were adapted to ME‐MAR by a research group,
which comprised 2 researchers and 3 pharmacists with expertise in
patient safety and management.
2.5 | Data analysis
Sample‐size analysis showed that 5294 observations (half this number
in each phase) would be needed to detect a difference in the ME‐MAR
rate from 15%10 to 12%. The calculation was based on an α of 0.05
and a β of 0.2, taking into account clustering by patient and a mean
of 7 administration doses per patient and shift.
The researchers independently examined the free‐text ME‐MAR
descriptions to classify them and assess their potential risk. They com-
pared their results and in the case of disagreement, the free‐text ME‐
MAR description was examined by the research team and a consensus
category was assigned. If an ME‐MAR was assigned to more than 1
category, the primary category (the one most directly related to poten-
tial consequences) was used in the analysis. Electronic Health Record Assignment
The ME‐MAR rates were calculated and compared by determining
the number of ME‐MARs identified per number of medication doses
prescribed for the preimplementation and postimplementation groups.
The chi‐square test or Fisher’s exact test was used to compare cate-
gorical data. Generalized estimating equation analysis was conducted
to compare error rates between phases, taking into account clustering
by patient. Ordered logit modelling and multinomial logistic regression
were conducted to analyse the differences in the potential future risk
of ME‐MAR between phases, the former for overall differences and
the latter by categories. A P value of <.05 was used as a cutoff for sta-
tistical significance. It was assumed that the implementation of the
eMAR application increased patient safety if the odds ratio (OR) or rel-
ative risk (RR) were less than 1. All statistical analyses were performed
using STATA v.12 software.
2.6 | Ethics
The study was approved by the Hospital’s Clinical Investigation Ethical
A total of 5456 MARs were observed (2835 preimplementation and
2621 postimplementation). Table 1 shows the medications involved
in MARs and the characteristics of the patients who received them.
Significant differences were found between the 2 phases in the medi-
cations involved in MARs. Medications were compared by ATC groups
or by classes of medications (P < .001).
3.1 | Medication errors in medication administration records (ME‐MAR)
Overall, ME‐MAR rates decreased from 48.0% (1362 ME‐MARs) in the
preimplementation phase to 36.9% (967 ME‐MARs) in the
postimplementation phase (P < .05). Electronic Health Record Assignment
3.1.1 | Classic medication error taxonomy
The same types of ME‐MAR were observed, except for “MAR with
incomplete information” and wrong medication, which was only
observed in the preimplementation phase (Table 2).
The most frequent type of ME‐MAR in both phases was “MAR at
the wrong time” (31.6% vs 30.2%). A subanalysis of this type of error
showed that nurses recorded medication administration before medi-
cation was provided significantly more frequently in the
preimplementation phase than in the postimplementation phase
(11.5% vs 6.9% [OR = 0.6, P = .001]). Nevertheless, the nurses
recorded medication administration after administration less fre-
quently in the preimplementation phase than in the
postimplementation phase (20.2% vs 23.2% [OR = 1.2, P = .24]).
The main cause of ME‐MARs in both phases was failure to follow
work procedures (92% [n = 1258] vs 94% [n = 906]).
The potential future risk of ME‐MAR significantly decreased in the
postimplementation phase (OR = 0.6, P = .007). Table 3 shows the ME‐
MARs classified by potential future risk categories.
In both phases, the drugs most frequently associated with ME‐
MAR were in ATC groups: “A: alimentary” (299 [22.0%] vs 226
[23.4%]), “C: cardiovascular” (223 [16.4%] vs 194 [20.1%]), and “N:
Nervous system” (206 [19.5%] vs 155 [16.6%]).
3.1.2 | Technology‐induced error taxonomy
All ME‐MARs were use errors because of human factors (Table 4). No
technical problems were observed. The contributing factors were as
follows: failure to carry out duty (92.8%, n = 897), lapse (3.4%, n = 33),
staffing/training (3.3%, n = 32), and integration with clinical workflow
(0.5%, n = 5). In total, 1.2% (n = 12) of the ME‐MARs were only
observed in the postimplementation phase (class A), 5 of which
(48%) were due to the integration of eMAR application in the CPOE
system. Electronic Health Record Assignment
3.2 | Medical unit
MARs were not recorded in the surgical unit in the
postimplementation phase. A subanalysis was conducted for the med-
ical unit (Appendix 2). A total of 1449 MARs were observed
preimplementation and 2621 postimplementation. Significant
TABLE 1 Characteristics of medication administration records and patients before and after the implementation of the electronic medication administration record application
Characteristics Preimplementation Postimplementation
Medication administration records
Morning_ n°/total n° (%) 1588/2835 (56.0) 1735/2621 (66.2)
Afternoon_ n°/total n° (%) 1247/2835 (44.0) 886/2621 (33.8)
Classification of ATC_n°/total n° (%)
A, Alimentary tract and metabolism 697 (24.6) 662 (25.3)
B, Blood and blood‐forming organs 315 (11.1) 294 (11.2)
C, Cardiovascular system 423 (14.9) 408 (15.6)
D, Dermatologicals 22 (0.8) 27 (1.0)
G, Genito‐urinary system and sex hormones 13 (0.5) 19 (0.7)
H, Systemic hormonal preparations, excluding sex hormones and insulins
49 (1.7) 120 (4.6)
J, Antiinfectives for systemic use 253 (8.9) 161 (6.1)
L, Antineoplastic and immunomodulating agents 4 (0.1) 0
M, Musculo‐skeletal system 89 (3.1) 14 (0.5)
N, Nervous system 670 (23.6) 599 (22.9)
R, Respiratory system 285 (10.1) 271 (10.3)
S, Sensory organs 8 (0.3) 43 (1.6)
V, Various 7 (0.3) 3 (0.1)
Class of medication2
Class 1 (low‐risk medication) 698 (24.6) 693 (26.4)
Class 2 (medium‐risk medication) 1335 (47.1) 1021 (39.0)
Class 3 (high‐risk medication) 802 (28.3) 907 (34.6)
Patients (no.) 409 340
Women no./total no. (%) 214/409 (52.3) 145/340 (42.7)
Age, years (means � SD) 72.5 � 15.9 80.0 � 10.2
Abbreviations: ATC, Anatomical and therapeutic classification. 2See definitions in Appendix S1.
TABLE 2 Types of medication errors in medication administration records
Preimplementation Postimplementation Type of ME‐MAR n° of ME‐MAR (% of doses) OR (p)
Incomplete information 34 (1.2) 0
MAR at the wrong time 897 (31.6) 791 (30.2) 0.9 (0.31)
Omission 387 (13.7) 158 (6.0) 0.4 (0.00)*
Wrong dose 13 (0.5) 12 (0.5) 0.9 (0.83)
Wrong formulation 13 (0.5) 2 (0.1) 0.2 (0.03)*
Wrong medication 1 (0.0) 0
Wrong route 4 (0.1) 1 (0.0) 0.3 (0.24)
Wrong time 13 (0.5) 3 (0.1) 0.2 (0.04)*
Abbreviations: ME‐MAR, medication errors in medication administration records; OR, odds ratio.
*Significant difference (P < .05).
differences were observed between phases in the medications
involved in the MARs phases. Medications were compared by ATC
groups or by classes of medications (P < .001).
The ME‐MAR rate in the medical unit decreased from 41.0% (594
ME‐MARs) to 36.9% (P < .05). The types of ME‐MAR and causes were
similar to that observed in the overall analysis. No significant differ-
ences in potential future risk were observed between the 2 phases
(OR = 0.8, P = .06).
This study evaluated the impact of the implementation of an eMAR
application on patient safety. Although some studies have evaluated
HIT implementation, as far as we know, this study is the first to isolate
the effects of an eMAR application on patient safety. This approach is
justified by the fact eMAR is frequently implemented with other tech-
nologies, such as electronic prescribing systems, and their effects mea-
sured together.7
The implementation of the eMAR application was associated with
a significant decrease in ME‐MARs. However, the percentage of ME‐
MARs were unexpected. The difference between the ME‐MAR rates
and the ones predicted by the pilot study could be explained by the dif-
ferent methodology used.10 The data collection in the pilot study was
conducted the following day of MAR. Thus, the main type of error
MAR at the wrong time (MAR before or after medication administra-
tion) was not detected. Electronic Health Record Assignment
A small decrease in ME‐MARs has been observed after the eMAR
application implementation. Some researchers have already suggested
that HIT contributes very little to the overall rate of MEs.17 In line with
other studies, we also found that the benefit of implanting an eMAR
can be hindered by employee resistance, which may reduce or prevent
the effective use of the technology18 or related work processes that
are not effectively integrated with the eMAR.19 The
postimplementation phase began 3 months after implementation;
however, Munysia et al suggested that it may take more than 1 year
to integrate the use of a new electronic documentation system into
daily work.20 Moreover, the use of HIT improves outcomes over time
and achieves a safer system. Continuous evaluation and improvement
occurs over the dynamic and iterative life cycle of HIT.2. Electronic Health Record Assignment
4.1 | Classic medication error taxonomy
Similar types of errors were detected before and after the implementa-
tion of the eMAR application. The most frequent type of ME‐MAR in
both phases was MAR at the wrong time. In the preimplementation
phase, a large number of medication administrations were recorded
before medication was provided. This behaviour represented a breach
in the organization’s documentation protocol. Thus, some workflow
blocks were intentionally incorporated in the eMAR application to pre-
vent recording before providing medication. In the
postimplementation phase, it was found that although there was a sig-
nificant decrease in MAR before administration, there was an increase
in MAR after administration. We found that the use of the eMAR appli-
cation was of assistance in changing the nurses’ behaviour regarding
documentation; however, before the workflow blocks were intro-
duced, the risk of possible workarounds to intentional blocks had to
be assessed.21,22
It is considered that some aspects of medication administration
documentation, such as the accuracy and quality of information,
improve following eMAR implementation.7,23 In contrast to paper
MAR, eMAR has been associated with easier medication documenta-
tion, and improvements in the reliability of information on medication
dose and time, patient safety, teamwork, and administering medica-
tions in a timely manner.23 Some of these findings are in line with
those of the present study, since MAR with incomplete information
was only observed in the preimplementation phase and “wrong time”
errors significantly decreased. However, no differences were observed
between the 2 phases in MAR omission. Electronic Health Record Assignment
“Wrong medication” error disappeared, but this result was not sig-
nificative. This error was difficult to detect in both phase because our
study only identified the ME‐MAR when they did not match with the
medical prescription. It would be necessary for its detection to observe
the nurse during all the medication administration process.
The main cause of ME‐MAR in both phases was failure to follow
work procedures. The standard procedures are reviewed and evalu-
ated on an ongoing basis by a hospital commission. Nevertheless,
external factors such as distractions, interruptions, time pressure,
noise, and high workload, make their compliance difficult.24-26 It is
important to highlight that the eMAR application implementation
improved accuracy and quality of MAR, but it did not decreased the
external factors mentioned above.
TABLE 3 ME‐MAR classification by potential future risk categories
Preimplementation Postimplementation Potential future risk n° of ME‐MAR (% of doses) RR (P)
Very low 27 (1.0) 3 (0.1) 0.1 (0.00)*
Low 928 (32.7) 759 (29.0) 0.7 (0.00)*
Moderate 325 (11.5) 139 (5.3) 0.4 (0.00)*
High 82 (2.9) 66 (2.5) 0.5 (0.09)*
ME‐MAR: medication errors in medication administration records; RR: Rel- ative Risk;
*Significant difference (P < .05)
TABLE 4 Technology‐induced error taxonomy
Types of ME‐MAR n° of ME‐MAR (% of doses)
Classification of problems involving information technology
Wrong entry 18 (1.9)
Partial entry 1 (0.1)
Did not enter 157 (16.2)
Workaround 791 (81.8)
Classification of clinical errors
A: Unique to eMAR application 12 (1.2)
B: More likely with eMAR application 649 (67.1)
D: No difference with eMAR application 306 (31.6)
Abbreviations: ME‐MAR, medication errors in medication administration records; eMAR, electronic medication administration record. Electronic Health Record Assignment
The classic ME taxonomy allows to classify the severity of MEs
that do not reach the patient as ME‐MAR.13 Before the incorporation
of “potential future risk,” the severity of the MEs was graded according
to the actual impact on the patient. ME‐MAR do not necessarily harm
the patient, but which could create the conditions to make them more
likely to occur.24,27
Overall, there was a significant decrease in potential future risk,
which suggests that an eMAR application can improve patient safety.
However, this assumption should be taken with caution because dif-
ferent factors could have influenced the results. For example, MARs
were only reviewed in the medical unit during the postimplementation
phase and significant differences were found between phases in the
medications involved. Electronic Health Record Assignment
4.2 | Technology‐induced error taxonomy
A search of the literature failed to find any specific classification for
eMAR‐induced errors. Thus, we chose 2 HIT‐induced error taxon-
omies15,16 to analyse ME‐MAR in the postimplementation phase.
All ME‐MARs were classified as human‐machine interaction errors
according to Magrabi classification.15 This result is in complete con-
trast to the findings of a study that used this classification28 and to
those of Magrabi et al, who suggested that 92% of the errors were
due to technical problems.29 Two aspects may explain this difference:
technical problems can be reduced by designing out error‐prone fea-
tures at the software users’ interface15; the eMAR application evalu-
ated was developed using a continuous usability evaluation, which
involved different healthcare professionals. Usability evaluation is 1
way of ensuring that HITs are adapted to the users and their tasks
and that they have a usable design.30,31
Magrabi classification15 allows the introduction of new categories
to account for problems in new scenarios; thus, two new categories
were added for errors involving human factors: workaround (use error)
and lapse (contributing factor). Most of the ME‐MARs were classified
as workaround. It was found that nurses overrode safety workflow
blocks intentionally introduced in the eMAR by working around the
block to prevent recording before providing the patient with medica-
tion. Vogelsmeir et al justified such workrounds on the ground that
nurses viewed blocks as cumbersome and time‐consuming.21 The next
most frequent error was the omission error “did not enter.” Medication
administration requires a high level of concentration and distances
between the patient’s bed and the centralized nursing station can
expose nurses to interruptions. Subsequently, they may forget to sign
the medication charts.19,32 Some recommendations for mitigating both
these errors include the implementation of a device at the patient’s
bedside, such as a desktop computer with or without a bar‐code
technology, or a wireless technology coupled to portable handheld
devices. These devices would make the MAR process easier and would
provide the nurses with real‐time MAR at the bedside; consequently,
the workaround and did not enter error rate may decrease. Electronic Health Record Assignment
The main contributing factor was failure to carry out duty. The
failure to follow standard operating procedures was included in this
category. The implementation of a new eMAR application that changes
the normal workflow highlights the need to develop strategies that
support and accelerate the integration of the new documentation
practice into the nurses’ routine activities and the need to train the staff
to promote user acceptance, good usability, and proficiency.3,20,33,34
According to the clinical error classification used,16 the majority of
the ME‐MARs found were the same as those found with the use of
paper records. However, more than a half were more likely to occur
with the eMAR application and a small percentage appeared after the
implementation of the eMAR application. As mentioned, MAR after
medication administration was more likely with the eMAR application
because of the workflow blocks introduced. Moreover, MAR omission
could also be induced by nurse records being entered both electroni-
cally and on paper,35 as was the case in the postimplementation phase.
Using a single system for health records enhances patient safety and
the coordination of care and has the potential to significantly improve
information sharing across the continuum of care.3
Although the percentage of errors unique to the eMAR
applicitaion was small, it is an important point to take into account.
Almost half of the ME‐MARs which occurred with the use of eMAR
application were due to the integration of the eMAR application in
the CPOE system. Doctors prescribed incorrectly without noticing that
the eMAR application was working in real time, and there was a stan-
dardization of administration times. This incorrect prescription
affected directly to eMAR, nurses could not record medication admin-
istration. Moreover, new MAR omission appeared because nurses for-
got to check medical prescription before medication ward rounds. We
believe that these errors would disappear with a training tailored to the
needs of doctors and nurses. The knowledge and skills of users are fun-
damental to safe use of HIT.3
4.3 | Strengths and limitations
We are aware that these findings cannot be completely extrapolated
to other settings, mainly because of the particular characteristics of
our application. Nevertheless, the strengths of the study reside in its
design: the impact of the eMAR application on patient safety was eval-
uated; the study included experts skilled in the detection of medication
errors; and 3 classifications were used to classify errors.
However, a long period passed between the 2 phases, and thus, it
cannot be ensured that the ME‐MARs were only due to the introduc-
tion of the application. The time of data collection was dictated by the
implementation of the eMAR, which experienced several delays. When
the study finished, eMAR application had not been implemented yet in
the surgical unit. Thus, during the postimplementation phase, the data
were only collected in the medical unit. A subanalysis of the medical
unit was conducted to diminish any possible effect. Electronic Health Record Assignment
The use of an eMAR application significantly reduces the rate of med-
ication administration recording errors and their potential risk. The
main cause of ME‐MAR was failure to follow work procedures. Thus,
new strategies should be developed to integrate the use of an eMAR
application into nurses’ daily schedule and to improve working
The authors wish to thank Dr. Alfonso Muriel García, biostatistician
from Hospital Ramón y Cajal, for his contribution in the study design
and data analysis.
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How to cite this article: Vicente Oliveros N, Gramage Caro T,
Pérez Menendez‐Conde C, et al. Effect of an electronic medi-
cation administration record application on patient safety. J
Eval Clin Pract. 2017;23:888–894.
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