Ethical Standards for Social Workers

Ethical Standards for Social Workers

Ethical Standards for Social Workers

Place yourself in the role of supervisor. Using this supervisory lens, discuss, apply and synthesize what the current scholarly social work literature says about all of following content areas. Use the first person to write this paper -this is acceptable in APA format for this type of paper. Subheadings are required to organize the content. (ex. Definition, Concerns in the Supervisory Relationship, Concerns in Practice with Clients, Prevention and Management, Ethical Standards, Values Reflection). These are all main sections and would be considered first level headings per APA. Ethical Standards for Social Workers


  1. Define the term dual relationships.
  2. Identify and discuss the concerns related to dual relationships in the supervisory relationship. Address concerns related to the ethical use of technology in supervisory practice. Provide specific examples.
  3. Identify and discuss the concerns related to dual relationships in practice with clients. Address any concerns related to the ethical use of technology in practice with clients. Provide specific examples.
  4. As a supervisor, what can you do to prevent these concerns? If prevention is not possible or unsuccessful, what can you do manage the situation? What are the recommended supervisory practices (e.g. ethical decision-making models, frameworks and theories) for maintaining professionalism within the supervisory relationship and how might you use these practices? How can you apply practices supported by the literature to assist your supervisees in maintaining professionalism with their clients? Be specific.
  5. What relevant standards from the 2017 Code of Ethics apply to this discussion? Describe how you would apply at least three of these standards when making decisions in your supervisory practice. How will you use these standards to guide your professional judgment and behavior when providing supervision to others? Provide specific examples. Include applicable standards addressing the areas of dual relationships, social work supervision, and technology. Please do not retype the whole standard in the paper, just mention and cite it. Make sure to explain in your own words why these are relevant standards and how you would apply then in supervisory practice.
  6. Reflect on your personal values and the alignment with social work values as described in the 2017 NASW Code of Ethics (ex. service, social justice, dignity and worth of the person, importance of human relationships, integrity, competence). Explain in detail how your personal and professional values will assist you in maintaining your professionalism in social work practice, as a supervisor, and as a participant on an inter-professional team (in other words, with team members who are not social workers). Describe how you would limit the influence of personal values that may be incongruent with social work values.

This 8-10-page paper requires a minimum of six scholarly sources that address the social work profession. At least three of these sources must be different from the articles assigned for reading in the course. Scholarly writing in the School of Social Work requires the accurate use of APA 6th Edition. Students must use Times New Roman 12-point font. An abstract is not required for this assignment. Ethical Standards for Social Workers

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    Signature Assignment SWK 610: Applying Ethical Standards in Supervision Paper

    Competency 1: Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior


    Advanced generalist social workers are intentionally mindful of and integrate social work core values, ethical standards, and relevant laws and regulations in practice at all levels. Advanced generalist social workers critically select apply a variety of ethical decision-making models and frameworks that are appropriate to situation and context in practice, research, and policy arenas. Advanced generalist social workers are mindful of the impact of personal values on practice and utilize critical thinking and reflection to distinguish between personal and professional values to limit, when necessary, cases where their personal experiences and affective reactions exert undue influence their professional judgment and behavior. Advanced general social workers are mindful of and demonstrate respect for the profession’s history, its mission, and the roles and responsibilities of the profession and educate others about them while respecting and valuing the roles of other professions when engaged in inter-professional teams. Advanced generalist social workers commit to life-long learning and continually update their skills to ensure they are relevant and effective. Advanced generalist social workers also strive to learn and integrate emerging forms of technology for social work practice while adhering to the profession’s guidelines for ethical technology use. Advanced generalist social workers:

    · integrate social work core values, ethical standards, and relevant laws and regulations into practice at all practice levels;

    · utilize critical thinking to select and apply ethical decision-making models and frameworks that are appropriate to situation and context;

    · distinguish between personal and professional values to limit the influence of personal values that may be incongruent with social work values in all practice situations;

    · carry out the roles and responsibilities of the profession professionally and respectfully as participants in inter-professional teams;

    · learn and integrate emerging forms of technology in practice while adhering to the profession’s guidelines for ethical technology use; and

    · distinguish and articulate various ethical standards, models, and theories related to the use of supervision and consultation. Ethical Standards for Social Workers

    Competency # 1 Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior



    Criteria 18-20 Points

    Capstone (A)

    16-17 Points

    Benchmark (B)

    14-15 Points

    Emerging Skill (C)

    0-13 Points

    Not Competent (D/F)




    Title page (1 pts.)

    running head (1 pts.)

    page numbers (1 pts.)

    references page (6 pts.)

    in text citations (6 pts.)

    section headings (3 pts.)

    font (12pt Times New Roman) (1 pt.)

    margins and spacing (1 pt.)

    Successfully demonstrates mastery of 18-20 points of the criteria. Successfully demonstrates 16-17 points of the criteria. Demonstrates only 14-15 points of the criteria. Did not meet criteria. (0-13 points) Score this section:



    Criteria 27-30 Points

    Capstone (A)

    24-26 Points

    Benchmark (B)

    21-23 Points

    Emerging Skill (C)

    0-20 Points

    Not Competent (D/F)


    Spelling (3 pts.)

    grammar (5 pts.)

    word usage (5 pts.)

    page length (2 pts.)

    sentence structure (6 pts.)

    punctuation (5 pts.)

    appropriate sources (4 pts.)

    Successfully demonstrates mastery of 27-30 points of the criteria. Successfully demonstrates 24-26 points of the criteria. Demonstrates only 21-23 points of the criteria. Did not meet criteria. (0-20 points) Score this section:



    (Dimensions Measured)

    108-120 Points

    Capstone (A)

    96-107 Points

    Benchmark (B)

    84-95 Points

    Emerging Skill (C)

    0-83 Points

    Not Competent (D/F)



    · Knowledge


    Student provides a very detailed definition of the term dual relationships. (9-10 pts.)







    Student provides a definition of the term dual relationships that is lacking in detail. (8 pts.)


    Student provides a very basic definition of the term dual relationships. (7 pts.)


    Student does not provide a definition of the term dual relationships. (0-6 pts.)


    Score this section:





      Student provides a very clear and thorough discussion of the concerns related to dual relationships in the supervisory relationship that includes the use of technology and provides specific examples supported by relevant scholarly literature. (18-20 pts.)



    Student provides an above average discussion of the concerns related to dual relationships in the supervisory relationship that includes the use of technology and provides specific examples supported by relevant scholarly literature; however, this information is lacking detail in at least one area. (16-17 pts.)


    Student provides a very brief or basic discussion of the concerns related to dual relationships in the supervisory relationship that is missing significant detail in one or more areas or is not well supported by relevant scholarly literature. (14-15 pts.)


    Student provides an inadequate discussion of the concerns related to dual relationships in the supervisory relationship. (0-13 pts.)


    Score this section:


      Student provides a very clear and thorough discussion of the concerns related to dual relationships in practice with clients that includes the use of technology and provides specific examples supported by relevant scholarly literature. (18-20 pts.)


    Student provides an above average discussion of the concerns related to dual relationships in practice with clients that includes the use of technology, provides specific examples and is supported by relevant scholarly literature; however, this information is lacking detail in at least one area. (16-17 pts.)


    Student provides a very brief or basic discussion of the concerns related to dual relationships in practice with clients that is missing significant detail in one or more areas or is not well supported by relevant scholarly literature. (14-15 pts.)


    Student provides an inadequate discussion of the concerns related to dual relationships in practice with clients. (0-13 pts.)


    Score this section:


      Student provides a very clear and thorough discussion about how to prevent, address and manage concerns for dual relationships in the supervisory relationship and in the supervisees’ practice with clients. The discussion gives examples of how to apply recommended practices (e.g. ethical decision-making models, frameworks and theories) in supervision and is supported by relevant scholarly literature. (27-30 pts.)


    Student provides an above average discussion about how to prevent, address and manage concerns for dual relationships in the supervisory relationship and in the supervisees’ practice with clients. The discussion gives examples of how to apply recommended supervision practices (e.g. ethical decision-making models, frameworks and theories) and is supported by relevant scholarly literature. The information provided is lacking detail in at least one area. (24-26 pts.)


    Student provides a basic discussion about how to prevent, address and manage concerns for dual relationships in the supervisory relationship and in the supervisees’ practice with clients. The discussion gives examples of how to apply recommended supervision practices (e.g. ethical decision-making models, frameworks and theories). The information provided is lacking detail in more than one area or is not well supported by relevant scholarly literature. (21-23 pts.)


    Student provides an inadequate discussion about how to prevent, address and manage concerns for dual relationships in the supervisory relationship and in the supervisees’ practice with clients. Significant detail is missing in more than one area or examples of how to apply recommended supervision practices (e.g. ethical decision-making models, frameworks and theories) are not present. (0-20 pts.)


    Score this section:


      Student cites at least three relevant NASW Code of Ethics standards and provides a thorough and clear description of how they will use these standards when providing supervision to others. The discussion includes specific examples. (36-40 pts.)


    Student cites at least three relevant NASW Code of Ethics standards and provides an above average description of how they will use these standards when providing supervision to others. The discussion includes specific examples, however, the information provided is lacking some detail. (32-35 pts.)


    Student cites fewer than three relevant NASW Code of Ethics standards OR provides a minimal description of how they will use these standards when providing supervision to others. The discussion includes specific examples, however, the information provided is lacking significant detail. (28-31 pts.)


    Student does not cite relevant NASW Code of Ethics standards OR provides an inadequate description of how they will use these standards when providing supervision to others that does not include examples. (0-27 pts.)


    Score this section:


      Total Dimension One Score:

    (round decimals up)

    Criteria 27-30 Points

    Capstone (A)

    24-26 Points

    Benchmark (B)

    21-23 Points

    Emerging Skill (C)

    0-20 Points

    Not Competent (D/F)



    · Values


    Student provides a thorough and introspective reflection about their personal values and the alignment with professional social work values as described in the 2017 NASW Code of Ethics. Student explains in detail how these values will contribute to their professionalism in social work practice, as a supervisor, and as a participant on an inter-professional team (in other words, with team members who are not social workers). Student also describes how they would limit the influence of personal values that may be incongruent with social work values.



    Student provides a meaningful reflection about their personal values and the alignment with professional social work values as described in the 2017 NASW Code of Ethics. Student explains how these values will contribute to their professionalism in social work practice, as a supervisor, and as a participant on an inter-professional team (in other words, with team members who are not social workers). Student also describes how they would limit the influence of personal values that may be incongruent with social work values, however, this entire discussion is lacking in detail.


    Student provides a basic reflection about their personal values and the alignment with professional social work values as described in the 2017 NASW Code of Ethics. Student explains how these values will contribute to their professionalism in social work practice, as a supervisor, and as a participant on an inter-professional team (in other words, with team members who are not social workers). Student also describes how they would limit the influence of personal values that may be incongruent with social work values, however, this entire discussion is significantly lacking in detail.


    Student provides an inadequate reflection about their personal and professional values or does not provide any reflection or does not explain how these values will contribute to their professionalism in social work practice, as a supervisor, and as a participant on an inter-professional team (in other words, with team members who are not social workers). Discussion of how they would limit the influence of personal values that may be incongruent with social work values is also missing. Score this section:


      Total Dimension Two Score:

    (round decimals up)


    (total of sub-scores)


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