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Field Practicum Assignment Paper
Field Practicum Assignment Paper
Please follow the instructor carefully.
Capstone Paper (Signature Assignment)
•This section contains information about the Capstone Paper and Presentation.
•Students should read and review the attached guidelines and rubrics for a better understanding of the requirements. •
•The capstone paper will serve as a valuable tool for the self-assessment of students’ competency level across the eight domains of the core competencies for Public Health Professionals. • •Students can use this as an opportunity to develop a learning plan and choosing learning opportunities that will help them reach their goals and meet the requirements for continuing competence in their occupation or discipline.
The Capstone Paper will serve as a valuable tool for self-assessment of students’ competency levels across the eight domains of the core competencies for Public Health Professionals .
Students can refer to the attached rubric and sample capstone paper for further guidance on the requirements. Field Practicum Assignment Paper
COH 499: PUBLIC HEALTH FIELD PRACTICUM Capstone Project: Public Health Competencies Paper
Signature Assignment
1 Revised and Adopted by the Council on Linkages Between Academia and Public Health Practice: June 26, 2014, Available from:
SAMPLE PAPER – Shared with Student Permission
Student Name
National University
COH 499 Capstone
Capstone Project: Public Health Competencies Paper (Continued)
Analytical/Assessment Skills (Domain 1) Self-Perceived Proficiency 1 = None I am unaware or have very little knowledge of the skill 2 = Aware I have heard of, but have limited knowledge or ability to apply the skill 3 = Knowledgeable I am comfortable with my knowledge or ability to apply the skill 4 = Proficient I am very comfortable, am an expert, or could teach this skill to others Tier 1 Competencies: To what degree are you able to effectively…
1. Describe factors affecting the health of a community (e.g., equity, income, education, environment)
2. Identify quantitative and qualitative data and information (e.g., vital statistics, electronic health records, transportation patterns, unemployment rates, community input, health equity impact assessments) that can be used for assessing the health of a community
3. Apply ethical principles in accessing, collecting, analyzing, using, maintaining, and disseminating data and information
4. Use information technology in accessing, collecting, analyzing, using, maintaining, and disseminating data and information
5. Select valid and reliable data 6. Select comparable data (e.g., data being age-adjusted to the same year, data variables
across datasets having similar definitions). 7. Identify gaps in data 8. Collect valid and reliable quantitative and qualitative data 9. Describe public health applications of quantitative and qualitative data 10. Use quantitative and qualitative data 11. Describe assets and resources that can be used for improving the health of a community
(e.g., Boys & Girls Clubs, public libraries, hospitals, faith-based organizations, academic institutions, federal grants, fellowship programs)
12. Contribute to assessments of community health status and factors influencing health in a community (e.g., quality, availability, accessibility, and use of health services; access to affordable housing)
13. Explain how community health assessments use information about health status, factors influencing health, and assets and resources
14. Describe how evidence (e.g., data, findings reported in peer-reviewed literature) is used in decision making
Evidence of Proficiency: A course that added to my proficiency in this domain was Epidemiology. In this course we reviewed and analyzed case studies that have had a significant impact on Public Health. These case studies provided me with knowledge on how to identify, use, collect and compare qualitative and quantitative data from research. The two case studies on Cigarette Smoking and Lung Cancer, are a great example of how epidemiological evidence was used in decisions made to change tobacco laws. This particular case study assignment gave me a more in depth knowledge and understanding of attributable risk, population attributable risk, mortality and rate ratio’s and how to use these calculations in comparing data sets. Further application of my knowledge in this domain came from an assignment from my COH 401 course on Health Promotion Concepts. I did a research paper on HIV/AIDS Community Based Programs. Faith Based Organizations are one avenue that is useful in improving health in a community. For this assignment, I researched an organization called Project F.A.I.T.H. It was an initiative of the South Carolina HIV/AIDS Council (SCHAC). It was developed primarily
Capstone Project: Public Health Competencies Paper (Continued)
to support African American churches, and other faith-based organizations (FBO’s), in developing and implementing locally grown and independent HIV/AIDS interventions for their congregants and local communities. Even after external funding was discontinued, these local programs continued to thrive. Evidence from these types of community organizations suggests they are a valuable community asset. Proficiency Improvement:
To become more proficient in this domain, I will need to become more familiar with information systems that are used in accessing, collecting, analyzing, using and maintaining data. I understand how to use the analyzed data, but need to learn how to use the technology and interpret the data graphs. In my biostatistics class we used a program for this but it was an area I struggled with. To gain further proficiency in using these programs, I will be taking future courses in biostatistics while pursuing my MPH. I plan to take this class on campus verses online to have a more interactive learning experience with the programs. To continue gaining understanding of data analyzes and how it impacts public health, I plan to seek tutoring services while pursuing my MPH. This will help me with interpreting the graphed data. Field Practicum Assignment Paper
Capstone Project: Public Health Competencies Paper (Continued)
Policy Development/Program Planning Skills (Domain 2)
Self-Perceived Proficiency 1 = None I am unaware or have very little knowledge of the skill 2 = Aware I have heard of, but have limited knowledge or ability to apply the skill 3 = Knowledgeable I am comfortable with my knowledge or ability to apply the skill 4 = Proficient I am very comfortable, am an expert, or could teach this skill to others
Tier 1 Competencies: To what degree are you able to effectively…
1. Contribute to state/Tribal/community health improvement planning (e.g., providing data to supplement community health assessments, communicating observations from work in the field)
2. Contribute to development of program goals and objectives 3. Describe organizational strategic plan (e.g., includes measurable objectives and targets;
relationship to community health improvement plan, workforce development plan, quality improvement plan, and other plans)
4. Contribute to implementation of organizational strategic plan 5. Identify current trends (e.g., health, fiscal, social, political, environmental) affecting the
health of a community 6. Gather information that can inform options for policies, programs, and services (e.g.,
secondhand smoking policies, data use policies, HR policies, immunization programs, food safety programs)
7. Describe implications of policies, programs, and services 8. Implement policies, programs, and services 9. Explain the importance of evaluations for improving policies, programs, and services 10. Gather information for evaluating policies, programs, and services (e.g., outputs,
outcomes, processes, procedures, return on investment) 11. Apply strategies for continuous quality improvement 12. Describe how public health informatics is used in developing, implementing, evaluating,
and improving policies, programs, and services (e.g., integrated data systems, electronic reporting, knowledge management systems, geographic information systems)
Evidence of Proficiency: One of the biggest influences that has added to my proficiency in this domain has been the volunteer work I have done with the American Lung Association (ALA). My evidence of proficiency in this domain include two separate projects I have worked. One of the projects I just finished was collecting surveyed information from businesses that have a permit to sell tobacco. This project was in collaboration with the County of San Diego through the Live Well San Diego initiative. This campaign is titled, Healthy Stores for a Healthy Community. The goal is to assess the availability and marketing of tobacco products, condoms, alcohol and food products. I attended a training and worked in the field collecting these surveys. I then followed up with the program lead communicating observations. Gathering information like this has had a huge impact on policy changes. Recently, the advocacy work done by organizations like the ALA has led to a change of the legal age to purchase tobacco products from 18 to 21. My second evidence of proficiency comes from the information I have learned from working with ALA. I have gained the knowledge from attending meetings and assisting on projects. I have contributed to implementation of program planning by helping prepare for a forum being help next month. I have contacted law makers and gathered information to put together education packets.
Capstone Project: Public Health Competencies Paper (Continued)
Proficiency Improvement: I will continue to gain proficiency in this domain by staying on at the ALA as an advocacy intern. I plan to continue working with them while pursuing my MPH. One thing I will be working on will be attending and assisting in a forum held by the Tobacco Control Coalition. This forum will help me gain understanding in the importance of evaluating policies and programs after they have been implemented. Some further work we will be doing at the ALA will involve learning how the current trend of vaping is affecting the health of our community. There is current evidence suggesting there are social and environmental implications on health especially in the 16-24 age group. Future projects are planned to advocate for change on vaping laws. This will add proficiency in contributing to the implementation of strategic planning. Field Practicum Assignment Paper
Capstone Project: Public Health Competencies Paper (Continued)
Communication Skills (Domain 3)
Self-Perceived Proficiency 1 = None I am unaware or have very little knowledge of the skill 2 = Aware I have heard of, but have limited knowledge or ability to apply the skill 3 = Knowledgeable I am comfortable with my knowledge or ability to apply the skill 4 = Proficient I am very comfortable, am an expert, or could teach this skill to others
Tier 1 Competencies: To what degree are you able to effectively…
1. Identify the literacy of populations served (e.g., ability to obtain, interpret, and use health and other information; social media literacy)
2. Communicate in writing and orally with linguistic and cultural proficiency (e.g., using age- appropriate materials, incorporating images)
3. Solicit input from individuals and organizations (e.g., chambers of commerce, religious organizations, schools, social service organizations, hospitals, government, community- based organizations, various populations served) for improving the health of a community
4. Suggest approaches for disseminating public health data and information (e.g., social media, newspapers, newsletters, journals, town hall meetings, libraries, neighborhood gatherings)
5. Convey data and information to professionals and the public using a variety of approaches (e.g., reports, presentations, email, letters)
6. Communicate information to influence behavior and improve health (e.g., use social marketing methods, consider behavioral theories such as the Health Belief Model or Stages of Change Model)
7. Facilitate communication among individuals, groups, and organizations 8. Describe the roles of governmental public health, health care, and other partners in
improving the health of a community Evidence of Proficiency: Some of my knowledge for this domain was obtained from my COH Strategies and Tactics class. Part of this class focused on types of communication including social marketing, print materials and presentations. Another course that added to my knowledge was COH Health Behavior. This class taught me how to communicate information to influence behavior and improve health. I obtained proficiency from a power point presentation for this class. It was on using the Transtheoretical Model: Stages of Change as a tool for influencing a health behavior change associated with alcohol abuse among college students. I also added to my proficiency in this domain from research done on Lead Paint laws. This assignment was for my PH Communications and Advocacy class. I learned the roles that government plays on improving the public’s health. The Lead Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act (LBPPA) was enacted in congress in 1971. In subsequent years it was amended and other associated laws were passed at the state level. Several governmental organizations were involved in bringing about these changes. They include; Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, Consumer Product Safety Commission, and the Center for Disease Control. It remains necessary for federal, state and local legislation to continue working together to lower rates of exposure. Field Practicum Assignment Paper
Capstone Project: Public Health Competencies Paper (Continued)
Proficiency Improvement: To further my development in this domain, I can keep up with current events in public health by attending city council meetings. I learned from my experience in my advocacy class the importance of these meetings. I will also continue growing by attending and helping with the Tobacco Control Coalition meetings and my work with ALA. I will also attend the TCC Multi Unit Housing Prevention meeting and take an online course on Smoke Free Housing.
Capstone Project: Public Health Competencies Paper (Continued)
Cultural Competency Skills (Domain 4)
Self-Perceived Proficiency 1 = None I am unaware or have very little knowledge of the skill 2 = Aware I have heard of, but have limited knowledge or ability to apply the skill 3 = Knowledgeable I am comfortable with my knowledge or ability to apply the skill 4 = Proficient I am very comfortable, am an expert, or could teach this skill to others
Tier 1 Competencies: To what degree are you able to effectively…
1. Describe the concept of diversity as it applies to individuals and populations (e.g., language, culture, values, socioeconomic status, geography, education, race, gender, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, profession, religious affiliation, mental and physical abilities, historical experiences)
2. Describe the diversity of individuals and populations in a community 3. Describe the ways diversity may influence policies, programs, services, and the health of
a community 4. Recognize the contribution of diverse perspectives in developing, implementing, and
evaluating policies, programs, and services that affect the health of a community 5. Address the diversity of individuals and populations when implementing policies,
programs, and services that affect the health of a community 6. Describe the effects of policies, programs, and services on different populations in a
community 7. Describe the value of a diverse public health workforce
Evidence of Proficiency: Culture can be a powerful determinant of a person’s health status and belief system. Understanding a cultures diversity is needed to see how it shapes their health beliefs and practices. Health professionals who want to be culturally competent in serving their clients, need to increase their knowledge about the cultures they serve. They should also take time to learn about the individual backgrounds and experiences of each client in order to develop effective working relationships with them. Many cultures have subcultures within them and it is important to know the differences. A research paper I did for a PH Culture and Health class, provides evidence of this proficiency. The report is on Arab Americans and mental health. Within the Arab American culture there are several subcultures. In regards to their mental health, most have a similar viewpoint that any metal or emotional concern should be addressed to church leaders or heads of family. So many will not seek the help they need. Most also have stresses related to acculturation into Western society and stereotypes associated with 9/11. Much of these stressors have led to anxiety, depression and PTSD. In order to help individuals in this culture, it is necessary to have members of their community involved on the workforce to bring awareness and offer support programs. To further support my proficiency level, I am including an assignment from the same PH Culture and Health class. This assignment involves an Arab American struggling with mental health issues. It highlights the impact language can have on person in seeking healthcare. Often there are not many language translators available and proper help gets lost in translation. In order for the individual discussed in the assignment to get proper help, a member of his community who spoke the language and was in an authoritative position to assist.
Capstone Project: Public Health Competencies Paper (Continued)
Proficiency Improvement: To gain a higher level of proficiency in this domain, I would need to learn and understand more of how diversity may influence policy changes and how these policy changes are implemented. I can learn this by continuing my education and by researching and learning about different cultures within my own community. In order to stay culturally competent, I will need to submerge myself within these cultures. I can do this through volunteer work with non-profit organizations in my community. Field Practicum Assignment Paper
Capstone Project: Public Health Competencies Paper (Continued)
Community Dimensions of Practice Skills (Domain 5)
Self-Perceived Proficiency 1 = None I am unaware or have very little knowledge of the skill 2 = Aware I have heard of, but have limited knowledge or ability to apply the skill 3 = Knowledgeable I am comfortable with my knowledge or ability to apply the skill 4 = Proficient I am very comfortable, am an expert, or could teach this skill to others Tier 1 Competencies: To what degree are you able to effectively…
1. Describe the programs and services provided by governmental and non-governmental organizations to improve the health of a community
2. Recognize relationships that are affecting health in a community (e.g., relationships among health departments, hospitals, community health centers, primary care providers, schools, community-based organizations, and other types of organizations)
3. Suggest relationships that may be needed to improve health in a community 4. Support relationships that improve health in a community 5. Collaborate with community partners to improve health in a community (e.g., participate
in committees, share data and information, connect people to resources) 6. Engage community members (e.g., focus groups, talking circles, formal meetings, key
informant interviews) to improve health in a community 7. Provide input for developing, implementing, evaluating, and improving policies,
programs, and services 8. Use assets and resources (e.g., Boys & Girls Clubs, public libraries, hospitals, faith-
based organizations, academic institutions, federal grants, fellowship programs) to improve health in a community
9. Inform the public about policies, programs, and resources that improve health in a community
10. Describe the importance of community-based participatory research Evidence of Proficiency: Programs and services provided by governmental and non-governmental organizations and what they did, were part of the learning outcomes for the Ecology of Public Health course. For example, an interesting fact I learned in this course, the American Nursing Association (ANA) created the competencies for Public Health administrators and managers. This is an example of how collaborative organizational relationships work together in creating a healthy community. Another course that helped me achieve these competencies was PH Program Planning and Evaluation. My two forms of evidence come from assignments in this class. I created a Health Promotion Program Proposal. The topic was mental health illness in Arab American teens and young adults. The program focus was on raising awareness and education of mental health basics and cultural awareness. I engaged the community by doing a key informant interview, my second form of evidence. I interviewed a student leader who was part of an organization called Breaking Down the Walls. The input provided by the student helped me determine unmet needs in the community. Programs that encourage inter-community relationships among peer groups and that help lessen the cultural gap will help in raising mental health awareness. This can provide for an easier acculturation for teens and young adults in the Arab American community. In turn, lowering the rates of mental health challenges. This suggest that peer relationship is needed for collaborative program planning and community support. Field Practicum Assignment Paper
Capstone Project: Public Health Competencies Paper (Continued)
A third form of evidence in my proficiency is from a research paper I did in my HP Strategies and Tactics class. This class also provided insight into different governmental programs and their functions. The paper was on American Indians and Type 2 Diabetes. This disease is a serious public health problem that disproportionately affects American Indians. In response to this concern, Indian Health Services established the Special Diabetes Program for Indians Diabetes Prevention Program (SDPI-DP). Quantitative data analysis collected from this program offered insight on several perceived barriers. This allowed them to identify individual needs and provide education for participants. Many providers and communities are now exploring novel and collaborative partnerships to focus on diabetes interventions. Community-based participatory research (CBPR) emphasizes collaboration between professional researchers and lay community members. Another CBPR, Family Education Diabetes Series (FEDS), involves elders in an American Indian community along with healthcare providers and researchers. Results of the study found value in relationships between providers and community organizations. The study was very successful at bringing about the desired behavior change. Proficiency Improvement: Though I feel this is my strongest area of proficiency, there is always room for growth. To have a stronger level 4 proficiency, I would need to learn more of the programs available. I do know where to find them for specific areas but need to have the knowledge without looking it up. I will also strengthen my goals by continuing my education and moving into tier 2 competencies. Field Practicum Assignment Paper
Capstone Project: Public Health Competencies Paper (Continued)
Public Health Sciences Skills (Domain 6)
Self-Perceived Proficiency 1 = None I am unaware or have very little knowledge of the skill 2 = Aware I have heard of, but have limited knowledge or ability to apply the skill 3 = Knowledgeable I am comfortable with my knowledge or ability to apply the skill 4 = Proficient I am very comfortable, am an expert, or could teach this skill to others Tier 1 Competencies: To what degree are you able to effectively…
1. Describe the scientific foundation of the field of public health 2. Identify prominent events in the history of public health (e.g., smallpox eradication,
development of vaccinations, infectious disease control, safe drinking water, emphasis on hygiene and hand washing, access to health care for people with disabilities)
3. Describe how public health sciences (e.g., biostatistics, epidemiology, environmental health sciences, health services administration, social and behavioral sciences, and public health informatics) are used in the delivery of the 10 Essential Public Health Services
4. Retrieve evidence (e.g., research findings, case reports, community surveys) from print and electronic sources (e.g., PubMed, Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, The World Health Report) to support decision making. Field Practicum Assignment Paper
5. Recognize limitations of evidence (e.g., validity, reliability, sample size, bias, generalizability)
6. Describe evidence used in developing, implementing, evaluating, and improving policies, programs, and services
7. Describe the laws, regulations, policies, and procedures for the ethical conduct of research (e.g., patient confidentiality, protection of human subjects, Americans with Disabilities Act)
8. Contribute to the public health evidence base (e.g., participating in Public Health Practice-Based Research Networks, community-based participatory research, and academic health departments; authoring articles; making data available to researchers)
9. Suggest partnerships that may increase use of evidence in public health practice (e.g., between practice and academic organizations, with health sciences libraries)
Evidence of Proficiency: Public health can be thought of as ‘the science of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through an organized community effort’. Much of the knowledge I have gained in this domain has come from a building upon each Public Health science class including; biostatistics, epidemiology, environmental health, social and behavioral sciences, and public health informatics. Further focus came from courses like The Ecology of Public Health. Ancient cultures perceived illness as a manifestation of supernatural forces. But with the Age of Reason and Enlightenment combined with dense populations, rose a need for understanding and logic. The origins of Public Health come from Europe in the 1800’s with the influences from the discoveries of Edward Jenner (smallpox vaccine), Ignaz Semmelweis (handwashing), and Jon Snow (traced source of Cholera outbreak). More of my understanding came from several research papers. One in particular was for my Environmental Science class. The paper was on Mercury contamination in fish. Data used for review was retrieved from sources like PubMed and the Journal of Epidemiology. The research I found suggested a strong correlation in the consumption of fish with high mercury levels and
Capstone Project: Public Health Competencies Paper (Continued)
individual blood mercury levels. This data was used by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to create an oral reference guide for safe dose. Along with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the EPA recommends that women of child bearing age limit their intake of fish intake as mercury is potentially harmful to the fetus. For my second form of evidence I am attaching a copy of a certification of completion from NIH that I have completed a course in “Protecting Human Research Participants”. This course completes the competency ethical conduct of research. As previously explained in Domain 5, a research paper I did in my HP Strategies and Tactics class shows competency in contributing to public health evidence based research. The paper was on American Indians and Type 2 Diabetes. This disease is a serious public health problem that disproportionately affects American Indians. In response to this concern, Indian Health Services established the Special Diabetes Program for Indians Diabetes Prevention Program (SDPI-DP). Quantitative data analysis collected from this program offered insight on several perceived barriers. This allowed them to identify individual needs and provide education for participants. Many providers and communities are now exploring novel and collaborative partnerships to focus on diabetes interventions. Community-based participatory research (CBPR) emphasizes collaboration between professional researchers and lay community members. Another CBPR, Family Education Diabetes Series (FEDS), involves elders in an American Indian community along with healthcare providers and researchers. Results of the study found value in relationships between providers and community organizations. The study was very successful at bringing about the desired behavior change. Proficiency Improvement: To gain further proficiency in this domain, I will need to learn more about limitations in research. I can do this by reading case studies through PubMed and health journals looking for studies with limitations. I will also need to strengthen my understanding of ethics in relation to research. There is another online class I can take on research and my continued education will have more focus in this area as well. Field Practicum Assignment Paper
Capstone Project: Public Health Competencies Paper (Continued)
Financial Planning and Management Skills (Domain 7) Self-Perceived Proficiency 1 = None I am unaware or have very little knowledge of the skill 2 = Aware I have heard of, but have limited knowledge or ability to apply the skill 3 = Knowledgeable I am comfortable with my knowledge or ability to apply the skill 4 = Proficient I am very comfortable, am an expert, or could teach this skill to others Tier 1 Competencies: To what degree are you able to effectively…
1. Describe the structures, functions, and authorizations of governmental public health programs and organizations
2. Describe government agencies with authority to impact the health of a community 3. Adhere to organizational policies and procedures 4. Describe public health funding mechanisms (e.g., categorical grants, fees, third-party
reimbursement, tobacco taxes) 5. Contribute to development of program budgets 6. Provide information for proposals for funding (e.g., foundations, government agencies,
corporations) 7. Provide information for development of contracts and other agreements for programs
and services 8. Describe financial analysis methods used in making decisions about policies, programs,
and services (e.g., cost-effectiveness, cost-benefit, cost-utility analysis, return on investment)
9. Operate programs within budget 10. Describe how teams help achieve program and organizational goals (e.g., the value of
different disciplines, sectors, skills, experiences, and perspectives; scope of work and timeline)
11. Motivate colleagues for the purpose of achieving program and organizational goals (e.g., participating in teams, encouraging sharing of ideas, respecting different points of view)
12. Use evaluation results to improve program and organizational performance 13. Describe program performance standards and measures 14. Use performance management systems for program and organizational improvement
(e.g., achieving performance objectives and targets, increasing efficiency, refining processes, meeting Healthy People objectives, sustaining accreditation)
Evidence of Proficiency: Most of my competencies for this domain came from my Health Promotion and Program class. This course described the different ways to finance a health promotion program. These include; participant fees, where participants pay for the cost of the program, third party support like an employer or local group, organizational support like the Local Health Department, cooperative agreements between parties and through grants and gifts. A large part of Public Health programs find financing through grant awards. This class taught me the basics of grant writing. A grant is an award of financial assistance to transfer a thing of value from the grantor to the recipient to carry out a specific purpose. There are four types of grants; foundations, corporations, voluntary health agencies and the government. Grants can be found at local, state and national levels. Further knowledge of this domain came from PH Communications and Advocacy course. This coursework reviews structures, functions and authorizations of governmental public health. Field Practicum Assignment Paper
Capstone Project: Public Health Competencies Paper (Continued)
programs and organizations. In U.S. law, there are two domains, public and private. Much of public health and policy center around public law. This source of law can be thought of as a pyramid with the constitution as the base for which statutes and administrative law support. Administrative law encompasses regulation, rules, guidelines and policy. My evidence of proficiency for this domain can be found in two attached reports, one on Lead Based Paint Laws and the other is titled Indoor Air Pollution in Nigeria. Due to the difficulty in detecting lead poisoning, Lead Based Paint laws took several decades to form. Concerns rose in the 1950’s but Congress did not pass the Lead Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act (LBPPPA) until 1971. The biggest legislative change came in 1977 by the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Banning residential use of lead-based paint. This is a great example of governmental agencies using their authority to impact the health of the public. A final amendment to LBPPPA was enacted in 1992. It is called Title X. This act is designed at prevention strategies and addresses the financial concerns associated with lead-based paint in dwellings. As the cost for removing lead-based paint can be overwhelming, a huge financial burden has been felt by personal homeowners, rental property owners and governmental agencies like HUD. It was reported in 2002 that it has cost the nation an estimated $43.4 billion a year. There is some relief found through federally and state funded programs. Evaluation results of this financial impact suggests a need for a cost effective approach for removal. My Indoor Air Pollution in Nigeria paper further adds to the competency of using evaluation results to improve program and organizational support. This paper looked a few different intervention programs done in Nigeria to reduce the health disparities found from indoor air pollution related illnesses. The evaluation findings suggest, with proper participant willingness, finding cost effective alternatives can have a significant increase in the overall health of the family. Proficiency Improvement: For further proficiency in this domain, I need to focus on management related skills in
competencies 11 and 14. To motivate colleagues I can participate in team related volunteer
work like relay runs for non-profits.
I can work on achieving performance objectives and targets with my continued work on projects
at ALA.
Capstone Project: Public Health Competencies Paper (Continued)
Leadership and Systems Thinking Skills (Domain 8) Self-Perceived Proficiency 1 = None I am unaware or have very little knowledge of the skill 2 = Aware I have heard of, but have limited knowledge or ability to apply the skill 3 = Knowledgeable I am comfortable with my knowledge or ability to apply the skill 4 = Proficient I am very comfortable, am an expert, or could teach this skill to others To what degree are you able to effectively… Field Practicum Assignment Paper
1. Incorporate ethical standards of practice (e.g., Public Health Code of Ethics) into all interactions with individuals, organizations, and communities
2. Describe public health as part of a larger inter-related system of organizations that influence the health of populations at local, national, and global levels
3. Describe the ways public health, health care, and other organizations can work together or individually to impact the health of a community
4. Contribute to development of a vision for a healthy community (e.g., emphasis on prevention, health equity for all, excellence and innovation)
5. Identify internal and external facilitators and barriers that may affect the delivery of the 10 Essential Public Health Services (e.g., using root cause analysis and other quality improvement methods and tools, problem solving)
6. Describe needs for professional development (e.g., training, mentoring, peer advising, coaching)
7. Participate in professional development opportunities 8. Describe the impact of changes (e.g., social, political, economic, scientific) on
organizational practices 9. Describe ways to improve individual and program performance
Evidence of Proficiency: In a Health Promotion Strategies and Tactics class, I gained proficiency in understanding The Public Health Code of Ethics. The study of ethics enables health educators to make individual and professional decisions based on basic principles that reflect the values and morals of society and the health education profession. Ethics center on four principles; autonomy, non- maleficence, beneficence and justice. The Society of Public Health Education (SOPHE) code of ethics is based on six responsibilities; responsibility to the public, the profession, to employers, delivery of health education, research and evaluation and in professional preparation. One example of how public health is part of a larger interrelated system of organizations that influence the health of populations is when responding to an emergency. For an Emergency Preparedness course, I wrote a paper on responding to an anthrax threat. The 9/11 terrorists attack and the subsequent Anthrax attacks taught us a lot about our countries preparedness in an emergency. From this we were able to identify our weaknesses and the country as a whole with its many parts came together to form proper ER Preparedness Plans. For an Injury Prevention course I did an Ecological Perspective assignment on suicide intervention. This course helped me gain knowledge in public health being part of a larger interrelated system of organizations. Suicide is a significant Public Health concern that affects demographics. In 2013 it was reported as the 10th leading cause of death for Americans. A 2005 research study found that physician education in depression recognition and treatment can reduce suicide rates. So it is imperative that physicians and all health professionals participate in educational development. Field Practicum Assignment Paper
Capstone Project: Public Health Competencies Paper (Continued)
Proficiency Improvement: One area of competency I need to learn more about is the 10 Essential Public Health Services. This information can be found on the American Public Health Association (APHA) website. I am planning to subscribe as a member of APHA and will read all relevant material to gain further competencies in this. I also need to find other ways to participate in professional development opportunities. I am planning on sitting for the CHES exam so I will be looking into study material for that. Plan for Lifelong Learning I plan to continue my education by obtaining a MPH degree. I hope to start this program in the fall. I also plan on sitting for the CHES exam next year and have begun to look for other professional certifications for online courses like Smoke Free Housing. To keep up with cultural competencies, I plan on getting involved in my local community health fairs and attend City Council meetings to get to know what is happening in my community. I would like to keep working with the American Lung Association while I am finishing my MPH degree and hope to have some project and leadership opportunities. Field Practicum Assignment Paper
Capstone Project: Public Health Competencies Paper (Continued)
Evidence of Proficiency
(NOTE: All Links to Files on Cloud were Removed from Sample to Protect Confidentiality)
DOMAIN 1: HIV/AIDS Community Based Program (Link to File on Cloud Removed from Sample to Protect Confidentiality)
Case Study (Link to File on Cloud Removed from Sample to Protect Confidentiality)
Evidence is from my internship. I am attaching a picture of a flyer for an event I mentioned with
the TCC and a schedule from a training I attended for collecting surveys. (Link to File on Cloud Removed from Sample to Protect Confidentiality)
(Link to File on Cloud Removed from Sample to Protect Confidentiality). Field Practicum Assignment Paper
Nutritional Influences on Coronary Artery Disease (Link to File on Cloud Removed from Sample to Protect Confidentiality)
College Students and Alcohol Use/Abuse PowerPoint (Link to File on Cloud Removed from Sample to Protect Confidentiality)
Arab Americans and Mental (Link to File on Cloud Removed from Sample to Protect Confidentiality)
COH 310 Assignment (Link to File on Cloud Removed from Sample to Protect Confidentiality)
Capstone Project: Public Health Competencies Paper (Continued)
Health Program Proposal (Link to File on Cloud Removed from Sample to Protect Confidentiality)
Key Informant Interview (Link to File on Cloud Removed from Sample to Protect Confidentiality)
American Indians and Type 2 Diabetes (Link to File on Cloud Removed from Sample to Protect Confidentiality)
Mercury Contamination in Fish (Link to File on Cloud Removed from Sample to Protect Confidentiality)
NIH Training Certificate (Link to File on Cloud Removed from Sample to Protect Confidentiality)
Indoor Air Pollution in Nigeria (Link to File on Cloud Removed from Sample to Protect Confidentiality)
Lead Based Paint Laws (Link to File on Cloud Removed from Sample to Protect Confidentiality)
Suicide Interventions (Link to File on Cloud Removed from Sample to Protect Confidentiality)
Responding to Anthrax
(Link to File on Cloud Removed from Sample to Protect Confidentiality)