Healthcare Informatics Assignment Project

Healthcare Informatics Assignment Project

Healthcare Informatics Assignment Project

Documents are:

HIM 500 Milestone Three Guidelines and Rubric

HIM 500 Module Seven Activity Guidelines and Rubric

Evaluation Matrix Template


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    HIM 500 Milestone Three Guidelines and Rubric Overview: In this milestone, you will submit your recommendations for technology for the institution and how it will be implemented. Specifically the following critical elements must be addressed:

    III. Technology System Recommendations: In this final section of your final project, you will review the provided technology options and make informed recommendations to the organization regarding which technology it should choose. Healthcare Informatics Assignment Project

    A. Determine the needs of the various roles of the organization in a new technology. B. Recommend a new health information technology system that meets the following criteria. Be sure to justify how your recommendations meet

    the criteria. The new health technology must: 1. Abide by provided health regulations and laws 2. Align with the needs of all staff members of the previously described organization 3. Ensure the ethical management and use of health information

    C. Determine how the organization could more effectively invest its financial resources into the recommended technology system. Be sure to justify your response.

    D. Determine how the organization could monitor the use of the new health information system. Be sure to justify your response. E. Determine how the organization could effectively invest its time into the implementation of the new health information technology system. Be

    sure to justify your response. Guidelines for Submission: This milestone must be 2–3 pages in length (plus a cover page and references) and must be written in APA format. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. All references cited in APA format.

    Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value

    Technology System Recommendations: Needs

    Determines the needs of the various roles of the organization in a new technology

    Determines the needs of the various roles of the organization in a new technology, but determination is cursory

    Does not determine the needs of the various roles of the organization in a new technology


    Technology System Recommendations:

    Regulations and Laws

    Recommends a new health information technology that abides by the provided health regulations and laws, justifying response

    Recommends new health information technology that abides by health regulations and laws, but recommendations are cursory or not justified

    Does not recommend and justify new health information technology that abides by health regulations and laws that the institution is currently not in compliance with





    Technology System Recommendations: Staff

    Recommends a new health information technology that aligns with the needs of all staff members of the organization, justifying response

    Recommends a new health information technology that aligns with the needs of all staff members of the organization, but recommendations are cursory or not justified

    Does not recommend and justify a new health information technology that aligns with the needs of all staff members of the organization


    Technology System Recommendations: Ethical

    Recommends a new health information technology that ensures ethical management and use of health information, justifying response

    Recommends a new health information technology that ensures ethical management and use of health information, but recommendations are cursory or not justified

    Does not recommend and justify a new health information technology that ensures ethical management and use of health information


    Technology System Recommendations: Financial Resources

    Determines how the organization could more effectively invest financial resources into the recommended technology system, justifying response

    Determines how the organization could more effectively invest financial resources into the recommended technology system, but determination is cursory, illogical, or not justified

    Does not determine how the organization could more effectively invest financial resources into the recommended technology system


    Articulation of Response Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization

    Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas

    Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas


    Total 100%

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    HIM 500 Module Seven Activity Guidelines and Rubric This activity will help you practice evaluating technology systems and the factors used to evaluate them. This activity is a companion to the milestone due in this module and will help you with your technology recommendations. For this activity, complete the following: Using the Evaluation Matrix Template provided, complete the evaluation of the clinical information system (CIS) for the two vendors listed in the Technology Information Sheet. A portion of the evaluation matrix has been completed, but you will need to add additional items to fully vet the vendors. You will need to come up with at least two additional evaluation factors along the lines of security, usability, functionality, accessibility, etc. to complete this assignment. Review the Evaluation Matrix Example to help you complete your matrix. Support your answer with relevant sources. You will be graded on the following critical elements: Healthcare Informatics Assignment Project

     Complete: Did you fill out all of the existing fields for each of the technologies/vendors?

     Additional Evaluation Factors: Did you include at least two additional evaluation factors? You can take inspiration from the completed example.

     Support: Did you support your answers? For example, if you gave a high score to one of the vendors on a certain element, can you explain why? You may use the Technology Information Sheet as a source.

    Note: It is suggested that you complete this activity before you finish the milestone in this module. However, you do not need to wait for instructor feedback on this assignment to complete the milestone. You can incorporate the feedback from this assignment and the milestone before you submit the final project in Module Nine. Guidelines for Submission: Use the Evaluation Matrix Template to complete this assignment. All sources should be cited using APA style.

    Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value

    Matrix Completes the matrix Partially completes the matrix Does not complete the matrix 30

    Evaluation Factors Provides at least two additional evaluation factors for the vendors chosen for the organization

    Provides at least two additional evaluation factors for the vendors chosen for the organization, but lacks detail or clarity

    Does not provide at least two additional evaluation factors for the vendors chosen for the organization





    Support Supports ratings and claims in matrix with rational explanations and sources where possible

    Supports ratings and claims in matrix but with gaps in detail or clarity

    Does not support ratings or claims with rational explanation or sources


    Articulation of Response Submission is free of errors of organization and grammar

    Submission contains errors of organization and grammar, but errors are limited enough so that the submission can be understood

    Submission contains errors of organization and grammar making the submission difficult to understand


    Total 100%

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      Vendor Evaluation Matrix    
    Instructions: Score each vendor on a scale from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent) on each of your prioritized items. Total up your ratings for each vendor to help make your comparisons. Write the names of the vendors you are comparing in the watermark space provided in vendor columns. Use the blank rows at the end of the worksheet to ask your own questions.

    Priority Vendor A Vendor B
    Can the system accommodate (and potentially improve) my workflow?      
    Can I easily build and/or customize “off-the-shelf” templates?      
    Does the system offer a variety of data entry options, e.g., dictation, voice recognition, structured notes, etc.?      
    Can I complete a prescription within a few clicks?      
    Can I look up medication information, and is this information valuable?      
    How extensive (and how sensitive) is the system’s interactions-checking capability, e.g., drug-drug, drug-allergy, drug-food?      
    Lab and Results Management      
    Can I complete a lab order within a few clicks?      
    Can the system send lab orders electronically to laboratories, hospitals, etc. in my local market?      
    Can I pull up and review lab results within a few clicks?      
    Decision Support      
    Does the system utilize clinical information from all parts of the chart to provide decision support?      
    Disease and Population Management      
    Assuming good data entry for all patients, can I query the system and identify patients that have a particular condition, are on a certain medication, etc.?      
    Health Record Management      
    Can I look up a patient by a number of different criteria, e.g., name, MRN, SSN, etc.?      
    Does the system provide a summary view of a patient’s health status?      
    Clinical Tasking and Messaging      
    Can I access and manage various tasks, e.g., sign progress notes, review labs, etc. within a few clicks?      
    Can I task or message someone else in the practice and do it with a few clicks?      
    Financial Considerations      
    Roughly how much could the system cost my clinic?      
    TOTAL SCORE      




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