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Journal Entries Wk2&3 Assignment
Journal Entries Wk2&3 Assignment
Practicum Journal Template
Student Name:
E-mail Address:
Practicum Placement Agency’s Name:
Practicum Learning Objectives
· Describe the organizational complexity of your Practicum setting
· Critique the organizational information technology infrastructure
· Identify roles within the interdisciplinary informatics team
· Analyze the role of the nurse informaticist
Practicum Experience Journal
You must submit a journal entry in the assigned week, even if you are not on site that week. If you are not on site for a week in which a journal entry is due, reflect on experiences from any of the previous weeks of this course. Place the references for each week’s entry immediately after that week’s content. Remember to use APA style when writing your journal entry and references.
Begin each journal entry on a new page. The template has a ‘new page’ command inserted before each weekly label. Be sure to delete any blank pages that appear between each week’s entry.
Practicum Experience Journal Entries (Weeks 2–3)
Journal Entries Due Week 3 (References immediately follow the content)
From Week 2:
Journal Assignment—Part 1
After reviewing the Practicum Weekly Resources and speaking with your Preceptor, record responses to the following in your Journal:
· A clearly articulated statement of your area of interest and career goals(Nurse Informatics Specialist)
· A description of what it means to be a nursing professional
o How would this influence how you dress, speak, and act?
o What special considerations do you need to take into account when going to your Practicum site?
· A description of three things you could do to increase your personal professionalism
Journal Assignment—Part 2
Note: Each week, you are responsible for locating a scholarly Journal article in the Walden Library related to your area(s) of interest. Include in your Journal the reference in proper APA format, and provide a brief summary of the article. The article from each week will serve as the genesis of the bibliography in your final Practicum course (NURS 6600), so time spent locating pertinent articles now will be beneficial. See Attached PDF Week 2 article in file area
Beckham, R., & Riedford, K. (2014). Evolution of a Graduate-Level Informatics Course for the Noninformatics Specialist Nurse. Journal For Nurse Practitioners, 10(6), 387-392. doi:10.1016/j.nurpra.2014.03.012
Journal Assignment—Part 3
Practicum Onsite Visits
Summarize the key activities of your visits to your Practicum site (as appropriate), including with whom you met (I met with Jeanette Jefferies and Mary Ann Dinietro who are both Nursing Informatics Specialist, April Saathoff who is the Nursing Informatics Manager and my preceptor,Nycki Bezold who is the manager of special projects, Stacy Brull who is Sr. Director Education & Research and Magnet) what you did (Attended a meeting about implementing a patient and nurse call system, assisted in staff training on how to document in their Meditech system, Assisted in a meeting on the hospital project for switching system from their current Meditech system to Epic EHR system), and what you gained from the experience ( The experience I gained …).
Journal Entries Due Week 3 (References immediately follow the content)
From Week 3:
Journal Assignment—Part 1
After examining the Practicum Weekly Resources, record responses to the following in your Journal:
· Describe systems thinking as it applies to your Practicum site.
· In what ways is the system effective? What potential issues or problems do you notice?
· Why is it important to consider systems thinking in any IT project?
Journal Assignment—Part 2
Note: Each week, you are responsible for locating a scholarly journal article in the Walden Library related to your area(s) of interest. Include in your Journal the reference in proper APA format, and provide a brief summary of the article. The article from each week will serve as the genesis of the bibliography in your final Practicum course (NURS 6600), so time spent locating pertinent articles now will be beneficial. See attached PDF on Week 3 Article in file area
Trbovich, P. (2014). Five ways to incorporate systems thinking into healthcare organizations. Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology, 4831-36. doi:10.2345/0899-8205-48.s2.31
Journal Assignment—Part 3
Practicum Onsite Visits
Summarize the key activities of your visits to your Practicum site (as appropriate), including with whom you met, what you did, and what you gained from the experience.(Just make anything up related to the topic please).
Practicum Week 2 Resources
Murphy, J. (2011). The nursing informatics workforce: Who are they and what do they do? Nursing Economic$, 29(3), 150–153.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
This article examines the various constituents that make up the nursing informatics workforce. In particular, the article highlights key positions and provides details on their duties.
Staples, S. (n.d.). Are you a nursing professional? [Blog post]. Nurse Together. Retrieved from–
The author of this article highlights the attributes of a professional nurse. The article emphasizes appearance, mutual respect, and a commitment to learning and excellence.
Hamer, S. (n.d.). Nurses and the importance of informatics. London, GB: Department of Health Informatics Directorate. Retrieved from
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 7 minutes.
In this video, Dr. Susan Hamer explains the importance of informatics in the health care field. The video also examines in detail many of the challenges of nursing informatics.
Practicum Week 3 Resources
Swanson, R. C., Cattaneo, A., Bradley, E., Chunharas, S., Atun, R., Abbas, K. M., et al. (2012). Rethinking health systems strengthening: Key systems thinking tools and strategies for transformational change. Health Policy and Planning, 27(Supplement 4), iv54–iv61. Retrieved from
This article explores how systems thinking can facilitate transformational change in health care. The article describes tools and strategies that are influenced by systems thinking, and how they may be used across different contexts.
Farmer, P. (2009). On systems thinking in the delivery of health care. Reflections on Leadership for Social Change. Dartmouth University. Retrieved from
This video presents a perspective on the necessity of systems thinking in the health care field. The video provides information on how systems thinking can improve delivery in health care around the world.
Evolution of a Graduate-Level Informatics Course for the Noninformatics Specialist Nurse Roxanne Beckham, DNP, RN, and Kathy Riedford, PhD, RN
ABSTRACT The design evolution of a novice-level informatics course for nurses in a nurse practitioner, educator, and leadership track graduate nursing program is described in this article. The support of nurse empowerment to recognize a personal role and develop skill competency in information management is the desired course outcome. The course evolution incorporates activities that encourage students to make connections between the concepts of informatics and the practice environment. Journal Entries Wk2&3 Assignment
Keywords: course design, informatics, information management, information needs, novice informatics � 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
ince the publication of the revised The Essen- tials of Master’s Education in Nursing, which
Sdevoted an entire section to informatics and
health care technology knowledge and skills, the inclusion of an informatics course in graduate cur- riculums has proliferated.1 Students who may have neither previous informatics experience nor infor- matics interest are now required to complete the informatics course. Some graduate students experi- ence apprehension about informatics course expec- tations, and some faculty may express reluctance to teach an informatics course.
The purpose of this article is to describe how a newly developed novice-level graduate informatics course evolved to pique students’ curiosity regarding informatics and meet the information management needs of students who are pursuing a nurse practi- tioner (NP)e, educator-, or leadership-focused graduate education.
BACKGROUND Clarity regarding specific goals of the informatics course is an initial and crucial step in preparing stu- dents and faculty for the integration of this type of course into the graduate curriculum. Confusion oftentimes exists that informatics is synonymous with
computer class. Informatics has been defined more accurately as focused on information instead of technology.2,3 The management of information is certainly not a new concept in nursing. The chal- lenge for graduate faculty is to design an informatics course that prepares the professional nurse to perform the critical skill of information management while relegating technology to its position of merely being a tool for nurses to use. Technology is not the driver of nursing practice.
Courses for the informatics specialist role have been designed in many colleges of nursing, but these courses may exceed the learning needs and interest of the informatics novice. The 4 levels of informatics competency for nurses have been described as novice, advanced, specialist, and innovator2 (Table 1). The curriculum for the informatics specialist role has been well described, but there is a paucity of literature that describes how essential informatics concepts are in- tegrated into the curriculum for the novice. Although some level of informatics knowledge is an expecta- tion for all nurses, there is a lack of consistency re- garding the associated informatics competencies required for each level.2
Some graduate programs meet the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) informatics
The Journal for Nurse Practitioners – JNP 387
Table 1. Novice-Level Informatics Competencies
The nurse will have the ability to standards by embedding informatics components into a current course. The development of informatics as a core curriculum course is another method to meet AACN expectations. A clearly understood connec- tion from informatics to the student’s area of practice is an imperative component of the novice informatics course regardless of design. Recognition that infor- mation management is a competency for all nursing roles and not simply a skill to be performed by the informatics specialist is significant to encourage stu- dent engagement in the course.
As with any course, it is important that updates occur based on evaluation and evolving content expectations. Course evaluations are based on clear connections among all components of the learning experience, including course objectives, teaching strategies, evaluation strategies, and student out- comes.4 Student learning needs have become more apparent to faculty with each semester of teaching the informatics course. Course revisions have been made based on student performance, feedback, and the evolving health care environment. Journal Entries Wk2&3 Assignment
INITIAL COURSE DESIGN AND EVALUATION In keeping with AACN standards, a 3-credit hour asynchronous online core curriculum informatics course was developed in a Midwestern university. AACN’s The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing was used as the developmental framework to ensure the informatics course design met the following necessary objectives: (1) analyze current and emerging technologies; (2) evaluate outcome data; (3) incorporate ethical principles for technology use; (4) develop strategies to document patient care and measure outcomes; and (5) use technology to educate patients, guide practice, and support lifelong learning.1
The Journal for Nurse Practitioners – JNP388
In addition, the course was designed to facilitate student recognition and articulation of information needs in a manner that showed excellence in infor- mation management regardless of nursing track specialty. The student course evaluation strategy used was based on the completion of 11 group activities and peer discussions conducted through a Web-based delivery system. In addition, each student completed 2 assigned scholarly papers that showed personal use of informatics concepts and critical thinking. Each assignment was designed to meet a course objective and provide an informatics fundamental learning experience that students could link to their prac- tice settings.
The primary intent of the informatics course was that the patient, as the central focus of an interprofessional team, would benefit from each health care provider having clearly identified and implemented informatics skills. These commonly shared informatics skills support the assertion that the management of information will have a positive impact on health care quality and effectiveness.5
Clearly defined information needs recognized by the nurse were a faculty assumption in the infor- matics course. There was also an assumption of empowerment by the nurse to articulate the need for or revision of critical information not currently available for patient care. Journal Entries Wk2&3 Assignment
Student failure to recognize a personal role in information need determination and articulation became apparent through teaching the course. The practice gap was recognized through submitted scholarly papers, course discussions, and survey re- sponses. Although the ability to find pertinent data from within the volumes of data presented from all sources was discussed as a key information manage- ment role for nurses, the skill was not evident.6
Based on the evaluation of student online discussions, faculty identified the need for student experiential practice to explore current practice situations in relation to the identification of information needs and data use. Experiential learning is supported as a way to integrate course knowledge and skills into the practice environment.7
Nurses use data transformed into information to make clinical practice intervention decisions.2 It is essential that nurses have opportunities to develop
Volume 10, Issue 6, June 2014
recognition of crucial information needed to evaluate the quality of presented data before developing in- terventions. Accurate, timely, and up-to-date clinical information for 90% of clinical decisions by 2020 is a goal that reinforces the nursing role across settings.8
Therefore, the need for the NP, nurse educator, and nurse leader to acquire informatics role prepa- ration is obvious.
METHODS The Staggers Nursing Computer Experience Ques- tionnaire (SNCEQ) was offered to students before and after the informatics course during the first 3 semesters the course was offered.9 The SNCEQ survey was used to provide insight regarding students’ previous technology experiences and perceived data management skills. Students were given the option to anonymously complete the SNCEQ survey, which included 2 open-ended questions developed by the informatics faculty: (1) How do you identify your need for information/data? and (2) How do you identify your need for data revision?
Scoring the SNCEQ survey was based on subsets of computer use and knowledge as in- structed by the survey developer.9 The Cronbach alpha for the computer application and health information system of the survey is 0.89. The survey was formatted into Survey Monkey (Survey Monkey Inc., Portland, OR) for the purpose of this informatics course and was offered from the online informatics course at the beginning and again at the end of the semester. The total number of students completing the precourse survey over the 3 semesters was 175. Postcourse surveys were completed by 91 students over the 3 semesters.
Survey Findings Based on the review of student responses to the open-ended questions, the transfer of informatics course concepts to personal practice was not evident. The finding led to faculty concern because there had been an expectation of informatics competency diffusion to the work setting. The diffusion expec- tation is consistent with the progressive and successful introduction and transfer of an innovative idea into an organization.10
The predominant method students reported to sort and place value on presented information was related to the availability of patient data. The method suggests nurse acceptance of data as presented by the current electronic system. The student re- sponses related to how the need for data revision is identified were variable, but 13.18% of postcourse survey respondents expressed a lack of perceived empowerment to communicate a data need or im- pact change. Based on survey findings, the faculty identified the need to update the informatics course to more clearly articulate the theory and nursing practice link in all course objectives, lectures, and assignments. Journal Entries Wk2&3 Assignment
The quantitative SNCEQ survey findings will be discussed in detail in a separate article. The quanti- tative findings indicated a self-reported student pre- to postcourse score improvement for computer application and knowledge. The improved SNCEQ scores did not correlate to the open-ended ques- tion responses.
COURSE REDESIGN Course Objectives The primary learning objective of an informatics course is nurse competency to efficiently and effec- tively manage information critical for health care delivery. The acknowledged link between infor- matics concepts and nursing practice is the outcome expectation for all students completing the graduate informatics course. Based on the evaluation of stu- dent performance and survey responses, a decision was made to revise the graduate-level informatics core course after it had been taught over the period of 3 semesters.
The redesigned informatics course objectives remain based on the AACN Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing.1 Bloom’s taxonomy frame- work is used for measuring the cognitive levels of learning for the course.11 Course objectives were revised to reflect higher cognitive skill performance expectations. The use of terms such as synthesize and evaluate promote student focus on the development of a better understanding of concepts and critique of processes instead of regurgitation of textbook facts (Table 2). Journal Entries Wk2&3 Assignment
The Journal for Nurse Practitioners – JNP 389
A practice link for students in the NP, educator, or leadership tracks is incorporated into each com- ponent of the revised informatics course. Students are encouraged to examine the impact of informa- tion management on their practice role during the initial week of the course. Active and creative problem solving are communicated by the faculty to be ideal student behaviors in the course. Current workplace computer documentation screens, infor- mation availability challenges, and patient scenarios are submitted by students to be critiqued in a professional and innovative manner. A sense of em- powerment to actively engage in change processes in the health care environments is expressed by fac- ulty as an expected learning outcome. Journal Entries Wk2&3 Assignment
In the first online peer discussion of the course, students are introduced to an opinion that was expressed in 2005 and asked to compare and syn- thesize how the current environment is different. The opinion voiced was that “nurses are the primary users yet their voices and opinions are frequently omitted from procurement, design, and imple- mentation phases of IT [information technology] adoption.”12 Nurse recognition of a personal impact on the overall health care system through active engagement in informatics is an expected student course outcome. The design of the informatics course in a manner that piques student interest and connects
The Journal for Nurse Practitioners – JNP390
concepts to practice is proposed to achieve course outcomes.
Teaching Strategies The asynchronous online course is presented using the Blackboard learning system (Blackboard Inc., Washington, DC). Lectures are presented using the collaboration tool VoiceThread (VoiceThread LLC, Boca Raton, FL), and students are assigned readings from the course textbook.13 Although readings from various scholarly journals are assigned, the informatics education foundation is provided by the course textbook. Recorded lectures by faculty reinforce key concepts from the text. All course assignments are designed to complement, not replace, activities in the textbook. The nurse is identified in the textbook as a knowledge worker who must apply high-level cognitive talents, such as ingenuity, creativity, and initiative, to show utilization of informatics skills to their fullest potential.13 The designation as a knowledge worker implies the nurse is an active participant in information management versus a passive recipient. The knowledge worker is empowered to identify information needs and artic- ulate the need for information revisions. Journal Entries Wk2&3 Assignment
Students are assigned 5 activities and 2 scholarly papers during the semester, but the unique charac- teristic of the revised course is that students are given
Volume 10, Issue 6, June 2014
choices of assignments that match their interests and practice settings. Each assignment is designed to foster active problem solving based on the synthesis of readings and the evaluation of practice alternatives.
An example of a completed group activity was the creative design of a telehealth opportunity for a person with a specific health issue. The student group developed a telehealth solution proposal to positively impact quality and safety for the patient. The activ- ity included a discussion regarding the effect of financial and legal issues on the proposed telehealth solution and how the choice would impact the nurse’s role.
The ability to research and present an unbiased report on a controversial informatics issue was the focus of another course activity. The student findings were posted as a Voice Thread presentation, and classmates contributed responses. Informatics issues reviewed included the role of personal electronic devices, technology disaster readiness, system inter- operability, and patient record privacy. Journal Entries Wk2&3 Assignment
In the first scholarly paper, the student delves deeply into an informatics topic of personal interest. A rubric is offered to guide the student regarding key topical headings. Major categories addressed in the paper include a literature review, relationship of topic to health care quality and safety, anticipated changes attributed to the topic, and impact on nursing and interprofessional practice.
The second scholarly paper is focused on work- flow analysis of a current information management practice and how it could be redesigned to increase efficiency and effectiveness. The purpose is to pro- vide an opportunity to examine the procedural steps of technology designed for information gathering or sharing and offer recommendations. Students eval- uate planning and actions required to implement a successful change. Awareness of the impact of the proposed change on the health care team is critical to successfully introduce the redesign into the workplace.
Before beginning the analysis for the second paper, lectures and assigned reading are provided to articulate Sternberg’s balance theory of wisdom.14
The theory serves as a model for the decision-making process of the change proposal that will impact the interprofessional health care team. Sternberg’s theory is the framework for balanced decision making that considers choices to meet the shared needs of pa- tients, the health care team, and the organization to achieve desired goals. Sternberg’s theory evolved from the constructivist viewpoint and is useful to guide students in the development of critical thinking skills and decision making that moves beyond an egocentric view.15 The graduate student has an op- portunity to rehearse an informatics solution that considers the information needs of the interprofes- sional team.
Evaluation Strategies The expected student utilization of the higher-level cognitive skills of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation were identified in the course objectives. The achievement of objectives and the acquisition of classroom knowledge are not synonymous with the ability to transfer knowledge to practice. The re- quirements of the course link to the practice setting to provide an opportunity for skill rehearsal. Sup- portive and constructive timely individual feedback from faculty is given throughout the semester re- garding each assignment.16 The faculty objective is to support the development of students’ confidence with informatics through constructive feedback. Journal Entries Wk2&3 Assignment
An advisory council, composed of nursing leaders, has been queried regarding current informatics practices in the region. These stakeholders have been informed of the course revisions, and their feed- back has been requested regarding any nurse infor- mation management practice changes observed. In addition, anonymous student formative and sum- mative course evaluations are solicited by faculty to gain awareness of perceived student learning needs and course design suggestions. The SNCEQ survey and open-ended questions will be offered to students of the revised course.
The financial impact of failed technology imple- mentation has increased the motivation of health care organizations to increase the involvement of direct care providers in technology design.17 Student motivation to implement information management skills after the informatics course will be the final determinant of successful informatics knowledge and
The Journal for Nurse Practitioners – JNP 391
skill diffusion to practice. The sense of urgency for change may be enhanced by an informatics course that challenges students to recognize the value in informatics management skills and seize the oppor- tunity to engage.18
CONCLUSION The Institute of Medicine’s Future of Nursing report suggested that a variety of teaching strategies will be needed for nurses to achieve information manage- ment competencies.19 The design of the novice-level informatics course is an example of an innovative strategy to promote nurse development of informa- tion management confidence and skill. The primary goal is that students acquire and show excellence in information management competencies that are diffused into practice. The goal can best be achieved through active student engagement in an informatics course that piques interest, fosters empowerment, and provides an opportunity to rehearse skills in a supportive environment. Journal Entries Wk2&3 Assignment
1. American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN). The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing. Updated March 21, 2011. Accessed
January 25, 2014.
Walden University
Master of Science in Nursing
Week 2 Journal Assignment—Part 1:
Week 2 Journal Assignment—Part 2 (Practicum Journal Article Summary):
Week 2 Journal Assignment—Part 3 (Practicum Onsite Visits):
Week 3 Journal Assignment—Part 1:
Week 3 Journal Assignment—Part 2 (Practicum Journal Article Summary):
Week 3 Journal Assignment—Part 3 (Practicum Onsite Visits):
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- Discussion Questions (DQ)
Initial responses to the DQ should address all components of the questions asked, including a minimum of one scholarly source, and be at least 250 words. Successful responses are substantive (i.e., add something new to the discussion, engage others in the discussion, well-developed idea) and include at least one scholarly source. One or two-sentence responses, simple statements of agreement or “good post,” and responses that are off-topic will not count as substantive. Substantive responses should be at least 150 words. I encourage you to incorporate the readings from the week (as applicable) into your responses.
- Weekly Participation
Your initial responses to the mandatory DQ do not count toward participation and are graded separately. In addition to the DQ responses, you must post at least one reply to peers (or me) on three separate days, for a total of three replies. Participation posts do not require a scholarly source/citation (unless you cite someone else’s work). Part of your weekly participation includes viewing the weekly announcement and attesting to watching it in the comments. These announcements are made to ensure you understand everything that is due during the week.
- APA Format and Writing Quality
Familiarize yourself with the APA format and practice using it correctly. It is used for most writing assignments for your degree. Visit the Writing Center in the Student Success Center, under the Resources tab in Loud-cloud for APA paper templates, citation examples, tips, etc. Points will be deducted for poor use of APA format or absence of APA format (if required). Cite all sources of information! When in doubt, cite the source. Paraphrasing also requires a citation. I highly recommend using the APA Publication Manual, 6th edition.
- Use of Direct Quotes
I discourage over-utilization of direct quotes in DQs and assignments at the Master’s level and deduct points accordingly. As Masters’ level students, it is important that you be able to critically analyze and interpret information from journal articles and other resources. Simply restating someone else’s words does not demonstrate an understanding of the content or critical analysis of the content. It is best to paraphrase content and cite your source. Journal Entries Wk2&3 Assignment
- LopesWrite Policy
For assignments that need to be submitted to Lopes Write, please be sure you have received your report and Similarity Index (SI) percentage BEFORE you do a “final submit” to me. Once you have received your report, please review it. This report will show you grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors that can easily be fixed. Take the extra few minutes to review instead of getting counted off for these mistakes. Review your similarities. Did you forget to cite something? Did you not paraphrase well enough? Is your paper made up of someone else’s thoughts more than your own? Visit the Writing Center in the Student Success Center, under the Resources tab in Loud-cloud for tips on improving your paper and SI score.
- Late Policy
The university’s policy on late assignments is a 10% penalty PER DAY LATE. This also applies to late DQ replies. Please communicate with me if you anticipate having to submit an assignment late. I am happy to be flexible, with advance notice. We may be able to work out an extension based on extenuating circumstances. If you do not communicate with me before submitting an assignment late, the GCU late policy will be in effect. I do not accept assignments that are two or more weeks late unless we have worked out an extension. As per policy, no assignments are accepted after the last day of class. Any assignment submitted after midnight on the last day of class will not be accepted for grading.
- Communication
Communication is so very important. There are multiple ways to communicate with me: Questions to Instructor Forum: This is a great place to ask course content or assignment questions. If you have a question, there is a good chance one of your peers does as well. This is a public forum for the class. Individual Forum: This is a private forum to ask me questions or send me messages. This will be checked at least once every 24 hours. Journal Entries Wk2&3 Assignment
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