Kickoff PowerPoint Presentation: Wk1

Kickoff PowerPoint Presentation: Wk1

Kickoff PowerPoint Presentation: Wk1

The kickoff-to-execution presentation is designed to get everyone on the right path while inspiring and motivating them to succeed. This is your opportunity to showcase the work you have done designing and planning your project as well as the unique tools you developed and are about to implement. Your kickoff PowerPoint presentation is the key to setting the tone for the kickoff meeting. If you have already conducted a formal kickoff and have started execution of your project, complete this as if you had not done so yet. Gather as many colleagues as possible to present your PPT. For actual kickoffs, present your PPT to as many of the project team as possible. Kickoff PowerPoint Presentation: Wk1



  1. Complete the Kickoff PowerPoint presentation.  All slides except title slides and reference lists must have speaker notes.
  2. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing and APA format as expressed in the current edition of the APA manual.

Preparing the Paper

  1. You must recap your project plan, getting everyone in agreement for project, while you motivate and inspire your team and stakeholders. Introduce and give thanks to team members who have worked hard to get the project to the implementation phase. Give comments that help the teams realize that they are important. Discuss each team member’s role in the project. Everyone in the room is important and vital to the project’s success.
  2. You must have at least 33 slides. It is important to note that if you could not give your presentation and someone would have to stand in for you, he or she would need to know what you were going to say. All slides except the title slides and reference lists must have speaker notes so that someone may step in for you.
  3. Judiciously include visual elements such as charts, graphs, tables, relevant pictures and/or cartoons.
  4. Maintain the 6 x 6x 6 rule for a professional PowerPoint presentation: no more than six lines per slide, six words per line, and six slides without a graphic.
  5. Ideas and information from professional sources must be cited correctly, using the current edition of the APA manual.
  6. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing.


NR632: W1 Kickoff PowerPoint PresentationNR632: W1 Kickoff PowerPoint PresentationCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeKickoff PowerPoint Presentation Plan80.0 ptsThe plan is thoroughly reviewed, getting everyone on board by including all of the critical elements as included in the PowerPoint, and the presentation is inspiring and motivating. It follows 6X6X6 rules; every slide includes speaker notes70.0 ptsThe plan is lacking one or two critical elements included in the PowerPoint document to help get everyone on board, and the presentation is inspiring and motivating. It follows 6X6X6 rules; every slide includes speaker notes64.0 ptsThe plan is lacking three critical elements included in PowerPoint document to help get everyone on board, or the presentation is not inspiring and motivating. It does not follow 6X6X6 rules; missing speaker notes30.0 ptsThe plan is lacking four critical elements included in the s PowerPoint to help get everyone on board, or the presentation is not inspiring and motivating. . It does not follow 6X6X6 rules; missing speaker notes0.0 ptsThe plan is lacking five or more critical elements included in the PowerPoint to help get everyone on board, or the presentation is not inspiring and motivating or is text heavy without notes in the notes section.80.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar, spelling, punctuation, references, citations, and APA formatting20.0 ptsNo grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, citation, or APA errors18.0 pts1 total grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, citation, or APA error16.0 pts2 total grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, citation, or APA errors8.0 pts3 total grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, citation, or APA errors0.0 pts4 or more total grammar, spelling, punctuation, reference, citation, or APA errors20.0 pts
Total Points:

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    Kickoff PowerPoint Presentation: Week 1

    Guidelines and Scoring Rubric


    The kickoff-to-execution presentation is designed to get everyone on the right path while inspiring and motivating them to succeed. This is your opportunity to showcase the work you have done designing and planning your project as well as the unique tools you developed and are about to implement. Your kickoff PowerPoint presentation is the key to setting the tone for the kickoff meeting. If you have already conducted a formal kickoff and have started execution of your project, complete this as if you had not done so yet. Gather as many colleagues as possible to present your PPT. For actual kickoffs present your PPT to as many of the project team as possible.

    Refer to the PowerPoint sample template in the assignments section of the course.

    Due Date: Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT of Week 1.

    Total Points Possible: 100


    1. Complete the Kickoff PowerPoint presentation. All slides except title slides and reference lists must have speaker notes

    2. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing and APA format as expressed in the current edition.

    Preparing the paper

    1. You must recap your project plan, getting everyone in agreement for project, while you motivate and inspire your team and stakeholders. Introduce and give thanks to team members who have worked hard to get the project to the implementation phase. Give comments that help the teams realize that they are important. Discuss each team member’s role in project. Everyone in the room is important and vital to the project’s success. Kickoff PowerPoint Presentation: Wk1

    1. You must have at least 33 slides . It is important to note that if you could not give your presentation and someone would have to stand in for you, he or she would need to know what you were going to say. All slides except title slides and reference lists must have speaker notes so that someone may step in for you.

    1. Judiciously include visual elements such as charts, graphs, tables, relevant pictures and/or cartoons

    1. Maintain the 6x6x6 rule for a professional PowerPoint presentation. No more than 6 lines per slide, 6 words per line, and 6 slides without a graphic.

    1. Ideas and information from professional sources must be cited correctly, using the current edition of the APA manual.

    1. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing.



    Category Points % Description
    Kickoff PowerPoint Presentation 80 80 The plan is thoroughly reviewed, gets everyone on board by including all of the critical elements as included in the PowerPoint document provided; the presentation is inspiring and motivating: All slides have speaker notes
    Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, citations, and APA formatting 20 20 Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing and APA format as expressed in the current edition.
    Total  100 100 A quality assignment will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.


    C:UsersD01030541AppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsTemporary Internet FilesContent.Outlook7T7OKQBIPre-licensure Header_Seal Only (3).jpg

    NR632 Nurse Executive Concluding Graduate Experience II





    Grading Rubric

    Assignment Criteria Exceptional


    Outstanding or highest level of performance



    Very good or high level of performance



    Competent or satisfactory level of performance

    Needs Improvement


    Poor or failing level of performance



    Unsatisfactory level of performance


    Possible Points = 80 Points







    Kickoff PowerPoint Presentation 80 Points 70 Points 64 Points 30 Points 0 Points
      The plan is thoroughly reviewed, getting everyone on board by including all of the critical elements as included in the PowerPoint, and the presentation is inspiring and motivating. It follows 6X6X6 rules; every slide includes notes The plan is lacking one or two critical elements included in the PowerPoint document to help get everyone on board, and the presentation is inspiring and motivating. It follows 6X6X6 rules; every slide includes speaker notes The plan is lacking three critical elements included in PowerPoint document to help get everyone on board, or the presentation is not inspiring and motivating. It does not follow 6X6X6 rules; missing speaker notes The plan is lacking four critical elements included in the s PowerPoint to help get everyone on board, or the presentation is not inspiring and motivating. . It does not follow 6X6X6 rules; missing speaker notes The plan is lacking five or more critical elements included in the PowerPoint to help get everyone on board, or the presentation is not inspiring and motivating or is text heavy without notes in the notes section.
    Content Subtotal     _____of 80 points

    Possible Points = 20 Points

    Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, citations, and APA formatting 20 Points 18 Points 16 Points 8 Points 0 Points
      No grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, citation, or APA errors 1 total grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, citation, or APA error 2 total grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, citation, or APA errors 3 total grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, citation, or APA errors 4 or more total grammar, spelling, punctuation, reference, citation, or APA errors
    Content Subtotal     _____of 20 points
    Total Points     _____of 100 points


  • attachment


    Project Kickoff Meeting


    Institution’s Name

    Project Manager’s Name

    ****Please make this PPT beautiful ****


    Name, phone number, and e-mail

    Senior Management

    Present on the importance of the project

    Give positive words for a successful project

    Project Management Team

    Project Manager: Project Manager’s Name

    Phone Number:

    E-mail Address:

    List Other Team Members With Contact Information (E-mail)

    Kickoff Meeting Goals

    Meet and Greet Team

    Establish Communications

    Describe how project aligns with Institution’s Mission and Goals

    Discuss Key Factors for Success

    Overview of design and plan of project


    Institution’s Mission

    Present Mission and relevance of project to meeting Mission. goals and how will be met

    Establish Expectations

    Discuss plans and present tools developed:


    Change Management

    Risk Management

    Communication Plan

    Reporting Requirements

    Closing Process

    Project Management and Planning

    Project Management Objectives

    Include goals and expectations of the project

    Project Team Roles


    Project Management Tools


    Project’s Key Milestones



    Define different types, frequencies

    Managing Change

    Change Is Expected….

    Discuss types of change

    When does change matter?

    Impact of Change

    Discuss how change impact current status – Change Threshold

    When to




    Managing Change

    Discuss how you are managing





    Managing Risk

    Discuss how you will do this

    Add you tools in next slides

    Communication Plan

    Communication Plan Format


    Communication Plan Frequency


    Reporting Requirements

    Types of Reports


    Frequency of Reports


    Purpose of Reports




    Closing Meetings


    Verification Audit

    Include how you will evaluate project

    Discuss lessons learned

    Discuss how knowledge transfer will occur and to whom

    Identify who in leadership will provide formal sign-off

    End of Project

    Success Indicators – including metrics


    Ask for everyone’s input/feedback

    Time for Q & A

    Positive Send-off to Kick Off the Project

    Get everyone on board, excited, and enthused about the project.

    Motivate them—they should be ready to get to work and make it a successful project!

    Give kudos and thanks to those who have been working so hard already on this project. Kickoff PowerPoint Presentation: Wk1



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