Legal Aspect & Legislation in Healthcare Worksheet

Legal Aspect & Legislation in Healthcare Worksheet

Test Content

  1. Question 1

    A contract that is inferred by law is a/an ___________.

  2. Question 2

    A contract with a firm of anesthesiologists that requires that all anesthesia services for a hospital’s patients be performed by that firm is a/an ___________.

  3. Question 3

    A contractor who agrees to undertake work without being under the direct control or direction of another and is personally responsible for his or her negligent acts is a/an ___________.

  4. Question 4

    A pharmacist who submits Medicaid claims for reimbursement on brand name medications rather than on the less expensive generic drugs dispensed is committing ___________.

  5. Question 5

    A religion and philosophy encompassing a variety of traditions, beliefs, and practices, largely based on teachings attributed to the Indian prince named Siddhartha Gautama (563–483 BC), is __________.

  6. Question 6

    A serious crime generally punishable by one or more years of imprisonment in a state or federal penitentiary is a ___________.

  7. Question 7

    An informal discussion during which the judge and opposing attorneys eliminate matters not in dispute, agree on the issues, and settle procedural matters relating to the trial is a(n) ___________.

  8. Question 8

    Elements of negligence that must be present in order to establish negligence are ___________.

  9. Question 9

    Evidence furnished by physical things themselves is ___________ evidence.

  10. Question 10

    Failure to conform to or departure from a required duty of care owed to a patient is considered as a ___________.

  11. Question 11

    If a health care provider shows reckless disregard for the safety of his patients and intentional indifference to any injury that could follow his act(s), he could be charged with or sued for ___________.

  12. Question 12

    If an X-ray machine is entered as evidence, it is a form of ___________.

  13. Question 13

    The ___________ committee is generally responsible for the development of policies and procedures for the investigation and control of infections.

  14. Question 14

    The ___________ committee is responsible for reviewing medical records for timeliness, accuracy, legibility, and completeness

  15. Question 15

    The ___________ committee of the governing body is responsible for reviewing and overseeing the financial affairs of the organization.

  16. Question 16

    The ___________, passed by Congress and signed by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010, is designed to ensure that more Americans receive healthcare benefits.

  17. Question 17

    The common law doctrine by which the state and federal governments have been immune from liability for harm suffered by the tortious conduct of its employees is ___________.

  18. Question 18

    The premature dismissal of a case without notifying the patient can be construed as ___________.

  19. Question 19

    When a doctor fails to inform his patient in a timely manner of a serious condition that turns deadly, fails to refer him to a specialist, and does no further tests, he can be found negligent by reason of ___________.

  20. Question 20

    When caring for the dying, relatives may wish to perform rituals at this time. In death, jewelry, sacred threads, or other religious objects should not be removed from the body. Washing the body is part of the funeral rites and should be carried out by the relatives. Such acts are practiced in ___________.

  21. Question 21

    A ___________ is the allied health professional responsible for the treatment, management, diagnostic testing, and control of patients with cardiopulmonary deficits

  22. Question 22

    A nurse with an advanced academic degree and a major in a specific clinical specialty such as pediatrics or psychiatry is a ___________.

  23. Question 23

    A nurse trained in the delivery of primary health care and the assessment of psychosocial and physical health problems such as the performance of routine examinations and the ordering of routine diagnostic tests is a ___________.

  24. Question 24

    Each state has its own nurse practice act that defines the practice of ___________ within the state.

  25. Question 25

    Failure to identify the correct patient can result in ___________.

  26. Question 26

    Discrimination in the treatment of patients on the basis of race ___________.

  27. Question 27

    In governmental hospitals, statutes often limit facility use to ___________.

  28. Question 28

    A hospital’s bill of patient rights and responsibilities should be provided to the patient at the time of admission.

  29. Question 29

    Patients have the right to know the names and positions of any individual involved in their care.

  30. Question 30

    Verbal Consent is a written form that should be executed when a proposed treatment may be involve some unusual risks to the patient?

    Question 1
    1. Voluntary agreement by a person who possesses sufficient mental capacity to make an intelligent choice to allow something proposed by another to be performed on himself or herself.
      1. F
  31. Question 2

    Forms of Consent include Express consent and Implied consent?

    1. F
  32. Question 3

    Verbal Consent is a written form that should be executed when a proposed treatment may be involve some unusual risks to the patient?

    1. F
  33. Question 4 In relation to Informed Consent: mark the correct answer
  34. Question 5

    In relation to Physicians Informed Consent select the write answer

      1. a)None is correct
  • Question 6

    In relation to Nurses Informed Consent select the correct answer

  • Question 7

    Hospitals Informed Consent: answer the correct question.

  • Question 8

    In relation to Objective Test is: SELECT THE RIGHT ANSWER

  • Question 9

    In relation to Subjective test, select the right answer

  • Question 10

    Who May Consent? Select the correct answer

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