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NHS FPX8040 Assessment 3 Project Charter
Create a detailed, integrated project charter to address a healthcare gap, need, or improvement at your practicum site.
In NHS-FPX8040, you prepared a preliminary project charter. At that time, you may not have secured your practicum site or preceptor yet. Now that these are in place, in this course you will delve more deeply into creating a project charter appropriate for your practicum site’s needs. You may be able to use some of the project charter work you did in the previous course. At the same time, you may find you need to completely retool your work as it may no longer be appropriate for your practicum site. This is the changing nature of doctoral projects. As we learn more information, doctoral projects change. Your ability to manage this ambiguity and change will be critical to your successfully completing your doctoral program.
In this assessment, you will create a detailed, integrated project charter to address a healthcare gap, need, or improvement at your practicum site. You will need to obtain input from your practicum site about how you can help to meet their needs. After submitting your project charter, you will receive your faculty member’s feedback on your charter’s alignment with department objectives, academic rigor, coherency, and readiness for Institutional Review Board (IRB) submission.
Demonstration of Proficiency
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:
- Competency 1: Create a project charter to address a clinical or organizational problem or take advantage of an opportunity for improvement within a health care setting.
- Clearly describe the people who will be involved in and affected by a project.
- Clearly describe an overview of all aspects of a project plan.
- Clearly describe the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to a project plan.
- Clearly describe the ethical considerations, constraints, external dependencies, and communication strategy of a project plan.
- Clearly describe the outcome measures related to a project plan.
- Clearly describe the data collection procedures related to a project plan.
- Describe a project that could, within 8 to 12 weeks, produce a meaningful, sustainable change in practice or process that can be empirically evaluated, with minimal or no risk to participants or the organization.
- Synthesize scholarly, authoritative evidence supporting each part of the project charter.
- Competency 4: Address assessment purpose in a well-organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.
- Write clearly and coherently, using communication style and vocabulary appropriate for scholarly work.
- Correctly reference and cite scholarly and/or authoritative sources.
To successfully prepare for this assessment, you will need to:
- Ensure that your project aligns with your practicum site expectations and the DNP expectations for doctoral projects.
- Consult this resource for guidance: Acceptable vs. Unacceptable SoNHS DNP Projects [PDF].
- Definition of Research.
- Conduct a comprehensive review of the literature to gather data that will support your identified need, intervention, and assessment “instrument(s)”:
- Focus your research on current resources available through peer-reviewed articles and professional and government websites. Current means less than five years old.
- Use these research guides for help in identifying scholarly and authoritative sources:
Note: The assessments in this course must be completed in the order presented; subsequent assessments should be built on both your earlier work and your instructor’s feedback on earlier assessments. If you choose to submit assessments prematurely, without considering and integrating your instructor’s feedback, your assessment may be returned ungraded, resulting in your loss of an assessment attempt.
This assessment has been identified as a Signature Assessment. Signature assessments serve a dual purpose: to meet the competencies in the course where the signature assessment appears and acquire skills needed to demonstrate competencies specific to the completion of the Doctoral Project Report. Learners must successfully meet the established criteria for demonstrating competence on this assessment in order to successfully complete the course (see University Policy 3.4.07 Grading). Completion of this course is a program-specific requirement. Consequently, learners must pass this course in order to remain in good academic standing (see University Policy 3.01.04 Academic Standing).
This assessment also includes review by a Secondary Reviewer to ensure the work meets doctoral expectations for writing, content, connection to the discipline, scholarship, quality, integrity, and ethical compliance. Secondary review is both an essential program expectation and important opportunity for learners. A hallmark of doctoral learners, in particular, is openness to critique and responsiveness to feedback. Like any scholarly endeavor (e.g., journal article, book chapter, or dissertation), the doctoral project will benefit from the integration of feedback from a reviewer and a process of ongoing revision at each stage of development. Learners may also reasonably expect to incorporate revisions and refinements of components of earlier completed signature assessments as they advance through the program to ensure the coherence and alignment of their completed project. A doctoral-level project should, therefore, be viewed as a work-in-progress that is not completed until the final Dean review and approval is issued.
As you begin work, you may find the following activities helpful to completing a scholarly, successful project charter. Note: These activities are not mandatory; they are optional:
- Seek out free writing workshops and other resources available through the Capella Writing Center. The Writing Center’s workshops address such topics as: correct APA usage, paper organization, synthesis of material, and so on.
- Note: Remember that this keystone course will help determine whether you are ready to proceed with your doctoral project. You will want to do everything you can to ensure that your critical thinking, research, and writing skills are at the doctoral level.
For this assessment, you will populate the three parts of the Project Charter Template [DOCX] with detailed information. Use the Project Charter Proposal Checklist [PDF] to ensure all content is included. Faculty will use the checklist to provide additional feedback.
- Part 1 includes these sections:
- General Project Information.
- Project Team.
- You may find the work you did in the Team Effectiveness in Health Care Settings assessment helpful to you as you complete this portion of your Project Charter.
- Stakeholders.
- Part 2 is the Project Overview and includes these components:
- Project Description/
- Write the project description in a narrative style. Avoid bullet points and incomplete sentences.
- Evidence to Support Need (background and significance).
- Be sure to provide the most relevant, data-driven evidence to support key points.
- Project Purpose/Business Case.
- SMART Objectives (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-Bound).
- Deliverables.
- Project Scope.
- Project Milestones.
- Project Description/
- Part 3 includes these sections:
Note: You may find the work you did in your Ethics Analysis assessment helpful as you complete this section of your project charter.
- SWOT Analysis.
- Known Major Risks.
- Ethical Considerations.
- Constraints.
- External Dependencies.
- Communication Strategy:
- Consider questions like these in your communication strategy: Will you hold an in-person or video conference-kickoff meeting? How will you communicate with all involved parties (email, telephone, periodic meetings, project tools, et cetera)?
- Proposed Outcomes.
- Data Collection Plan.
Example Assessment: You may use the following to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like:
NHS FPX8040 Assessment 3 Project Charter
Part 1 |
Project Overview |
Project Name |
Decreasing Mortality rates due to Skin Cancer In West Virginia University Hospital through Early Prevention Strategies |
Gap Analysis |
In any hospital or healthcare facility, mortality rates can be caused by poor care, a pandemic, or untrained staff. Age, gender, diseases, hereditary factors, and access to medical care all affect mortality. There was a measurably critical expansion in the mortality rate in the US from 2019 to 2020. The number of resident deaths in the United States in 2020 was 3,383,800, more than in 2019 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2021). The death rate in West Virginia was 16600 per 100,000 people in 2022. The mortality rate increased by 3.84 percent annually in 2022 (The World Bank, 2022). Cancer will claim 609,400 lives in 2022, an average of 1,670 lives each day, with 1.9 million new cases diagnosed. The American Cancer Society estimates there will be 7870 estimated cancer cases and 2400 deaths per day in 2023 (American Cancer Society, 2020). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2019) states that making healthy choices, getting vaccinated, and getting regular screenings can lower a state’s risk of contracting many common types of cancer. One of the leading causes of death in West Virginia is cancer, which should be controlled by taking appropriate safety precautions. The goal is to reduce the estimated daily death toll from 2400 to 1000. According to Health and Human Resources (2022), skin cancer affects 7% of the adult population in West Virginia. Healthcare organizations must put more effort into the prevention of the disease because the majority of the population is unaware of the consequences of skin cancer. There are gaps in healthcare services related to skin cancer treatment, as the population is not completely acknowledged of the disease, and new staff is not experienced enough to cope with the adverse effects of a disease that later leads to death. The mortality rates are getting increased due, to it is necessary for the staff to learn about prevention measures (Aggarwal et al., 2021). Skin cancer can be effectively prevented by avoiding excessive exposure, applying sunscreen with a sun protection factor of more than 15 regularly, and wearing protective clothing (World Health Organization, 2019). According to the National Cancer Institute (2022), approximately 22% of all cancer patients mostly |
NHS FPX8040 Assessment 3 Project Charter
have skin cancer. Dermatologists also recommend that skin cancer patients add multiple antioxidants to their diet to prevent the disease. Reducing the number of people dying from cancer can be aided by programs encouraging healthy eating, quitting smoking, and increasing physical activity. New treatments, vaccines, and screening procedures can all potentially reduce cancer deaths. Since it is desired to be 1000 from 2400, the quantifiable difference or gap between the current and desired states is 1400. It is necessary to evaluate the current circumstance to carry out a gap analysis. The goal state is then identified, and the chasm between the two is highlighted. The gaps can then be filled with an action plan. Various surveys and synopsis can be done to identify the gaps. Apart from that, questionnaires and assessments will also play a major role in identifying the gaps. Productivity will decrease as the death rate rises. A nation’s economic situation is also affected by mortality and morbidity. |
Current State |
Desired State |
Identified Gap |
Methods used to identify the Gap |
Implications/Relevance to Identified Population |
Increase in mortality rates due to skin cancer (7%) Patients do not have enough knowledge about the disease and its consequence s |
Reducing the number of deaths due to skin cancer (less than 5%) Trained staff Increasing awareness of patients regarding skin cancer prevention strategies |
Identified gap is 2% Improvements needed to be made through staff training and increasing awareness about prevention strategies |
Questionnaires, Assessments, Synopses, and Surveys Campaigns to increase patient knowledge about skin cancer and lifestyle modifications. Learning sessions for the healthcare staff in the oncology department |
Life span will be increased. Deaths caused due to skin cancer will be decreased. |
The staff is not well- trained |
Evidence to Support the Need |
Dietz et al. (2020) state that cancer treatment aims to reduce cancer patients’ deaths and allow them to live everyday lives. Depending on the circumstances, this might or might not be possible. A “Priority” classification for cancer patients was developed across disciplines after extensive multidisciplinary teleconference discussions and a literature review. The severity of each patient’s condition was used to determine priority categories. As a result, mortality rates decreased, and the number of cancer patients decreased. Between 2015 and 2019, the risk of dying from cancer decreased by approximately 2% annually, compared to 1% annually in the 1990s. The power of screening tests, early diagnosis, and treatment have the overall capacity to reduce skin cancer mortality rates (American Cancer Society, 2022a). |
Problem Statement |
The increased mortality rates in the west Virginia population due to skin cancer have become a major concern for healthcare providers. It can be resolved through different educational and secondary prevention strategies, such as awareness campaigns on certain types of cancers, primary prevention strategies of lifestyle and dietary modifications, and a focus on genetics and precision oncology. It will have a positive impact on patient outcomes and will result in high-quality care. |
SMART Objectives |
The aims and objectives known as SMART goals can be used to assist cancer patients and healthcare providers in making necessary adjustments. The ambition and objectives should be relevant, precise, measurable, and faultless. Some recommendations for SMART goals that could lower cancer mortality rates are listed below. Specific: The target population is skin cancer patients in West Virginia hospitals. Individuals prone to skin cancer and diseases will be specifically targeted. As a result of the project, there will be a progression in the betterment of the health of skin cancer patients. The death rate of the patients will decrease as it is currently at 7% and constantly increasing. Measurable: The number of deaths caused due to cancer will be observed monthly using EHR or surveys. The data relating to skin care patients will be stored in the healthcare records of the oncology department that can be taken accessed by the authorities. Achievable: This objective is realistic and can be accomplished by professionals collaborating with other healthcare staff to ensure easy access to screening test tools and other strategies. |
Relevance: The suggested interventions are relevant to the issue of increased mortality rates. The aim is to bring positive health-related outcomes. These interventions will result in positive outcomes and the project’s success by educating the patients and training staff to increase their expertise. Time-bound: The goal will be accomplished in one year. It will start in 2023 and end in 2024. · These goals ensure that the aim will be accomplished and that individuals and the overall population will benefit. The time will be divided and managed properly so the project will be successfully accomplished in the given time frame. |
Project AIM |
Treatments and interventions for cancer can help lower the annual death toll. Additionally, these goals will contribute to an increase in a healthy and flourishing population. Additionally, it is anticipated that 2400 people will die from cancer each day by 2023 in West Virginia. The purpose of the project is to encourage healthcare workers at West Virginia University Hospital to put in more effort to reduce mortality rates in the patients. The aim of the project is to reduce the skin cancer rate from 7% to 5% from the year 2023 to 2024 by implementing prevention and early detection strategies along with training healthcare workers. The emphasis will be placed on the role that everyone can play in ensuring that every skin cancer patient receives equal treatment without bias. This can be done by collaborating with interdisciplinary staff, medical professionals, and the community. The healthcare professionals will offer the patients prompt and effective treatment. The goal of the project is to lower the mortality rate in skin cancer patients. The aim of the organization for skin cancer patients is to reduce their death rates by educating them and giving training to the staff that will help them to deliver appropriate services. Additionally, the aim of the project for the rest of the population is to spread awareness about the disease, and it will result in a lower percentage of skin cancer patients in the future. Healthcare organizations in West Virginia aim to provide care to patients without discrimination and prevent them from adverse side effects of the disease. To achieve the objectives, this entire procedure will take approximately one year. Timeline The following precise objectives and other tested interventions will determine the patient’s timetable. Proof of setting goals for the entire procedure to lower cancer patient mortality rates can be found here. |
Two months of Planning and Preparation · Identifying the goals and objectives · Evaluating the number of patients with cancer and those in danger of getting the disease · Discussing obstacles and problems in achieving goals and suggesting solutions · Possession of funds and sponsorship Implementation: · Forwarding the plan through different sources · Promotion of primary and secondary prevention strategies for cancer · Increasing collaboration with healthcare experts from neighboring organizations · Arranging educational seminars to train the staff about cancer treatment. · Assessing the progression According to research by Corso et al. (2023), it was evaluated that primary prevention strategies focusing on educational campaigns and secondary prevention strategies, including screening and early detection, are useful in cancer prevention. Six months for evaluation of the goal · Evaluating information to elaborate on the success of the objective. · Identifying gaps to proceed with the plan in a better way. The change will occur in West Virginia hospitals where patients are admitted with chronic conditions and who are at risk. It is essential to know that this plan can be changed if any changes are needed according to the circumstances. The authorities should keep in mind that the process should be flexible enough to be adopted by healthcare staff and patients. |
NHS FPX8040 Assessment 3 Project Charter
Dietz, J. R., Moran, M. S., Isakoff, S. J., Kurtzman, S. H., Willey, S. C., Burstein, H. J., Bleicher, R. J., Lyons, J. A., Sarantou, T., Baron, P. L., Stevens, R. E., Boolbol, S. K., Anderson, B. O., Shulman, L. N., Gradishar, W. J., Monticciolo, D. L., Plecha, D. M., Nelson, H., & Yao, K. A. (2020). Recommendations for prioritization, treatment, and triage of breast cancer patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 181(3), 487–497. Health and Human Resources. (2022). West Virginia Cancer Statistics. Statistics.aspx#:~:text=Approximately%207.1%25%20of%20West%20Virginia The World Bank. (2022). Glossary | DataBank. DRT.IN#:~:text=Crude%20death%20rate%20indicates%20the%20number%20of%20deaths%20occ |
Part 2 |
Project Team |
Title |
Department |
Role |
Executive Sponsor |
Medical oncologist/ Cancer Specialist |
Healthcare services in Oncology departments |
An executive sponsor for lowering the mortality rate for skin cancer patients in West Virginia is typically a senior healthcare organization member overseeing the management and supporting the program’s progress. The executive sponsor’s primary responsibility is to contribute to the program’s successful completion (Indini et al., 2020). Justin is a well-known medical oncologist with more than 25 years of experience. Due to his professional approach, he has worked for several prestigious healthcare organizations and has had a very successful career in the treatment of skin care. He reduces the mortality rate of cancer patients by recommending various treatments and medications. Justin works with other staff to teach his patients, members of the health team, and the community. He has adequate access to resources and can deal with potential obstacles and challenges. He prioritizes oncology-related cases and will significantly contribute to the program’s success in lowering patient mortality rates. |
Team Members |
Title/Departme nt and/or Affiliation |
The rationale for Selection/Contribution to the Project |
Registered oncology nurse |
Anna has 12 years of experience as a registered oncology nurse and has vast experience in looking after skin cancer patients. She contributes to the direct nursing care of cancer patients by administering chemotherapy and other oncology treatments. She helps in providing appropriate supportive care too. Anna also helps in patient education and is a bridge for communication between doctors and patients. Anna is a minority, she is an African American, and she will definitely help in the progression of the communication between doctors and patients. |
Psychiatrist |
Simon is a psychiatrist who has worked for 14 years to lower cancer patients’ mortality rates. He is crucial in treating depression and other skin cancer-related side effects that occasionally hinder treatment. He addresses mental health and social aspects of cancer in patients. Simon is a local, and he can easily speak the native language, which helps to communicate with the staff and local patients effectively. |
Registered dietitian |
Mark has 18 years of experience and is a registered dietitian. He has passed a national board exam and is a nutrition and diet expert. He specializes in cancer care in areas like patient weight management. Mark collaborates with patients and the medical team to control the diet of skin cancer patients. Mark is a Christian and belongs to West Virginia. He knows about the religious beliefs and ethical concerns of the patients related to diet plans. |
Patient Service Representative |
Cristopher has been a patient representative for the past 17 years. When skin cancer patients arrive at the hospital, he is their first point of contact. He is an essential team member as he gathers patient data, aids with the mandatory paperwork, and performs administrative responsibilities. He has been to many countries and is aware of the ethical beliefs, norms, and values of the stakeholders. |
Team Leader |
Dermatologist |
Maria has been a dermatologist in the oncology department for 12 years. She has received special training in procedures, finding out about the severity and stage of the disease, and identifying and treating cancer. She also removes cancerous growths through procedures like biopsies and surgery. Innovative leadership When tackling issues associated with a complex disease like skin cancer, innovative leadership typically emphasizes providing a fresh and innovative point of view and |
assisting team members in developing alternative perspectives. According to Kremer et al. (2019), this leadership style helps to solve problems or make the most of limited resources. Transformational leadership Siangchokyoo et al. (2019) claim that a healthcare organization led by a transformational leader employs an interdisciplinary strategy to achieve its goals. A transformational leader seeks input from staff and the community and determines the need for organizational change based on health outcome data. This leadership approaches help the leaders to perform their job appropriately and communicate with other team members in a more effective way that ensures the success of the program to decrease the mortality rate in cancer patients. · A leader must demonstrate the quality of emotional intelligence in a healthcare organization. A leader can use this skill to understand better and control their emotions and those of their team members. Communicating with team members effectively enables the team leader to comprehend team members’ aspirations. Leaders and their teams benefit from good empathy when they can communicate continuously. It promotes growth and increases productivity (Momeny & Gourgues, 2019). |
Stakeholders |
Title/Role or Affiliation |
Connection to the Project |
How Affected/Impacted by Project? |
Contribution to the Project |
Healthcare staff in Oncology department |
Monitoring and screening cancer patients at regular intervals and educating the cancer patients about the severity of |
The participants effectively impact the project by communicating and discussing aspects of the program with a team. |
They will guide patients, perform screening tests and allow direct communication between skin cancer patients and doctors. |
their condition in different ways. |
Health Promotion Organizations/ American Association for Cancer Research |
Prevention and cure of cancer to decrease the mortality rate |
They promote funding that will boost cancer-related research |
Their contribution can be through suggesting strategies to foster a professional work environment and financially supporting the project |
Policymakers/ Warner, Kelly |
Making new policies and skin cancer prevention strategies |
They will practically get involved in the program. Policymakers will pass new policies and rules that will help the process progress. |
These participants help to boost the program by supporting the patients’ concerns like security, insurance, and confidentiality. |
Communication Plan |
The purpose of communication plan for an executive sponsor, stakeholders, and team members is to boost the procedure to accomplish the goals of program to decrease mortality rate in skin cancer patients. The communication will benefit the team members by bringing innovative ideas from professionals. Team participation will be increased by online means or through face-to-face discussions. They will communicate through round table discussions and conferences, where the important aspects related to the program such as barriers and opportunities, will be discussed. They can communicate whenever they want, no matter where they are. Meetings are held regularly to discuss the program’s progress and identify patients who require additional care. The project leader will provide daily reports to the sponsors, letting them know how the program is progressing. According to Stellefson et al. (2020), the aim and objective of communication are to inform executive supporters of the difficulties and obstacles and then discuss ways to remove them. The executive sponsors will provide weekly updates on the program’s progress and outcomes to the Board of Directors. Chambers et al. (2022) claim that the project committee can use additional monthly graphs, such as a Gantt map, to visually represent the program’s progress. The primary goal of the communication will be to make sure the panel is aware of the initiative because they are involved in its success. Diversity, cultural competency, varying levels of knowledge, and inclusion may present all present communication challenges (Concannon et al., 2018). CLAS standards are also applied to ensure that all the healthcare services for skin cancer patients |
are culturally and linguistically respectful. Inequality and healthcare disparities are removed due to following these standards. These factors may impact communication between the executive sponsor, stakeholders, and team members. |
References Chambers, C., Dada, M., & Williams, K. (2022). Special issues in process analysis for health care: Visualization, & project management. Improving Processes for Health Care Delivery, 27–52. Concannon, T. W., Grant, S., Welch, V., Petkovic, J., Selby, J., Crowe, S., Synnot, A., Greer-Smith, R., Mayo-Wilson, E., Tambor, E., & Tugwell, P. (2018). Practical guidance for involving stakeholders in health research. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 34(3), 458–463. Indini, A., Aschele, C., Cavanna, L., Clerico, M., Daniele, B., Fiorentini, G., Fioretto, L., Giordano, M., Montesarchio, V., Ortega, C., Pinotti, G., Scanni, A., Zamagni, C., Blasi, L., & Grossi, F. (2020). Reorganisation of medical oncology departments during the novel coronavirus disease-19 pandemic: a nationwide Italian survey. European Journal of Cancer, 132, 17– 23. Kremer, H., Villamor, I., & Aguinis, H. (2019). Innovation leadership: Best-practice recommendations for promoting employee creativity, voice, and knowledge sharing. Business Horizons, 62(1), 65–74. |
NHS FPX8040 Assessment 3 Project Charter
Part 3 |
Intervention |
Planned Intervention |
The aims and objectives of the program, which are to lower mortality rates of skin cancer in West Virginia hospital, can be met by focusing on various aspects. Focusing on these factors will help to boost the intervention plan. According to the study by Chen (2021), educational seminars were conducted by oncology professionals to educate healthcare staff and patients about skin cancer screening. This effort resulted in acknowledgment in related individuals which ultimately resulted in fewer skin cancer patients and low mortality rates. Staff became more educated while hesitancy in the skin cancer patients about screening tests was also decreased. The intervention plan will include the following components: · Training Staff Giving training and awareness to the current and new staff to get more idea about the importance of the program could help in the accomplishment of the project. Nurses, physicians, and surgeons will be given the appropriate and necessary training in cultural competency and giving treatment without discrimination. The staff will be given proper training through educational seminars by professional experts. They will be acknowledged about skin cancer prevention strategies. · Identifying Barriers Addressing the barriers to accomplishing the program will help boost the plan. Access of patients in rural areas to healthcare services can also be addressed. · Interdisciplinary Collaboration Interdisciplinary collaboration can be promoted by communicating with healthcare staff and policymakers. It will foster empathy and harmony among staff, and they will develop innovative ideas. · Increasing Patient Knowledge Increasing patient knowledge through campaigns and regular awareness sessions can help increase their involvement in the treatment process and increase their life span. The patients will be informed that they can reduce the severity of their disease by following prevention strategies. Multiple preventive methods can be followed by skin cancer patients as well as the local population to reduce the risk of skin cancer. These strategies involve less exposure to sunlight, wearing clothes that cover |
body parts, wearing a brim or hat to cover the face and head while going out, wearing sunscreens, and wearing sunglasses that resist Ultraviolet rays. The planned intervention will help to bridge the gap. There is a lack of knowledge among the patients, and the staff is not well-trained. These issues are to be addressed by the authorities. As the percentage of patients suffering from skin cancer is 7%(Health and Human Resources, 2022), that has to be reduced to 5%. The gap between both percentages is 2% Stakeholders, patient service representatives, Registered nurses, dietitians, and other healthcare staff will be involved in implementing the change. The implementation process will be started after getting access to all the important data auditors related to the patients from Electronic Health Records. The process will take place at the oncology department of West Virginia University Hospital. The data will be secured and safe in a password-protected EHR where it will be given the right of confidentiality through HIPAA. After accessing the data, staff will be given proper training about implementing the process to decrease the death rate in skin cancer patients. |
Measurement: Proposed Outcomes |
Develop outcome, process, and counter/balancing measures for your project. |
Outcome Measure What is the desired outcome in measurable terms? |
Process Measure State 1–2 process measures that address: |
Counter/Balancing Measure |
· The desired outcome is a reduction in mortality rate due to skin cancer from 7% to 5% in the The West Virginia University Hopsital. · Hospital will achieve the expected average of 5% of skin cancer patients. This project will be completed in a year after proper training of the staff. |
· All the staff members who are related to this process will get complete training and after that learning sessions after regular intervals will also be given. · Staff will perform screening tests regularly for early detection of the disease and |
· The staff will face burnout as they must manage duty hours and attend training sessions. · Patients may face an increase in appointment availability because |
· The SMART objective is to decrease the death rate and incresae thelife span of population through different prevention strategies. |
those who do not follow the protocol will be penalized · Patients will be acknowledged through educational campaigns and sessions by the healthcare staff when they visit the hospital. |
most of the staff will be busy with the training |
Data Collection & Management |
Use the table below to develop a plan for the collection, management, and stewardship of the data you will collect for your Project Charter. Use at least one source/citation to support your data collection plan. |
Data Collection |
Data Collector |
Collection Timeline |
Data Storage/Protection |
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion |
· Opinions, experience, and awareness of the stakeholders related to skin cancer patients; assessments may be administered through questionnaires (Nicholson et al., 2020). · Surveys will be helpful in collecting data to measure |
A proficient auditor will collect data from EHRs and through data analysis. Staff will evaluate that the questionnaire is answered properly, and the collected data is useful in the project or not. |
· The data collection will be started from the first day when the program is started. It will end with the completion of the project. · Data collection on |
· All the data accessed will be stored in the EHR of the hospitals as it is confidential information that cannot be published or shown publicly. · Security, confidentialit y, and |
· Issues pertaining to cultural competence, and the quality of care will be addressed using demographic data. · Issues such as cultural differences and language barriers that affect data utilization will be addressed. · By ensuring that data collection tools are |
decrease or increase in the number of patients · Data will be collected related to skin cancer patients as well as that part of population which is at risk of skin cancer to identify causes and risk factors |
weekly and monthly basis will also be done by the auditor |
anonymity will also be maintained. It will be accomplishe d by following regulations such as Health Insurance Portability and Accountabilit y Act (HIPAA) (Wagner et al., 2022). |
bias-tested, bias will be decreased or removed. · Multiple analysts interpret the data |
Ethical Leadership |
West Virginia University Hospital have a duty to provide equal and quality care to all the patients. As the staff will be given training, it will help them to get a better idea of cultural competency and diversity. The initiative aims to make it easier for skin cancer patients and patient who are at risk of skin cancer to access quality healthcare services and reduce mortality rates. This could lead to better medical outcomes, like fewer cancer patients dying and early detection. People need to be sufficiently educated about the plan’s significance and necessity and may harm themselves if they attempt to make unhealthy and inappropriate choices rather than following the plan (Rawla et al., 2018). The Quadruple Aim of the program ensures that the needs of the patients and healthcare providers are addressed, resulting in improving the health of the target population. The Quadruple Aim is an extended version of the Triple Aim that considers the patient experience, population health, lowering patient costs per capita, and staff satisfaction (Haverfield et al., 2020). The Quintuple Aim is the same as Quadruple Aim but also involves equity as the fifth component (Nundy et al., 2022). The staff will benefit from these frameworks in terms of improved treatment, efficient communication, comprehension of the patient’s requirements, job satisfaction, and the provision of high-quality care. |
Patients will feel more open to discussing their condition with healthcare professionals. As a result, we may better understand how to avoid skin cancer and the factors that contribute to it, which may result in lower costs and more accessible healthcare. The initiative must be impartial and consider the ideas and points of view of marginalized groups and minorities. Those who live in rural areas, face financial instability, and are subject to racial discrimination are vulnerable groups that may face more significant obstacles to access. To better communicate with the team, the leader will employ credible leadership styles, such as transformational, innovative, or both. The leader will also consider the participants’ well-being as it will promote efficiency and efficacy in the services. According to Ueda et al. (2020), staff training is essential to ensure patients receive accurate information about the disease and healthcare services. The leader must consider following the Quadruple/Quintuple aim as it will enhance performance. The team leader will follow ethical leadership and ensure the work environment follows an ethical code of conduct and principles. Additionally, ethical leadership will be promoted if the healthcare staff and community members work together to reduce healthcare inequity and disparities. |
SWOT Analysis |
Strengths |
The West Virginia University Hospital has organizational and executive support for implementing the project. Assets of an organization such as funding, resources, and executive support are the assets of the organization. This includes community outreach to raise awareness and resources for staff training. Additionally, the organization is in good standing with community stakeholders, which will benefit the program’s success. Patients with skin cancer will benefit from it, and mortality rates will decrease. Unbiased behavior and non-discriminatory treatment delivered by healthcare staff are qualities of West Virginia University hospital that make it different from others. |
Weaknesses |
There are various obstacles and challenges that are considered as weaknesses in the program. Lack of training among staff is a major obstacle. Lack of adequate staff is a major issue that will directly result in an increase in mortality rates of skin cancer patients. Apart from that, some of the staff members may resist or be hesitant in taking training and implicit discrimination against patients. Another potential weakness is the lack of knowledge among the patients and other general populations about skin cancer, which results in an increase in their number. |
Opportunities |
Multiple factors play part in the likelihood of the project. The training sessions will be arranged for the staff members, which is an opportunity for the healthcare organization to train them properly. Moreover, the hospital may hire new staff to reduce staff burnout, which will benefit the project. Awareness about the disease among the local community will be helpful to make the project implication process easier. Organizations can have access to external resources as well as there are also training opportunities for the staff. |
Threats |
Less staff and more patients may result in a low quality of care for the patients. The staff’s lack of ability to implement the project’s initiatives to the fullest and put the training into practice is another potential threat. Another threat is an increase in competition in the organization. Additionally, there may be unexpected changes in the policies or regulations that could be unfavorable for the organization. |
References Chen, K. (2021). Efficacy of educational seminars in increasing skin cancer screening in Asian Americans. Yale School of Medicine Physician Associate Program Theses. Haverfield, M. C., Tierney, A., Schwartz, R., Bass, M. B., Brown-Johnson, C., Zionts, D. L., Safaeinili, N., Fischer, M., Shaw, J. G., Thadaney, S., Piccininni, G., Lorenz, K. A., Asch, S. M., Verghese, A., & Zulman, D. M. (2020). Can patient– provider interpersonal interventions achieve the quadruple aim of healthcare? A systematic review. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 35(7), 2107–2117. |
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Wagner, J. K., Tanniru, J. K., Chane, C. A., & Meyer, M. N. (2022). Exploring access to genomic risk information and the contours of the HIPAA public health exception. Journal of Law and the Biosciences, 9(2).
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We will process your orders through multiple stages and checks to ensure that what we are delivering to you, in the end, is something that is precise as you envisioned it. All of our essay writing service products are 100% original, ensuring that there is no plagiarism in them. The sources are well-researched and cited so it is interesting. Our goal is to help as many students as possible with their assignments, i.e. our prices are affordable and services premium.
- Discussion Questions (DQ)
Initial responses to the DQ should address all components of the questions asked, including a minimum of one scholarly source, and be at least 250 words. Successful responses are substantive (i.e., add something new to the discussion, engage others in the discussion, well-developed idea) and include at least one scholarly source. One or two-sentence responses, simple statements of agreement or “good post,” and responses that are off-topic will not count as substantive. Substantive responses should be at least 150 words. I encourage you to incorporate the readings from the week (as applicable) into your responses.
- Weekly Participation
Your initial responses to the mandatory DQ do not count toward participation and are graded separately. In addition to the DQ responses, you must post at least one reply to peers (or me) on three separate days, for a total of three replies. Participation posts do not require a scholarly source/citation (unless you cite someone else’s work). Part of your weekly participation includes viewing the weekly announcement and attesting to watching it in the comments. These announcements are made to ensure you understand everything that is due during the week.
- APA Format and Writing Quality
Familiarize yourself with the APA format and practice using it correctly. It is used for most writing assignments for your degree. Visit the Writing Center in the Student Success Center, under the Resources tab in Loud-cloud for APA paper templates, citation examples, tips, etc. Points will be deducted for poor use of APA format or absence of APA format (if required). Cite all sources of information! When in doubt, cite the source. Paraphrasing also requires a citation. I highly recommend using the APA Publication Manual, 6th edition.
- Use of Direct Quotes
I discourage over-utilization of direct quotes in DQs and assignments at the Master’s level and deduct points accordingly. As Masters’ level students, it is important that you be able to critically analyze and interpret information from journal articles and other resources. Simply restating someone else’s words does not demonstrate an understanding of the content or critical analysis of the content. It is best to paraphrase content and cite your source.
- LopesWrite Policy
For assignments that need to be submitted to Lopes Write, please be sure you have received your report and Similarity Index (SI) percentage BEFORE you do a “final submit” to me. Once you have received your report, please review it. This report will show you grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors that can easily be fixed. Take the extra few minutes to review instead of getting counted off for these mistakes. Review your similarities. Did you forget to cite something? Did you not paraphrase well enough? Is your paper made up of someone else’s thoughts more than your own? Visit the Writing Center in the Student Success Center, under the Resources tab in Loud-cloud for tips on improving your paper and SI score.
- Late Policy
The university’s policy on late assignments is a 10% penalty PER DAY LATE. This also applies to late DQ replies. Please communicate with me if you anticipate having to submit an assignment late. I am happy to be flexible, with advance notice. We may be able to work out an extension based on extenuating circumstances. If you do not communicate with me before submitting an assignment late, the GCU late policy will be in effect. I do not accept assignments that are two or more weeks late unless we have worked out an extension. As per policy, no assignments are accepted after the last day of class. Any assignment submitted after midnight on the last day of class will not be accepted for grading.
- Communication
Communication is so very important. There are multiple ways to communicate with me: Questions to Instructor Forum: This is a great place to ask course content or assignment questions. If you have a question, there is a good chance one of your peers does as well. This is a public forum for the class. Individual Forum: This is a private forum to ask me questions or send me messages. This will be checked at least once every 24 hours.
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We will process your orders through multiple stages and checks to ensure that what we are delivering to you, in the end, is something that is precise as you envisioned it. All of our essay writing service products are 100% original, ensuring that there is no plagiarism in them. The sources are well-researched and cited so it is interesting. Our goal is to help as many students as possible with their assignments, i.e. our prices are affordable and services premium.
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