Question 2

Gender differences in heart disease can be found in:

· Question 3

Sarah, who just found out she is pregnant, is taking   prenatal vitamins with extra daily supplements of iron. She may be a   candidate for

· Question 4

Margie, who has been breastfeeding for 4 weeks, has   mastitis in her right breast and is taking Dixcloxacillin. She asks you what   she needs to do about feeding the baby. You respond

· Question 5

A 25-year-old obese female has a history of frequent   candida vaginal infections in the past year. She is in a monogamous sexual   relationship and uses and intrauterine device (IUD) for contraception. Of the   following, which is the most likely underlying condition predisposing her to recurring   candida vaginitis?

· Question 6

Qualitative urine testing for hCG (human chorionic   gonadotropin) can be done reliably ________ days after implantation of the   blastocyst (fertilized egg).

· Question 7

Karen is taking oral contraceptive pills for fertility   control. Karen calls the clinic and reports the presence of chest pain and   shortness of breath. You instruct Karen to:

· Question 8

A new mother asks, “Is it true that breast milk will   prevent my baby from catching colds and other infections?” You should   give which of the following replies based on current research findings:

· Question 9

What is a contributor to the increased incidence of   heartburn during pregnancy?

· Question 10

Nettie, who is pregnant, is suffering from exacerbation of   peptic ulcer disorder. Which is the best medication to order for her?

· Question 11

A common prenatal care model in which women have their   first visit with one provider and then subsequent visits in a group setting   is called:

· Question 12

Lynn comes to the clinic for her initial prenatal visit.   Based on her menstral history, the client is at 9 weeks’ gestation and is   scheduled to have an ultrasound for estimation of the gestational age of the   fetus. Which fetal measurement is the best indicator of gestational age at   this time?

· Question 13

What is a possible cause of abdominal pain during   pregnancy?

· Question 14

A 28-year-old pregnant patient, at 18 weeks gestation,   complains of feeling lightheaded when standing. which of the following is an   appropriate response by the nurse practitioner?

· Question 15

In order to maintain continence bladder pressure must be

· Question 16

How does the third stage of labor end?

· Question 17

Which of the following drugs should be used with extreme   caution in breastfeeding mothers?

· Question 18

How can hormonal influences during pregnancy cause   backache?

· Question 19

According to Naegele’s rule, if a woman’s last normal   menstral period (LNMP) was September 23, what is her estimated date of   delivery?

· Question 20

A poorly defined, flat, blue-black macule, present at   birth and usually on the trunk and buttocks, is a

· Question 21

The majority of early pregnancy losses are due to:

· Question 22

Without treatment shortly after birth, as many as 90   percent of infants born to hepatitis B–infected mothers will:

· Question 23

A 28-year-old pregnant patient gives a history of smoking   1 pack of cigarettes per day (1 PPD). The nurse practitioner is accurate when   she tells the patient that cigarette smoking is associated with:

· Question 24

Which of the following does not increase a woman’s risk   for developing cervical cancer?

· Question 25

A nurse practitioner is holding a prenatal nutrition class   for a group of patients. Considering cultural variations, which of the   following women may be increased risk for inadequate intake of calcium?

· Question 26

What is the best description of Bishop’s score?

· Question 27

Sandra, who is 5 months pregnant and of average height and   weight, asks you how many extra calories she should be adding to her diet per   day. You tell her to add:

· Question 28

What components make up the biophysical profile?

· Question 29

What is the leading cause of first-trimester maternal   death?

· Question 30

A newborn delivered by a mother with no prenatal care   exhibits the following: dysmorphic facial features including short palpebral   fissures, a thin upper lip, an elongated and flattened philtrum, and a   flattened midface region. You suspect that the mother engaged in what   behavior during pregnancy?

· Question 31

What is a common cause of leg cramps during pregnancy?

· Question 32

What is the simplest and safest method of suppressing   lactation after it has started?

· Question 33

Uncomplicated acute bacterial cystitis occurs in women   who:

· Question 34

Which of the following diseases is not acquired   transplancentally?

· Question 35

NSAID use during pregnancy has been linked to which   condition in newborns?

· Question 36

Carrie is due to deliver her second baby. During your work-up,   you note that she hemorrhaged after delivering her first baby 2 years ago,   has always had menorrhagia, and bruises easily. Her lab work reveals a normal   blood work-up, including a normal prothrombin time and activated partial   thromboplastin time. What do you suspect?

· Question 37

Screening for hyperlipidemia is recommended to begin at   what age for women with no risk factors?

· Question 38

A 20-year-old female patient presents with lower abdominal   pain, moderate vaginal bleeding, and right shoulder pain. Her blood pressure   is 85/50 mmHg, pulse 140, respirations 28, and temperature 98 deg. F. She has   a history of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Her urine pregnancy test is   positive. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

· Question 39

Which of the following recommendations should you provide   to parents about reducing the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)?

· Question 40

What is the recommended timing for gestational diabetes   screening?

· Question 41

What is an indication of the second stage of labor?

· Question 42

Liza is 34 weeks pregnant and has mild hypertension. You   are performing a nonstress test (NST). What is the criterion for a reactive   NST?

· Question 43

You see G5P4015 on a client’s history form. You surmise   that

· Question 44

A 50-year-old patient has abnormal vaginal bleeding with   heavy periods and intermenstrual water discharge with a small amount of   blood. What is the most likely diagnosis?

· Question 45

What is significant about cytomegalovirus (CMV)?

· Question 46

A 30-year-old female patient is seeking advice from the   nurse practitioner about becoming pregnant. She is currently taking an oral   contraceptive. She gives a history of having a hydatidiform molar pregnancy 2   years ago. The appropriate plan of care for this patient should include:

· Question 47

A woman with hyperemesis gravidarum would most likely   benefit from a plan of care designed to address which of the following   nursing diagnosis?

· Question 48

All except which of the following are important historical   questions for a 29-year-old woman in clinic for right-sided weakness?

· Question 49

The onset of labor is indicated by regular uterine   contractions and:

· Question 50

An example of an X-linked recessive condition or trait is

· Question 51

When completing this quiz,   did you comply with Walden University’s Code of Conduct including the   expectations for academic integrity?


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