Nursing Role and Scope

Nursing Role and Scope: Personal Philosophy of Nursing

Nursing Role and Scope: Personal Philosophy of Nursing

Complete Personal Nursing Philosophy Paper

See attach (template)


Personal Philosophy of Nursing

Personal Philosophy of Nursing

Your Name

Keiser University

Course Name and Number



Personal Philosophy of Nursing

Do not write the word ‘Introduction’ at the top. In this introductory paragraph, comprehensively address this statement – I chose nursing as my profession because nursing is……. For the remainder of the paper you will address each heading (APA Level 1) provided below. You will delete all red instructions and leave the headings intact. This assignment does NOT require an abstract! Nursing Role and Scope

Core and Focus of Nursing

Begin each section as a formal paragraph indenting the first line with subsequent lines flush left. Always indent paragraphs 5-7 spaces or 0.5”. You can simply hit the “tab” key on your keyboard and it will automatically move it the right spaces for you. Or, you can use the paragraph tool above. Discuss what you believe is the core and focus of nursing care? Include reference to the Keiser University BSN Program Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) of Care Coordination; Research and Translation; Advocacy and Policy; and Information Management. How are they demonstrated in practice? Do not refer specifically to Keiser University. Just include how these learning outcomes are demonstrated in your work as a nurse. Provide an example for each to further support.

Personal Vision of Nursing

In this section, reflect on the following

· nursing as a profession,

· what it means to be a nurse,

· nursing’s history, and

· the importance of lifelong learning.

· Include the metaparadigm nursing concepts of person, health, environment, and nursing and correlate the values, beliefs, and ethical standards of the nursing profession to your personal philosophy of nursing. Also consider how your personal beliefs and values affect nursing practice.

Nursing Theory in Practice

In this section present which nursing theorist and their work is best represented in your personal nursing practice. Provide an example of how it is demonstrated.

Personal Philosophy of Nursing with Patients and Patient’s Family

In this section, reflect on your personal view of nursing practice as it relates to patients and their families.

Personal Philosophy of Nursing and My Health Care Professional Colleagues

In this section, reflect on your personal view of nursing practice as it relates to relationships with health care colleagues (all) including collaboration and team work.

Personal Philosophy of Nursing and My Own Health

In this section, reflect on your personal view and beliefs about your own health and how it might relate to nursing practice. Discuss caring for self and what that means!


A paper’s conclusion should “wrap-up” and summarize the main points of your paper. Review the main points of each heading of your paper and summarize them to remind your readers of their importance (being careful not to restate them exactly). Subsequently, make a final point for the reader to think about without bringing up a whole new topic.



References go on a new page and is formatted as the examples demonstrated below. Utilize the “page break” function.

References require hanging indentations which means the first line of each reference is at the left margin and the subsequent lines in each reference is indented 0.5 inches.

Format your reference page by clicking on the little arrow in the Paragraph group found on the Home tab. In the ‘Paragraph dialog box’ under Special: use the dropdown and click on Hanging and it will automatically format the indentation by 0.5 inches.

Then, go down to Line spacing: and choose ‘Double’ and at the bottom click OK. Be sure to not double/double-space between each reference. The references should be uniformly double spaced.

It is your responsibility to italicizecapitalizeparenthesize, and punctuate according to APA rules. Please refer to your APA 7th edition Manual and the APA Tutorial/Quick Guide.

After you have entered all the sources you have cited in your document, alphabetize the list of sources clicking the “Sort” button (the AZ on the top line of the “Paragraph” portion on your ribbon). You will sort Paragraphs by Text in Ascending order.

Remember to include at least one nursing, scholarly journal article and reference from one of the ANA Essential texts (Scope and Standards, Code of Ethics, or Social Policy). Additional sources should be professional nursing sources such as the course text or another journal article.

Please see pages 58 and 66 of the APA Manual (7th ed.). This is what your reference page should look like. Contact your faculty instructor if you have any questions about this Personal Philosophy Paper.

Your references need to be in alphabetical order. Please be sure to check your spelling!

Remove all red instructions. You can convert the two examples below to black font color and use them IF you paraphrased and cited information from them in your philosophy (a good idea!). Nursing Role and Scope


Black, B. P. (2020). Professional nursing: Concepts and challenges (9th ed.). Elsevier.

Fowler, M. D. M. (2015). Guide to the code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statements: Development, interpretation, and application (2nd ed.). American Nurses Association.



NUR3805 Personal Philosophy of Nursing Paper Guideline/Rubric

Course Objectives, Program Outcomes, and AACN Essentials:

5. Compare and contrast various conceptual, theoretical, philosophical and scientific bases of nursing practice. (Research & Translation; Essential III)

6. Examine how effective communication and collaboration promotes positive interactions within health care

teams and safe patient care. (Care Coordination, Information Management; Essentials IV, VI)

7. Discuss the intersection between the nursing profession and various systems such as healthcare delivery

organizations, political/governmental processes, and economics. (Care Coordination, Advocacy & Policy; Essentials II, V)

8. Analyze the potential and actual impact of advocacy and change by the individual professional nurse and

professional associations on populations, public institutions (including community organizations and political

entities) and the profession. (Advocacy & Policy; Essentials V, VIII)

Title: Personal Philosophy of Nursing

Audience: Professional Healthcare Colleagues

Point of view: First Person

Format: APA and Level 1 Headings

Template: Provided and required

Length: 2-3 double-spaced pages (minimum) not including title or reference page

References: Three (3 minimum) One (1) being a current, scholarly nursing journal article and one (1) from the ANA

Essential texts (Scope and Standards, Code of Ethics, or Social Policy). The third can be another journal article, the

text or any other professional source of your choice. Grading Rubric: Please see the Assignment Rubric for further details related to this assessment and grading criteria.


Assignment Guidelines: Your personal philosophy of nursing does exist, even if you have never articulated it before. Your personal nursing philosophy is the foundation of your day-to-day nursing practice. Your nursing philosophy reflects the

principles from which you conduct your thinking and your behavior. Development of a personal nursing philosophy is not

merely an academic exercise, but rather can guide you in the daily decisions you make as a professional registered nurse. It will

be beneficial for you to complete this assignment and then to review and revise your personal nursing philosophy from time to

time as many employers may ask you about your personal philosophy of nursing during an interview. Or, you may need one to

apply for graduate school.

First, review the example of one nurse’s personal philosophy. Review chapter 8 & 9 of your textbook (Black, 2017). Your

philosophy will include the following with APA Level one headings:

 Discuss what you believe is the core and focus of nursing care. Relate the Keiser University RN-BSN programmatic student learning outcomes (on syllabus) and how they are demonstrated in your personal nursing

practice. Provide examples.

 Reflect on your personal vision of nursing, nursing as a profession, what it means to be a nurse, nursing’s history, and lifelong learning. Include the metaparadigm of nursing concepts and correlate the values, beliefs, and ethical

standards of the nursing profession to your personal philosophy of nursing. Nursing Role and Scope

 Discuss a nursing theorist and their work as it relates to your personal nursing practice.

 Describe your personal philosophy in relationship to patients, patient families, colleagues, and self.

Then, use the template provided below to write your own personal philosophy of nursing. Remember, this is YOUR philosophy

of nursing–do NOT use or copy any portion of the example provided. You must use the template provided. Write in your

own words and paraphrase content from other sources and cite according to APA standards. Only one direct quote that fully

supports your own writing is allowed.

This Personal Nursing Philosophy paper will consist of a minimum two-three (2-3) page paper, not including the title page or

reference page. YOU DO NOT NEED AN ABSTRACT FOR THIS PAPER. You must respond to each section of the template in full detail. Your paper must follow APA guidelines. Examples of APA format can be found within your copy of the 6th

edition APA manual and the Keiser University Online Writing Center (OWL).

To submit your Paper, please submit it to the Week Six Assignment area. Write your paper in the template provided as a Word

document. Save it in a location on your computer and with a name that follows this format: Last name, First name, NUR3805,

Philosophy of Nursing. Support your statements with specific references from the readings and any outside sources that you

have discovered. Paraphrase and cite supporting information from a minimum of three (3) references in the finished work.

 One must be a current nursing journal article that you have found in the Keiser Library that supports one or more of your statements.

 One must be from the ANA Essential texts.

 One from additional sources (journal articles, professional web sites, etc.)

Your paper will automatically be submitted through SafeAssign, a plagiarism software program. Please review the SafeAssign

information on the course menu under the ASSIGNMENTS tab. You can also find information under the Student Resources

Tab, Writing and Library link within the course.

Additional sources can be from the ANA Essential texts, additional nursing scholarly articles, or course text. Professional websites can be

included, but must be in proper APA format. The use of web sites such as Wikipedia or a non-discipline supportive website are not allowed.

NUR3805 Personal Philosophy of Nursing Rubric

Grading Scale> A

90-100% B

80-89.99% C

70-79.99% D = 65-69.99% F = 0-64.99%

Requirement Title Brief Description Excellence Above Average Average Below Average/Failing

Applies professional presentation/writin g skills (15)

APA Paper Template required

-Presents title page with title, author, date, and running head in proper APA format. -The purpose and topic is apparent to the reader via a substantive introduction. -Information flows smoothly from one topic to another and is easily followed by the reader. Consistently maintains a professional and appropriate tone. Met minimum page requirement. -Includes a substantive conclusion. -Excellent sentence structure, paragraphing, grammar and spelling.

-Presents title page with title, author, date, and running head in proper APA format. -The purpose and topic is apparent to the reader via a brief, but evident introduction. -Arranges the sequence, timing, ideas and details with minor gaps in in effectiveness or cogency. Mostly maintains a professional and appropriate tone. Met minimum page requirement. -Includes a substantive conclusion with minor gaps in clarity or effectiveness. -Uses grammar and other conventions with minor errors.

-Presents title page with or without title, author, date, and running head in proper APA format or with major errors. -The purpose and topic is not completely or clearly presented to the reader or is missing an evident introduction. -Arranges the sequence, timing, ideas and details with major gaps in effectiveness or cogency. May or may not meet page requirement -Includes a conclusion, but with major gaps in clarity or effectiveness. -Uses grammar and other conventions with major errors.

Does not include two or more sections. Those presented have major gaps in clarity or effectiveness. Writing conventions are non-conformant in consistency and accuracy making the presentation unreadable


Applies academic APA methodology (15)

APA Format, Paraphrasing, Citations and Reference Page

Appropriately and correctly uses APA format and style and includes a minimum of three (3) sources; one (1) being a scholarly nursing journal article; one (1) from the ANA Essential tests. Paraphrases substantively and points are clear and relate directly to the topic being supported. Proper citations are included. References are present on own page in proper APA format. Nursing Role and Scope

Uses APA format, style, and citations with minimum required references with minor gaps in appropriateness or correct use.

Uses some APA format, style, and citations with minimum required references or below minimum with major gaps in appropriateness or correct use.

Does not conform to APA format and style and/or did not include appropriate references of any kind.

Core and Focus of Professional Nursing (20)

Describes the core and focus of professional nursing and relates Keiser University’s RN- BSN programmatic student learning outcomes.

Comprehensively and accurately describes the core and focus of professional nursing and reflects on student learning outcomes.


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