Political & Economic Philosophy Paper

Political & Economic Philosophy Paper

Political & Economic Philosophy Paper

Questions may require 5 or more sentences to properly answer. It is suggested that you write only what you need to answer the question but if you find it assists you in explaining an answer, please write as much as you feel comfortable with to answer the question. Remember, you must use your own words in your response.


  1. a. Explain Jevon’s Marginal Utility AND b. how this effects economic      theory. [8 Points]
  2. Veblen was      anti-capitalist. aExplain what he means by “conspicuous consumption” by the      wealthy class AND bExplain why he was wrong with his      view of the wealthy class (what are positives the wealthy class provides      the economy?). [8 Points]
  3. Explain Fisher’s Quantity Theory of Money (You can use his      mathematical formula to assist you in explaining his theory). [4      Points]
  4. Mises disagreed with      Fisher’s conclusions, specifically in regards to how Fisher’s system for      Quantity Theory of Money functions and Fisher’s lack of understanding of      the business cycle. To help support      his views Mises drew upon three other economists. Bohm-Baewerk’s Capital Theory discusses      the structure of capital (money). Explain his Capital Theory in good      and poor economic times.  [4 Points]
  5. a. Explain how Keynes disagrees with Adam Smith’s Classical      System. bExplain how Keynes would stimulate the economy. c.      Explain the reasoning why      Keynes believed his approach works to stimulate the economy. [12 Points]
  6. a, Explain Marx’s Labor Theory of Value. b. Explain Marx’s Theory of      Surplus Value. [8 Points]
  7. Discuss Aquinas’s view of government on the following topics:      what is the purpose of government? Who is qualified to govern? What form of government does Aquinas prefer? [4      Points]
  8. a. Discuss how reformers Luther and Calvin view the church’s role      in government. b. Discuss what is Luther’s view of      government.  cDiscuss and Explain      what form of government Calvin deems the best. [12      Points]
  9. Discuss Machiavelli’s view of the forms of government (the      purpose of government, who should rule, how should they rule, etc.) [4      Points]
  10. a. Explain what Hobbes means by a “Social Contract” and the      responsibilities of the populace and the responsibilities of the      sovereign. bDiscuss what the      populace must give the sovereign for the social contract to exist. [8      Points]
  11. a. Discuss what is Locke’s Labor Theory of Estate. b. Discuss how his Theory ties-in      with his view of the Social Contract. [8 Points]
  12. a. Discuss what Rouseau means by the General Will. b. Discuss      the forms of government Rouseau prefers. [8      Points]
  13. a. Discuss how Burke views a society’s history will effect how      a government develops and evolves. bDiscuss the form of government Burke advocates. [8      Points]
  14. In Marx’s view, Discuss what the government would      be like after capitalism falls as an economic system. [4      Points]



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