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PSY501 Unit2 and Writing Assignment
PSY501 Unit2 and Writing Assignment
Multiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed answer sheet)
l. According to the World Health Organization, what percentage of children worldwide has diets that are deficient in protein?
a. 10
b. 25
c. 50
d. 75
2. An electroencephalograph (EEG) measures the electrical activity of the __ .
a. brain
b. heart
c. pancreas
d. liver
3. On average, children begin to walk without the support of others around what age?
a. 9 months
b. 11 months
c. 13 months
d. 15 months
4. Interestingly, object permanence is not a uniquely human achievement. Who else can acquire object permanence?
a. chimpanzees at two years of age
b. dogs at one year of age
c. cats at two years of age
d. nearly a II repti les at any age
5. __ is the difference between skills or tasks that children can accomplish alone and those they are capable of performing if guided by an adult or a more competent peer.
a. Self efficacy
b. Animism
c. Zone of proximal development
d. Deferred imitation
6. What allows humans to communicate about not just what is observable in the present, but about an infinite range of things beyond the present moment?
a. gestures
b. thinking
c. cognition
d. language
7. In toddlerhood new emotions appear such as guilt, shame, embarrassment, envy, and pride.
These are examples of __ .
a. animal emotions
b. primary emotions
c. secondary emotions
d. tertiary emotions
8. What term refers to the biological status of being male or female?
9. Compared to the average 4-year-old in Sweden, how tall is the average 6-year-old in Bangladesh?
a. four times taller
b. three times taller
c. twice as tall
d. the same height
10. __ lobe grows faster than the rest of the cerebral cortex during early childhood.
a. The frontal
b. The parietal
c. The occipital
d. The temporal
11. __ is involved in the transfer of information from short-term memory to long-term memory.
a. The hippocampus
b. The reticular formation
c. The temporal lobe
d. The cerebellum
12. What is the term that is used to describe young children’s thinking in which they often focus on one noticeable aspect of a cognitive problem to the exclusion of other important aspects?
13. __ is when preoperational children understand that objects can be simultaneously part of more than one “class” or group.
a. Egocentrism
b. Conservation
c. Reversibility
d. Classification
14. It is not until age __ that nearly all children can solve a false belief task easily.
a. 2
b. 4
c. 6
d. 8
15. What is the term that describes many Asian cultures’ belief that children are expected to respect, obey, and revere their parents throughout life?
a. amae
b. filial piety
c. parental honorarium
d. familial superiority
16. Physical punishment is also known as __ .
a. neutralizing punishment
b. negative punishment
c. capital punishment
d. corporal punishment
17. __ is a measure of the ratio of weight to height.
a. Body growth scale
b. Body mass index
c. Progressive development index
d. Physiological rati ng
18. According to Mutti et al. (2002), what percentage of children in developed countries need glasses by the end of middle childhood?
a. 15
b. 25
c. 35
d. 45
19. Even in middle childhood, obesity can result in __ .
a. diabetes
b. nephrosis
c. stroke
d. cardiac arrest
20. Across cultures, advances in fine motor development are especially evident in two areas-what are they?
a. throwing and catching
b. drawing and writing
c. jumping and hopping
d. walking backwards and rolling
21. Piaget’s cognitive task where individuals can take more than one aspect of a problem into account is
a. decentering
b. reversibility
c. egocentrism
d. animism
22. What two advances occur during middle childhood in information processing abilities?
a. visual scanning and search routines
b. attention and memory
c. motivation and diligence
d. decentering and critical processing
23. What percentage of students taking medications for their ADHD show improvements in academic performance and peer relation?
24. Children in middle childhood report being “very happy” __ of the time, a far higher percentage than for __ .
a. 8; infants and children
b. 28; adolescents or adults
c. 42; young adults
d. 60; individuals in late adulthood
25. What is the term that is used to describe how persons view themselves in relation to others with regard to status, abilities, or achievements?
a. social skills
b. social relations
c. social template
d. social comparison
Writing Assignment for Unit Two
• Include your name, student number, course number, course title and unit number on each page of your writing assignment (this is for your protection in case your materials become separated).
• Begin each writing assignment by identifying the question number you are answering followed by the actual question itself (in bold type).
• Use a standard essay format for responses to all questions (i.e., an introduction, middle paragraphs and conclusion).
• Responses must be submitted as a MS Word Document only, typed double-spaced, using a
standard font (i.e. limes New Roman) and 12 point type size.
Word count is NOT one of the criteria that is used in assigning points to writing assignments. However, students who are successful in earning the maximum number of points tend to submit writing assignments that fall in the following ranges:
Undergraduate courses: 350 – 500 words or 1 – 2 pages. Graduate courses: 500 – 750 words or 2 – 3 pages. Doctoral courses: 750 – 1000 words or 4 – 5 pages.
All work must be free of any form of plagiarism. Put written answers into your own words. Do not simply cut and paste your answers from the Internet and do not copy your answers from the textbook. Be sure to refer to the course syllabus for more details on plagiarism and proper citation styles.
Please answer ONE of the following:
1. Describe at least one research finding that refuted the claim that the reason babies were attached to their mothers was because she provided food.
2. Compare and contrast the outcomes for children of authoritative parents versus those of authoritarian parents based on research with White, middle-class families. Provide a rationale for why parents’ behavior influenced their children in these ways.
3. Overall, how would researchers characterize the period of middle childhood in terms of health and safety? Explain, using at least one example to address illness and one to address injuries. PSY501 Unit2 and Writing Assignment