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PSY511 Professional Ethics and the Law
PSY511 Professional Ethics and the Law
T ext:
Authors: Publisher:
Counseling Ethics and Decision Making
3rd Edition, 2007
ISBN: 10: 0131710052; 13: 9780131710054
Robert R. Cottone, University of Missouri, St. Louis
Vilia M. Tarvydas, University of Iowa
Pearson/ Merrill
Study Guide
PSY511 – Professional Ethics and the Law
Unit 1 Examination
Unit 4 Examination
Multiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed answer sheet)
1. Groups or group process may:
a. differ depending on the national origin of group members
b. be enhanced by the acceptance of differences among group members c. be enhanced by a culturally sensitive counselor
d. all of the above
2. Related to privileged communication and group counseling, privileged communication:
a. can be guaranteed in all cases with a licensed professional b. historically has been respected in group counseling
c. prevents gossip about cases to uninvolved third parties in informal settings d. none of the above
3. Group counseling:
a. is practiced only in private practices
b. is a specialty of counseling meeting all standard criteria for defining a specialty c. always is led by at least two counselors
d. b and c only
e. none of the above
4. If a group of minors is being counseled, the parents of the minors:
a. must respect the counselor/client privilege of confidentiality
b. have the right to information about the nature and content of counseling c. have the right to attend a group session as a chaperone
d. both b and c
e. none of the above
5. The CRC code of ethics clearly asserts that the primary responsibility of counselors is to whom?
a. their employer b. their supervisor
c. individuals with disabilities receiving services d. third party payor
Unit 4 Examination
6. If the counselor holds the culturally dominant high level of value regarding traditional work, he or she may not react positively to individuals who wish to work in which area?
a. factory settings
b. in-home as caregivers
c. only part time to pursue avocational interests d. both b and c are correct
7. Rehabilitation counselors monitor their competence in two areas. Which of the following are the two areas in which counselors monitor their competence?
a. job development, placement and follow-up
b. integration of mental health counseling or diagnostic focus with their usual practices c. competence in the area of assessment
d. both b and c are correct
8. CRCC provides code of ethics enforcement for which of the following?
a. individuals who hold the CRC certification. b. individual members of ACA and ARCA.
c. individual members of NRA and NRCA.
d. individuals who hold a CCM certification.
9. Two major changes within the 2002 CRCC code of ethics had to do with what subject(s)?
a. major emphasis on multicultural considerations b. new continuing education requirements
c. addition of an entire section on electronic communication d. established dollar limits for billing of services
e. both a and c
10. The collaborative consortium of key rehabilitation counseling professional organizations formed in 2004 is the:
a. Alliance for Rehabilitation Counseling b. Rehabilitation Counseling Cooperative c. National Rehabilitation Association
d. American Rehabilitation Counselors United e. none of the above
Unit 4 Examination
11. The two major professional organizations for rehabilitation counselors are:
a. ARCA and NRCA
b. ACA and ARCA
c. APA and NRCA
d. ARCAA and NRC
e. none of the above
12. According to your text, nearly of the U.S. population needed treatment for an alcohol or illicit drug problem in 2003.
a. 8% b. 10% c. 12% d. 15%
e. none of the above
13. This organization is the largest organization serving addiction counselors, educators, and other health care professionals who deal with addiction.
b. ACA
c. APA
e. none of the above
14. Confidentiality in treatment of chemical dependency is unique due to:
a. state statute confidentiality
b. national professional certification c. state professional certification
d. none of the above
15. The 12-step approach of Alcoholics Anonymous has been:
a. discredited by the majority of professionals because of the religious nature of the program b. shown to ONLY be effective when combined with professional interventions
c. proven to be effective not only with treating alcoholism, but with other addictions as well d. none of the above
Unit 4 Examination
16. What is the NBCC specialty designation for counseling professionals who work primarily with addiction?
d. none of the above
17. Which is NOT a setting listed in your text in which substance abuse treatment may be deliv- ered?
a. outpatient setting b. residential
c. hospital
d. all of the above are settings
18. How many of the criteria for substance dependence must be present for the diagnosis of alco- hol or drug dependence?
a. two
b. three c. four d. five
e. none of the above
19. The ACS identifies content areas that training in clinical supervision must include.
20. Related to potential ethical situations, supervisors often have which of the following concerns?
a. most code of professional ethics have limited information regarding supervision
b. the supervisor must constantly examine the ethical issues that impact both the client and the supervisee
c. regulations for clinical supervisors provided are ambiguous from a legal perspective d. both a and b are correct
Unit 4 Examination
21. A student counselor is providing services to a client and audiotapes each of the sessions for individual review with their supervisor and group review with their fellow students. The client was not informed that their counselor was a student in training or of the purpose of the audio- taping. The supervisor and supervisee have violated which of the following?
a. client informed consent b. client confidentiality
c. supervisee confidentiality d. both a and b are correct
22. A student is completing an internship at a work re-entry center. The student is female and worked with a male client whom she knew was attracted to her. During his rehabilitation he frequently brought her flowers, candy and cards of thanks. The student did not accept the gifts, rather placed them in a central location for all to benefit from. The student discussed this situation with her supervisor and followed agency policy and her supervisor’s directives
during the entire time she was providing services to the client. Upon discharge the client asked the student for her phone number for the purposes of a social/romantic relationship. The stu- dent gave the client her phone number and began dating the client two weeks after he was dis- charged. Another agency personnel saw the two in the community in a close embrace and reported this to the student’s supervisor. Upon hearing this information, the supervisor went
to the student’s office, packed her belongings and left them at the front desk with a note that her internship was terminated. The action of the supervisor violated the supervisee’s:
a. due process
b. confidentiality
c. informed consent
d. professional identity e. none of the above
23. Which of the following are effective suggestions for supervisors to consider to avoid malprac- tice lawsuits?
a. possess appropriate knowledge, skill and work habits b. foster healthy, respectful relationships
c. have keen knowledge of self d. all of the above
24. After a hearing, a license board makes a decision which could include consequences. Which of the following is NOT a consequence as listed in your text?
a. revocation of a license b. paying a fine
c. probation d. reprimand
e. none of the above
Unit 4 Examination
25. Which of the following sources of ethical information has been given the highest rating by certified counselors?
a. ACA ethical code
b. APA Ethics Committee
c. ACA Journal of Counseling and Development
d. all of the above e. a and c only
Unit 4 Examination
Written Assignment for Unit F our
Be sure to refer to this course syllabus for instructions on format, length, and other information on how to complete this assignment. Please answer ONE of the following:
1. Within a group setting you are working with two individuals who are employed by the same employer, but work in different departments of the company. Despite repeated directives that group content is confidential, you find that one employee has been leaving the group to go home and call several other employees of the company and share confidential information about the other group member with company employees. What ethical dilemma does this pose? How would you effective- ly handle this situation? Would you deal only with the individual involved or address it in group?
2. You are working in a state vocational rehabilitation agency with a counselor who is not a member of ACA or NRA. Further, this counselor has not completed the CRC examination. This counselor
is refusing to provide services to persons with mental illness. What ethical dilemmas are present within this situation? What would you do to resolve the dilemma?
3. Compare and contrast the NAADAC standards to the ACA code of ethics. Identify the multiple relationships that can exist in supervision. Identify situations in which relationships could be iden- tified as detrimental and what you could do to avoid becoming involved in a detrimental relation- ship. If you find yourself involved in a detrimental relationship, what should you do?
4. What competencies must a counselor have to provide supervision? Is being a good counselor enough to provide supervision? Can a counselor of average abilities become an exceptional super- visor? Why or why not? Discuss. PSY511 Professional Ethics and the Law