PSYC100 Outline and Final Project

PSYC100 Outline and Final Project

PSYC100 Outline and Final Project

This is 2 assignments in 1. Outline and final project. Must watch the movie for this assignment. Please review all documents.


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    I would like to examine the film “The Hate U Give”. I would explore the social psychology and environmental influences.  

    Briefly outline the major sections of your paper, providing references at the end of your outline in APA format. Your outline should be 2-4 pages and be descriptive enough that I can get a sense of what the content of your paper will include. This is imperative for me to give you good feedback on your outline to enhance your final paper. Your outline will be graded based on organization, content, use of research, references, and formatting using the attached rubric. PSYC100 Outline and Final Project

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    Example Outline for the Application of Psychology Final Paper


    Title: A look into Schizotypal Personality Disorder as Illustrated in Joker


    I. Introduction

    A. Introductory statement: Joker depicts a man who is seen struggling in a world who has no regard for him and his mental state. Arthur’s mental health causes a lot of people in his life to dismiss him, which later leads to a different image of himself that was previously portrayed.

    B. Thesis statement: In this paper, I will explore the symptoms, causes, lifestyle impacts, and treatments of schizotypal personality disorder (SPD) through the main character Arthur Fleck, in the movie Joker.


    II. Body

    A. Summarize the Media/Movie (Topic Sentence): Joker is a movie about a troubled man, who is seems to be struggling to make ends meet both in a physical and mental sense. The main character, Arthur works for a clown business and finds joy in coming to work every day to make people laugh. While, he is alone, a different side is portrayed. The movie takes place in Gotham City, during this time it is seen to be very gloomy and filled with crime and poverty (Cooper et al., 2019). 1. Arthur suffers from mental illness. One of the main traits includes laughing when

    he is uncomfortable. One day while at work advertising a store with a sign, a group of teenagers take his sign while repeatedly kicking and punching him. In this scenario, the joker’s reaction is laughter.

    2. One day while the joker and his neighbor were in an elevator, they have a brief conversation. This isolated incident leads him to create the illusion that he is involved in a romantic relationship with said neighbor.

    3. On a subway ride home, Arthur finds trouble when he notices four men harassing a woman. Instead of intervening, he starts laughing uncontrollably which draws the men over to him, then a fight ensues. Arthur shoots and kills the men on the train station, which causes a great deal of media attention. PSYC100 Outline and Final Project

    4. After admitting to the murders, Arthur appears on a nationally syndicated television talk show. While on the show the Joker begins to tell a joke. “What do you get when you cross a mentally ill loner with a society that abandons him and treats him like trash?!” Talk show host looks surprised but doesn’t respond. The joker responds by shooting and killing the talk show host on national TV. The media responded by giving him praise to showcase the divide between the upper and lower class citizens (Cooper et al., 2019).



    B. Summarize Research on Psychological Concepts (Topic Sentence): Researchers suggests that SPD can be the result of environmental factors, such as childhood experiences or could have been passed down from your family. 1. SPD can include symptoms such as odd beliefs, speech, behavior or appearance,

    paranoia, social anxiety, inappropriate responses (APA, 2013; Walsh, 2017) 2. Childhood trauma has a high association with members who have been diagnosed

    with SPD, including physical sexual, and emotional abuse; physical and emotional neglect; and household dysfunction (Ridenour, 2016).

    3. Untreated SPD can cause disruptions in social, emotional, and occupational functioning. In Overstreet vs. Wilson (2012), Michael Overstreet kidnapped murdered Kelly Eckart. The defendant claimed to suffer from schizotypal personality disorder.

    4. SPD can be treated with medication and psychotherapy that can be used to cope with the different symptoms. Cognitive behavioral therapy, Antipsychotic medications, and antidepressants all play a huge part in regulating symptoms to help people living with STPD live a normal life. (APA, 2013; The Saylor Foundation, n.d.)


    C. Apply Psychological Concepts to Movie (Topic Sentence): Arthur Fleck comes from a very underprivileged background. Living in Gotham City, where crime rates are through the roof, the world does not sit back and take a second to help. Instead this society places the mentally ill under lots of discrimination and rejection. 1. Throughout this film, Arthur exhibited a lot of symptoms such as social anxiety,

    odd appearance and inappropriate responses, delusions, and violent outbursts. 2. Due to Arthur’s environment and lack of attention to his illness, directly caused

    him to go off the deep end with some of his actions. 3. He tried to seek treatment but did not get it so his symptoms worsened. PSYC100 Outline and Final Project


    III. Conclusion

    A. Closing statement: Arthur struggled in a society that did not see him, and was tormented both a physical and mental sense. Many people struggle with discrimination when it comes to mental illness. Sometimes discrimination isn’t as apparent as we might think.

    B. Restate thesis: I have explored the symptoms, lifestyle impact and treatments of schizotypal personality disorder through the main character Arthur Fleck, in the movie Joker.





    American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders

    (5th ed.). Author.

    Coccaro, E. F., & Siever, L. J. (2005). Neurobiology. In J. M. Oldham, A. E. Skodol & D.

    Bender (Eds.), Textbook of personality disorders (pp. 155–169). American Psychiatric


    Cooper, B., Webb, D., Koskoff E. (Producers), & Phillips, T., (Director and Producer). (2019)

    Joker [Motion Picture]. United States: Warner Bros.

    Overstreet, M. D. vs. Wilson, B. (2012). No. 11-2276 (7th Circuit Court).

    Ridenour, J. M. (2016). Psychodynamic model and treatment of schizotypal personality disorder.

    Psychoanalytic Psychology, 33(1), 129–146.

    The Saylor Foundation. (n.d.). Introduction to psychology. Author.

    Saylor Academy Open Textbooks

    Walsh, J. (2017). Schizotypal Personality Disorder: A Clinical Social Work Perspective. Journal

    of Social Work Practice, 31(1), 67–78. https//





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    Application of Psychology Paper Outline Grading Rubric

    Criteria 6 Points 5 Points 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Point 0 Points Organization Expertly follows

    the organizational guidelines for this assignment, including clearly delineated sections of the paper: Introduction, section briefly outlining media/movie summary, section outlining research behind psychological concepts, section applying research on psychological concepts to media/movie chosen, and conclusion. Requires minimal to no revisions.

    Follows the organizational guidelines for this assignment, including clearly delineated sections of the paper: Introduction, section briefly outlining media/movie summary, section outlining research behind psychological concepts, section applying research on psychological concepts to media/movie chosen, and conclusion.

    Mostly follows the prescribed outline format, including meeting at least 3 of the 5 required sections or minimally meeting the requirements for all 5 sections.

    Sections of outline not well delineated OR only two sections are well articulated. Partially follows the prescribed format.

    Sections of outline not well delineated, though one section is well articulated.

    Minimally follows the prescribed format.

    No sections of the outline are well delineated and author completely disregards the prescribed format.

    Content Expertly details each of the required sections of the outline to articulate the major points to be covered in the paper. The reader has a clear understanding of the purpose,

    Provides sufficient detail in each of the required sections of the outline to articulate the major points to be covered in the paper. The reader has a clear understanding of

    Provides mostly sufficient detail in each of the required sections of the outline to articulate the major points to be covered in the paper. The reader has a general

    Provides some detail in each or most of the required sections of the outline, though material needs additional details reorganization.

    Provides minimal detail in each required section so the reader is unsure exactly what will be covered in the paper and/or how the psychological concepts will be

    Outline insufficient to determine major topics of the paper and incomplete, though some sections provide minimal detail. PSYC100 Outline and Final Project

    No detail provided at all so reader has no idea what topics will be covered in the paper.



    media/movie description, psychological concepts covered, how the author will apply the psychological concepts to the media/movie, and conclusions. Requires minimal no revisions.

    the purpose, media/movie description, psychological concepts covered, how the author will apply the psychological concepts to the media/movie, and conclusions.

    understanding of the purpose, media/movie description, psychological concepts covered, how the author will apply the psychological concepts to the media/movie, and conclusions OR missing one section of the outline.

    applied OR missing two sections of the outline.

    Use of Research

    Author expertly integrates scientific psychological research in the content of the outline. Author demonstrates clear understanding of the media/movie as well as the psychological concepts covered. Requires minimal to no revisions.

    Author integrates scientific psychological research in the content of the outline. Author demonstrates understanding of the media/movie as well as the psychological concepts covered.

    Author demonstrates average integration of scientific psychological research into the content of the outline. Author demonstrates general understanding of the media/movie as well as the psychological concepts covered.

    Author demonstrates some integration of scientific psychological research into the content of the outline, though additional work is needed to demonstrate clear understanding of the application of research to the media/movie selected.

    Author minimally integrates scientific psychological research in the content of the outline. Author demonstrates minimal understanding of the media/movie as well as the psychological concepts covered.

    Author does not use scientific psychological research in the content of the outline, but does demonstrate some understanding of the psychological concepts covered.

    Author does not demonstrate an awareness of the scientific literature or how to apply the literature to this paper.

    References Author provides two or more peer reviewed academic references to

    Author provides at least two peer reviewed academic references to

    Author provides at least two peer reviewed academic references to

    Author provides only one peer reviewed academic reference to

    Author provides two academic references, but they are not peer reviewed (e.g.,

    Author provides references that are not appropriate to

    No references are provided at all.



    support the research objectives of this paper. The references provided were expertly selected for the purposes of this paper and demonstrate a through understanding of the topic. Author cites chosen media.

    support the research objectives of this paper and the references provided are appropriate to the topic. Author cites chosen media. PSYC100 Outline and Final Project

    support the research objectives of this paper with at least one reference provided being appropriate to the topic. Author cites chosen media.

    support the research objectives of this paper OR the references provided are inappropriate to the topic. Author cites chosen media.

    text books or other academic works other than peer reviewed journal articles). Author does not cite chosen media.

    the topic or the paper requirements (e.g., websites, wikipedia, etc. are inappropriate for the two peer reviewed required references). Author does not cite chosen media.

    Formatting & APA Style

    Outline is expertly structured as a bulleted, sectioned document. All references are cited in APA format at the end of the outline in a separate references section, with minimal to no errors in APA format style.

    Outline is structured as a bulleted, sectioned document. All references are cited in APA format at the end of the outline in a separate references section, though minor errors observed.

    Outline is formatted appropriately, though may not use bullet points correctly (e.g., use of complete sentences or paragraphs instead of bulleted points) OR some errors in APA format for references.

    Outline is mostly formatted appropriately, though may not use bullet points correctly (e.g., use of complete sentences or paragraphs instead of bulleted points) and has some errors in APA format for references.

    Outline does not follow the standard sectioned, bulleted point format (e.g., mostly uses paragraphs instead of an outline format), but is easy for the reader to understand and references not in APA format at all.

    Outline does not follow required format though the reader is able to understand the goals of the paper. No references presented.

    Outline does not follow required format, is difficult for the reader to understand, and does not have references.

    Overall Score

    25 or More 20 or More 15 or More 12 or More 8 or More 5 or More 0 or More

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    This assignment provides an opportunity to apply psychological theory in the exploration of a book or film. Choose a film or book of special interest. The book or film should have content that can be meaningfully explored through application of psychological theory and research. You may want to look at some of the later sections in the course that deal with emotion, motivation, personality, the development of the individual over the life span, health and stress, and psychological disorders and treatment, so that you have a more complete idea of different concepts that might apply.

    This paragraph provides you with some example topics and guidelines to help you consider how to approach this task. First, you could pick a movie or book in which the main character suffers from a psychological disorder or is merely trying to cope with the everyday stress of life. In doing so, you could discuss defense mechanisms or refer to developmental stages in the person’s life that might have been important, or consider the effects of abuse, alcoholism and addiction, etc. Or you could approach the subject matter from different perspectives—psychoanalytical, biological, behavioral, cognitive, and/or sociocultural. Additionally, you could discuss the role emotion, memory, or motivation plays in the character’s development, or the importance of the environment, and influences such as racism and sexism. A  sample paper  is provided as well to guide you in content, formatting, organizing, and writing your paper. This is only a sample and you should not use any content from this sample directly in your paper. PSYC100 Outline and Final Project

    This is a research-based paper, and the film or book provides only the backdrop for research on a psychological topic. You should use at least two psychological,  peer-reviewed references  (textbook can be used but does not count towards the peer-reviewed references required). The paper should be 1,200 to 1,500 words, about 5 double-spaced pages. The final paper portion of the assignment is worth 65 points and will be graded according to the attached rubric. This assignment will be reviewed by Turnitin and generate a similarity report upon submission to LEO. A new similarity report will be generated every time you upload the assignment until the due date. Please use this similarity report to improve your paper as plagiarism will NOT be tolerated. Please see my instructions on using  Turnitin  for additional information.

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    A Look into Schizotypal Personality Disorder as Illustrated in Joker [student name] University of Maryland Global Campus [Psychology 100: Introduction to Psychology] Dr. [Instructor Name] [date]

    A look into Schizotypal Personality Disorder as Illustrated in Joker

    Joker depicts a man who is seen struggling in a world that has no regard for him and his mental state (Cooper, Webb, Koskoff, & Phillips, 2019). Arthur Fleck, who is later known as the Joker, portrays a unique character, as he is seen battling various social, emotional, and mental health stressors stemming from schizotypal personality disorder. Throughout this paper, I will explore the symptoms, causes, lifestyle impacts, and treatment of schizotypal personality disorder (SPD) through the main character, Arthur Fleck.

    Movie Summary

    The movie takes place in Gotham City in the early eighties and paints the town to have a dark, dainty cloud watching over them (Cooper et al., 2019). During this time, not only is it dark and gloomy, but crime and poverty are at an all-time high. Arthur Fleck, the main character, is a troubled man, who is seen struggling to make ends meet both in a physical and mental sense. He works for a clown business and finds joy in coming to work every day to make people smile. After a long day at work, when he comes home and is left alone to his thoughts, a different side gets portrayed.

    Arthur suffers from a mental illness. One of the main traits that he tries to inhibit is his uncontrollable laughter when is he uncomfortable or nervous. This makes social interactions with people almost agonizing to witness. One day while at work advertising a store with a sign, a group of teenagers start harassing him. Later, they take his sign while repeatedly kicking and punching him in the face. In this scenario, Arthur’s reaction is laughter (Cooper et al., 2019). As the audience is witnessing this, we begin to empathize for this character because we are able to understand just how cruel society can be.

    One day, Arthur and his neighbor were in an elevator, and after a brief interaction, Arthur becomes very infatuated with her. This isolated incident leads him to create the illusion that he is involved in a romantic relationship with said neighbor. Later, he begins to spend his free time following her. Not long after, she begins to find out and confronts him about his actions. Any normal person would be very outraged and slightly revolted knowing that they have been stalked by someone they’ve barely even spoken to. While she is confronting him, Arthur admits to this. Her reaction isn’t as one would expect; she is very calm and seems to have no issue with this. Towards the end of their conversation, Arthur invites his neighbor to his first comedy show that he will be performing in. In this scenario, she seems to be very charmed by his demeanor and accepts his invitation. During Arthur’s performance, he becomes very uncomfortable and starts laughing hysterically and is not able to complete his act (Cooper et al., 2019). PSYC100 Outline and Final Project

    After Arthur’s failed comedy show act, it was not long after trouble finds him. On a subway ride home one late afternoon, Arthur notices four men harassing a woman. Instead of intervening, he starts laughing uncontrollably which draws the men over to him causing a fight to ensue. Once again, we as the audience are able to witness this vicious incident and empathize for this character and understand why he was pushed to becoming the notorious villain later known as the Joker. The group of men soon beat down Arthur, and we see him fight back as self-defense. Later, Arthur pulls out a gun and murders the group of men who violently beat him, which later causes a great deal of media attention (Cooper et al., 2019).

    The murder on the train station that Arthur committed becomes a major turning point in the movie. We first see Arthur as a socially awkward loner turn into a completely new person, one that seems very authentic. This new image of himself makes him feel more comfortable. Once Arthur admits to the murders, he decides to appear on a nationally syndicated television talk show. At this point, his style and look have dramatically changed. While on the show, there was a bit of a disagreement between Arthur and the talk show host. Arthur felt as though the media was covering this story heavily because of the men’s upper class status. He felt that if he were one of the men, his story would’ve fallen through the cracks and been dismissed. This created tension in the room; Arthur starts grinning and states, “What do you get when you cross a mentally ill loner with a society that abandons him and treats him like trash?!” (Cooper et al., 2019) and shoots the talk show host live on national television. The media responded by giving him praise to showcase the division between the upper and lower class, though the movie ends with him in what appears to be an asylum.

    Research Summary

    Schizotypal personality disorder (SPD) is a type of personality disorder that is said to be very similar to schizophrenia in terms of psychotic features and social impairments (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). The difference between schizophrenia and SPD, however, is that individuals might experience less cognitive deterioration, deficiency of social skills and possibly fewer episodes though the dysfunction is more global and stable over time (Walsh, 2017). In order to be diagnosed with SPD, an individual must experience symptoms such as odd beliefs, speech, behavior or appearance, paranoia, social anxiety and inappropriate responses (American Psychiatric Association, 2013; Ridenour, 2016). Individuals suffering from SPD can also expect to have a difficulty forming relationships with others.

    Researchers suggest that SPD can be the result of environmental factors in early childhood (American Psychiatric Association, 2013; Ridenour, 2016). Some research has shown that children and young adults who were later diagnosed with SPD have shown behavior that wasn’t like others their age. These children and young adults showed major differences such as lack of social skills and firmness compared to their counterparts (Ridenour, 2016). Childhood trauma and environmental factors have a high association with SPD as well. Such childhood trauma may include physical, sexual and emotional abuse, physical and emotional neglect, and/or general household dysfunction (Ridenour, 2016).

    While environmental factors play a role in the development of SPD, biological factors are also relevant as well (American Psychiatric Association, 2013; Coccaro & Siever, 2005). Research has found that individuals who have been diagnosed with SPD generally have also had a close family member diagnosed with Schizophrenia. Brain irregularity has also been found in individuals suffering from SPD; this irregularity is found in the temporal cortex (Coccaro & Siever, 2005). This irregularity found in the temporal cortex causes selective attention which can interfere with social and emotional functioning (Walsh, 2017). Additionally, aggressive outbursts and violence could result (Coccaro & Siever, 2005), making it difficult for individuals with SPD to form relationships with others, maintain a job, or follow the laws of society without treatment. PSYC100 Outline and Final Project

    One case illustrates the impacts of SPD on functioning within society. In Overstreet vs. Wilson (2003/2012), Michael Overstreet kidnapped and murdered Kelly Eckart. The counsel called up three mental health professionals to testify on behalf of Michael Overstreet. Eric Engum, a neuropsychologist testified that Overstreet suffered from SPD and informed the jury that it is one of the most serious of personality disorders. Engum also stated that daily stressors caused Overstreet to experience hallucinations and episodes. Due to these episodes, Overstreet was not able to adhere to the law due to being impaired.

    Treatments for SPD can include a mixture of medication and psychotherapy based on individual temperament and what would work best for each person. Psychotherapy is a treatment option that can encourage patients to discuss their problems in a one on one therapy session while also addressing a course of treatment (Saylor, n.d.). Psychotherapy can be broken up between cognitive- behavior therapy, supportive therapy and family therapy. While there are no medications specifically to rectify SPD, doctors can provide patients with antidepressants and antipsychotics to aide with different symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and psychosis (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Psychotherapy is also prescribed to individuals suffering from SPD because it confronts this disorder head on and teaches the client and his or her family skills to cope with the diagnosis and its symptoms.

    Application of Research to the Movie

    Throughout Joker, it is clear that Arthur Fleck suffers from mental illness. Some of the symptoms he displays include laughing when he is uncomfortable, inappropriate social interactions, delusional thinking, violent outbursts, odd behavior and appearance, and mood symptoms. We also see these symptoms progress in severity over the course of the film and represent enduring traits as opposed to brief psychotic episodes that would be present in schizophrenia.

    In order to understand how Arthur Fleck may have developed SPD, we must look at his past and family. While we don’t learn a lot about his family, it does appear Arthur Fleck comes from a very underprivileged background. Living in Gotham City, where crime rates are through the roof, the world does not sit back and take a second to help people that might be going through a hard time. Instead this society places the mentally ill under lots of discrimination and rejection.

    In the beginning of this film, we see Arthur reporting to the medical clinic to grab his medication, only just to be told that his medication won’t be covered anymore. So it appears he was trying to manage his symptoms with medications, but was unable to do so, which led to a worsening of his condition. Due to Arthur’s environment and lack of attention to his illness, this may have caused him to go off the deep end with some of his actions.

    Social stigma and discrimination that are sometimes placed on individuals does not aid with their recovery and can make that conditions worse. Discrimination might not be as apparent as Arthur had to experience, but it is very prevalent. Arthur struggled in a society that did not see him and was tormented both in a physical and mental sense. This leads to him acting out in antisocial ways in the movie. PSYC100 Outline and Final Project

    In conclusion, Arthur struggled in a society that did not see him and was tormented both in a physical and mental sense. Many people struggle with discrimination when it comes to mental illness. Sometimes discrimination isn’t as apparent as we might think. In this paper, I have explored the symptoms, causes, lifestyle impacts, and treatments of SPD through the main character Arthur Fleck, in the movie Joker.


    American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

    Coccaro, E. F., & Siever, L. J. (2005). Neurobiology. In J. M. Oldham, A. E. Skodol, & D. Bender (Eds.), Textbook of personality disorders (pp. 155–169). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Press.

    Cooper, B., Webb, D., & Koskoff E. (Producers), & Phillips, T., (Director and Producer). (2019). Joker [Motion Picture]. United States: Warner Bros.

    Overstreet vs. Wilson, 783 N.E.2nd 1140 (D. Ind. 2003)., aff’d No. 11-2276 (7th Cir. 2012). Retrieved from:

    Ridenour, J. M. (2016). Psychodynamic model and treatment of schizotypal personality disorder. Psychoanalytic Psychology33(1), 129–146. doi: 10.1037/a0035531

    The Saylor Foundation. (n.d.). Introduction to psychology. Retrieved from

    Walsh, J. (2017). Schizotypal Personality Disorder: A clinical social work perspective. Journal of Social Work Practice31(1), 67–78. doi: 10.1080/02650533.2015.1132686


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