PSYC210 PSA for Emerging Adults
PSYC210 PSA for Emerging Adults
The purpose of this assignment is to write a public service announcement (PSA) to help adults understand emerging adulthood.
Assignment Instructions:
1. Watch three videos found in the Reading & Study for this week, taking notes using the study guides provided.
2. Based on what you learn, write a PSA (public service announcement) to help older adults (parents, employers, pastors, etc.) understand emerging adults. Use these questions to organize your thoughts about emerging adulthood:
· Who are they? Define general characteristics.
· What are they doing? What developmental tasks are generally a part of this life stage (hint: think about Erikson’s theory).
· What are their major concerns?
· Which presentation provides the best advice? Which advice that was given is least helpful? What advice would you give your previous self (if you are past this stage) or your current self (if you are currently in emerging adultlhood)?
3. Your PSA must contain 300 – 500 words.
4. At least one specific idea from each of the video presentations must be included. You may also include information from Scripture, our textbook or other scholarly sources.
5. Identify your sources with an APA formatted citation and reference entry (current edition). Please contact your instructor if you have any questions about this.
6. Submit your work. Please note that your assignment will be reviewed for originality using SafeAssign.
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PSYC 210
PSA for Emerging Adults Grading Rubric
Criteria | Levels of Achievement | |||
Content | Advanced | Proficient | Developing | Not present |
PSA Elements | 48 to 53 points
The PSA exceeds content requirements: Ideas from all video presentations are used to present a coherent, substantive, and compelling PSA that addresses each of the points outlined in the instructions.
The PSA contains 300-500 words.
38 to 47 points
The paper meets content requirements: Ideas from all video presentations are used to present a coherent, substantive, and compelling PSA that addresses each of the points outlined in the instructions.
The PSA contains 300-500 words.
1 to 37 points
The paper meets some of the content requirements: Ideas from all video presentations are used to present a coherent, substantive, and compelling PSA that addresses each of the points outlined in the instructions.
The PSA contains 300-500 words.
0 points
Not present. |
Structure | Advanced | Proficient | Developing | Not present |
Formatting and Mechanics | 20 to 22 points
The paper exceeds these structure requirements: No direct quotes are included. All information is communicated in the student’s own words. The source of paraphrased ideas is identified with an APA formatted citation and reference. If a quotation is included it is properly identified according to current APA standards. The PSA includes at least one citation from each video presentation. Correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation are used to create a clear expression of ideas. |
15 to 19 points
The paper meets these structure requirements: No direct quotes are included. All information is communicated in the student’s own words. The source of paraphrased ideas is identified with an APA formatted citation and reference. If a quotation is included it is properly identified according to current APA standards. The PSA includes at least one citation from each video presentation. Correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation are used to create a clear expression of ideas. |
1 to 14 points
The paper meets some of these structure requirements: No direct quotes are included. All information is communicated in the student’s own words. The source of paraphrased ideas is identified with an APA formatted citation and reference. If a quotation is included it is properly identified according to current APA standards. The PSA includes at least one citation from each video presentation. Correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation are used to create a clear expression of ideas. |