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Psychology Essay Discussion Project
Psychology Essay Discussion Project
Brian Smith is a 4-year-old who resides with his mother, father, and younger brother Luke in a four-bedroom home in a comfortable suburban neighborhood. Brian’s father is a civil engineer and his mother is a dietitian. As a newborn, Brian was described as a “fussy” baby who did not enjoy being held by others, including his parents. As he grew, Brian’s parents coped by minimizing their interactions with him, often encouraging him to play by himself. Although he is able to talk, he prefers to express his needs by grunting and mumbling. His pediatrician has recommended speech therapy to encourage him to use a greater vocabulary on a regular basis, Brian’s parents are hesitant to “label him” as a “special needs child” at this young age and have declined any intervention at this time.
Brian has had four different childcare providers since he was six months old. For the past year, he and Luke have spent weekdays with their childcare provider, Tracy, who cares for three additional children under age seven, two of whom frequently wrestle, throw food and hit each other during the day. Last year, Brian’s parents decided to enroll him in a pre-school program five days per week. Brian attended exactly two weeks before his parents were contacted over concern that he was constantly hitting others and throwing toys. Rather than work with the pre-school, Brian’s mother decided to return him to Tracy’s house, explaining that the pre-school did not understand the energy level of boys. Tracy describes Brian as exasperating but has been reluctant to discuss her concerns with the Smiths, for fear that they will remove Brian and Luke from her care, and she needs the money.
In addition to his preschool classmates, Brian has been aggressive with his now 2-year-old brother Luke since Luke was an infant. For example, he has hit Luke, smashed toys over his head, and recently ran Luke over with his tricycle. Brian’s father has become increasingly frustrated as he struggles to communicate with his son. He responds to Brian by yelling and demanding that Brian speak clearly. Interactions with his father often result in Brian screeching, biting his own arm, or throwing objects. Brian’s mother attributes much of Brian’s behavior to being a “toddler boy.” She disciplines him by attempting to explain the reasons his behavior is “not nice.” Brian’s father has begun implementing time-outs as a means of discipline. Psychology Essay Discussion Project
1) Discuss how the key concepts in the chapter may be used to describe Brian and his family.
2) What additional information would be helpful to have about Brian?
Focus and Organization (10 points): the topic clearly stated and the paper is organized with an
introduction, discussion of the issues and a conclusion.
Thorough discussion of the assigned readings (10): the paper discusses the assigned readings in relation
to the topic.
Correctness (10): there is correct usage of grammar, syntax, spelling, and correct usage of APA
- The life course of all humans follows a trajectory that may be littered with risk factors
Antisocial Behavior
Antisocial Behavior
Antisocial Behavior
Risk Factor
- Individual attributes and developmental social and family experiences that are believed to increase the probability that an individual will engage in persistent criminal behavior
- Psychological
- Social
- Familial
- Poverty
- Early peer rejection
- Association with antisocial peers
- Inadequate pre-school child care
- Inadequate after-school care
- School failure
- Single-parent household
- Permissive or lax parental style
- Minimal parental monitoring
- Parental psychopathology
- Physical and emotional abuse/neglect
- Domestic violence
- Substance abuse
- Antisocial siblings
- Cognitive and language deficiencies
- Low IQ scores or psychometric intelligence
- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
- Conduct disorder
- The relationship between poverty and violence is not well understood
- Many other variables
Inadequate schools
Inequities in resources
Discrimination, racism,
Unsafe living conditions
Neighborhood violence
- Peer-rejected children tend to be more aggressive, argumentative, inattentive, and disruptive than others, and generally have poorer social skills
- Membership in deviant groups or gangs encourage and increase the already existing antisocial patterns in children and adolescents
- Poor-quality child care
Poorer language
Impaired cognitive development
Difficult social and emotional adjustment
- Low-income children who experience high-quality infant and preschool care show better school achievement and socialized behavior in later years than similar children without child-care experience or with experience in lower-quality care
- Children who are unsupervised after school in the early elementary grades are at elevated risk for behavior problems in early adolescence
Antisocial children seek out niches that involve association with antisocial peers and environments with minimal adult supervision
- Early school failure is also linked to antisocial development and delinquency
- reading achievement appears to play a prominent role in school failure
- Parenting practices
Reading together
Serving as home room parent
- Parenting styles
Tone of voice
Expression of emotion
Style Intention Authoritarian To shape and control child’s life Permissive No control, few restrictions Authoritative Rational, apply reasonable restrictions Neglecting Detached and unengaged in child’s life *
- Enmeshed
Inconsistent and ineffective discipline
Use of coercive punishment for even minor misbehavior
- Lax
Lack of discipline
Denial about antisocial behavior
- Parents’ awareness of their child’s peer associates, free-time activities, and physical whereabouts when outside the home
Strong predictor of antisocial behavior during later childhood and adolescence
- Antisocial sibling is most influential when siblings are close in age
- Parental depression, alcoholism, violence related to delinquency
Secure Child feels secure in parent’s presence, distressed when leaves but delighted by parent’s return Insecure Anxious/ ambivalent Child is very distressed by separation but may be indifferent or hostile when parent returns Avoidant Child is indifferent about both separation and return *
- Affective
Ability to experience another person’s emotions
Deficiencies closely linked to antisocial behavior
- Cognitive
Ability to understand another’s emotions
- Leads to peer rejection and academic difficulties
Males more difficulty
- Difficulty expressing self may increase frustration levels
Conflict resolution
Aggressive behavior
- Psychometric approach
- Many types of intelligence not measured by test
- Relationship between IQ and school performance
- IQ and ethnicity
- Individual experiences
Rich and varied increase score
- School experiences
Positive increase language skills
Negative stagnate or decrease
- Test
Type, content, situation, examiner
- Many learning disabilities are overdiagnosed
- Label that follows individuals through the educational system
- The relationship between delinquency and learning disability is unclear
- Persistent misbehavior
Stealing, cruelty to others, fighting, lying
- Catch-all category
- Signs may occur as early as age three
- Often mislabeled
Learning disability or ADHD
- Associated with peer rejection
- Childhood Onset Type
- Adolescent Onset Type
- Pattern begins prior to age 10
- Prognosis is not good, according to DSM-IV-R
- Absence of any pattern prior to age
- More favorable prognosis
- Inattention
Easily distracted
- Impulsivity
Acts before thinking, one activity to another
- Excessive motor activity
Unable to sit still, fidgets, noisy
- Leading psychological diagnosis for American children
- Self-regulation
- ADHD and substance abuse
- Symptoms of ADHD and antisocial behavior at young age correlated with criminal behavior
- Attachment theory
- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
- Authoritarian style
- Authoritative style
- Conduct disorder
- Developmental pathways
- Enmeshed style
- Language impairment
- Lax style
- Neglecting style
- Parental monitoring
- Parental practices
- Parental styles
- Permissive style
- Psychometric approach
- Psychometric intelligence
- Self-regulation