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Quality Data Source Organizer
Quality Data Source Organizer
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The purpose of this assignment is to become familiar with various data sources used by health care organizations to obtain quality data. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) creates an annual report, the National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report, which assesses the performance of the U.S. health care system. This report identifies strengths and weaknesses of the health care system in addition to disparities for access to health care and quality of health care. The report is based on more than 250 measures of quality and disparities, and it covers a broad range of health care services and settings.
Access the most current report using the “National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Reports” AHRQ website , provided in the topic Resources. Select five data sources from this report and fill in the required components on the “Quality Data Sources Organizer.”
While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines. Quality Data Source Organizer
This assignment uses a rubric please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
Quality Data Sources – Rubric
Data Source 1
14.4 points
Data Source 2
14.4 points
Data Source 3
14.4 points
Data Source 4
14.4 points
Data Source 5
14.4 points
Mechanics of Writing
4 points
4 points
Total 80 points
Quality Data Sources Organizer
Student Name
Institution Afflation
Instructor’s Name
Due Date
Data Source
Primary Content
Population Targeted
Demogr aphic
Schedul e
Is This a Source of
How/ When/
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Data Primary or Secondary Data?
Where the Information Might Be Used
Healthcar e Cost and Utilizatio n
The content has more than a hundred clinical and nonclinical data variables, including age, gender, ethnicity, discharge status, and other diagnostic information.
The main target of the data source is the population of individuals who apply the non- rehabilitation and the public hospitals based in the US as per the guidelines advocated for by the AHA.
The data uses gender, age, location, and the househol d earnings based on the code address filed by the patient.
Annual The data source falls under the secondary data source since the information is collected from other sources and analyzed herein.
This information is crucial as it can be utilized in the hospitals to check whether the patient being discharged is health-wise fit or violates the quality of care. The data can be most effective and vital in hospital facilities management .
National Consume r Assessme nt of Healthcar e Providers and Systems (CAHPS) Benchma rking Database
This dataset contains vol untary participants’ perspectives and ratings of health programs and professional s. The 5.0 version of the reporting queries of the CAHPS Adult and Child Health Plan
Members of the health care schedules are the intended demographic for the study. A variety of diverse group s are being studied by CAHPS, including the adults, infants, minors with chronic diseases, Medicaid,
Gender location, Age, Ethnicity, Literacy
The plan is annual.
Secondary data source. This source of data gathers secondary data from (CAHPS, 2016). CAHPS studies are done by autonomous research providers to a random sample of health plan participants,
According to a Value- Based Pricing (Pay for Performance ) programs, most of the CAHPS polls are used to reflect a shift as to how CMS bills for utilities and offered services (CA HPS, 2016).
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Surveys fall into four key composites that summarize patient experiences in the given areas, receive appropriate treatment, receive immediate care, range of how well doctors interact, and knowledge and client support on the health care plan. Quality Data Source Organizer
Healthcare, and coordinated care by Medicare.
adhering to strict guidelines. Health plans, customer associations, state agencies, and others have been active in this component since 1998. Data is obtained through a standardized collection of questions administere d via a questionnair e survey via mail or phone. (2017 National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report, 2018)
National Ambulato ry Medical Care Survey (NAMCS )
Information collected via medical records includes the type of provider accessed; a purpose for a visit, diagnosis, prescription, distribution,
In order to give national estimations of office visits, sample information i s assessed in all states and demographic categories. The client visit is the fundamental
Patient’s age, gender, locality, and ethnicity.
An annual survey promote d by CDC
Secondary Source. This is because it is a study that gathers appointment , procedure, and provider- level details by office- based doctors and
The information can be utilized to help universal healthcare workers’ expertise ed ucation curricula, enforce health
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or continuation of medicines; and chosen therapies and tests prescribed or conducted during the encounter. Patient information includes age, gender, ethnicity, and the anticipated source of reimbursem ent. Data on defined attributes of vendor procedures are also collected.
iterative search. This does not include the areas of expertise of anesthesiolog y, pathology, and radiology. Interactions by phone, meetings outside of the doctor’s office, appointments to hospitals or healthcare structures, and appointments made solely for official purposes are not considered (NCHS, 2017). Quality Data Source Organizer
practitioners of community health centers (CHC) in the United States.
policy, notify management of the medical practice, and determine the quality of care (NCHS, 2017). The data may also be vital in identifying and managing chronic conditions, such as examining chronic NSAID or use of statin in elderly victims.
Behavior al Risk Factor Surveilla nce System (BRFSS)
The goal of the BRFSS is to gather in the aged popula tion structured, state- specific data on preventive health activities and antisocial behavior linked with
This questionnaire attracts the U.S. citizens’ community- dwelling population, age 18 and above, and who live in household members (Pierannunzi, Hu & Balluz, 2013).
Sex, age, achievem ent in learning, ethnicity, family status, income from househol ds, work status.
While this is annual research , informat ion is obtained every month.
The source represents a primary source of data. The survey is a system based on the state mobile health survey scheme, and therefore it gathers secondary information.
Government s have implemented BRFSS to resolve immediate and evolving health problems. For example, the BRFSS was used to track influenza vaccine shortages in the 2004-
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chronic diseases, accidents, and preventable contagious ailments. The survey consists of critical questions raised in all States, standardized non- compulsory queries on specific subjects conducted at the discretion of the State, a rotating collection of vital questions posed in all States every year and then, and State-added queries established to meet state- specific requirement s (2017 National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report, 2018). Questionnai
2005 flu season (CAHPS, 2- 16).
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res include risk behaviors (such as intake of alcohol and tobacco), primary prevention intervention s, HIV/AIDS, accessibility and adherence to treatment, medical history, and operation limits.
National Health and Nutrition Examinat ion Survey (NHANE S)
The data collecte d includes details on chronic diseases (such as asymptomat ic ailments) and state of health, food consumptio n and food consumptio n, contagious disorders and immunizatio n records, health and environment al exposure, and factors concerning them in
Specimens of NHANES address the U.S. noninstitution alized resident citizen population of the US. NHANES eliminates all individuals in administrativ e monitored care or detention, all army active duty personnel, foreign active-duty relatives, and any other individuals residing outsi
Sex, age, ethnicity and Hispanic heritage, literacy level, birthplac e, earnings, and professio n.
Periodic ally administ ered (As observe d from 1960- 1994); annually starting in 1999, with complet e lifecycle appearin g in 2 years.
The resource can be categorized as a secondary source of data. Heavily depends on information retrieved from research surveys and questionnair es.
An outstanding example is seen in NHANES population statistics and nutritional data utilized by a university research department to examine the aged’s dietary condition and the attributes of food stamp consumers (2017 National Healthcare Quality and Disparities
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terms of risk. The specific content of the survey can vary per survey cycle.
de the 50 US states and the District of Columbia. Since 1999, people of all ages have been part of NHANES.
Report, 2018).
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2017 National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report. (2020). Retrieved 5 May 2020, from
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2019). HIV Surveillance Report Available at http://www. CDC. gov/HIV/library/reports/HIV-surveillance. HTML.
National Center for Health Statistics, & Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2017). National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey: 2013 NAMCS Micro-data file documentation.
Pierannunzi, C., Hu, S. S., & Balluz, L. (2013). A systematic review of publications assessing reliability and validity of the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), 2004–2011. BMC medical research methodology, 13(1), 49.Doi: 10.1186/1471-2288-13- 49
The CAHPS Database, 2016 CAHPS Health Plan Survey Database, 2016 Chartbook: What consumers say about their health plans and medical care experiences. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; 2016.
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Quality Data Sources Organizer
Data Source Primary Content Population Targeted Demographic Data Schedule Is This a Source of Primary or Secondary Data? How / When / Where the Information Might Be Used © 2022. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.