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Question Answers
– Question 2
What do you think are some important qualities a good CEO should have?
– Question 3
List the 5 pillars of excellence
– Question 5
In your opinion, list 5 good qualities you think a good effective leader should have a healthcare organization.
– Question 7
Key to strategic planning s the development of relationships with …………… (……… )
– Question 8
Pretend that you are a new CEO for a new hospital organization that is suffering from high turnover rates. List 2 ways in which you would help in overcoming this issue?
– Question 9
in your own words, explain why you feel organizational purpose is important for any healthcare organization?
– Question 10
As a future healthcare leader, list 2 ways in which you will combat institutionalism within your organization?
– Question 11
List 3 benefits to having a joint venture in place?
– Question 12
In your words, what is institutionalism?
– Question 14
An organization’s ————,———–And ————
– Question 15
Why is benchmarking so important to an organization?
– Question 16
__________ a review of an organization’s internal and external environments for the purpose of revealing and comparing actual performance with potential performance.
Learning Objectives
C H A P T E R 5
HEALTHCARE MARKETING Art Layne and Jeffrey P. Harrison
After you have studied this chapter, you should be able to
➤➤ apply➤basic➤principles➤of➤marketing➤to➤healthcare➤products➤and➤services;
➤➤ identify➤social,➤environmental,➤and➤fiscal➤factors➤affecting➤healthcare➤marketing;
➤➤ assess➤current➤market➤trends➤in➤the➤healthcare➤marketplace;
➤➤ evaluate➤criteria➤for➤implementing➤marketing➤strategies;
➤➤ describe➤the➤theories➤and➤concepts➤foundational➤to➤marketing;➤and
➤➤ provide➤examples➤of➤how➤marketing➤theory➤is➤applied➤in➤health➤management.
Look before, or you’ll find yourself behind.
—Benjamin Franklin
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EBSCO : eBook Collection (EBSCOhost) – printed on 4/30/2019 4:22 PM via WESTERN KENTUCKY UNIV AN: 1843079 ; Harrison, Jeffrey P..; Essentials of Strategic Planning in Healthcare Account: s8993066.main.ehost
C h a p t e r ➤ 5 : ➤ H e a l t h c a r e ➤ M a r k e t i n g 1 1 5
IntroductIon Healthcare spending in the United States accounted for 17.9 percent of gross domestic product in 2013 and is projected to reach 19.6 percent by 2021 (Spaulding, Zhao, and Haley 2014). From a marketing perspective, this increase creates significant opportunities for healthcare organizations that want to get a share of the growing business opportunity. Those organizations with the greatest marketing ability can anticipate taking away market share from their local competitors. Conversely, organizations without an effective marketing plan can anticipate a loss of market share, making them a likelier candidate for acquisition.
No one working in the field today can deny that the business of healthcare has become part of a growing “eHealth” landscape. Patients and other consumers, clinicians, and the field in general have embraced emerging forms of digital technology (e.g., the Internet, social media, mobile health applications) that can influence healthcare information, including consumption and delivery. A 2015 survey showed that 72 percent of US adults looked for health information online during the past year, and 52 percent of smartphone users used their devices to search for health information (Mackey and Liang 2015).
Many believe that the provision of healthcare services is a local phenomenon that requires a marketing strategy specific to the local community (Kent 2015). However, such an approach runs counter to the current growth in the regional healthcare systems expanding across the United States. Regional healthcare systems must engage in strategic marketing to ensure their activities are appropriate for local markets. This chapter introduces the key concepts of healthcare marketing and proposes a process for marketing across the spectrum of healthcare services. This marketing can be accomplished through a strategic process that supports an innovative approach to the use of tools that reflect improved service to the local, regional, and even international community.
From a management perspective, excellent strategic marketing provides a path to profitability and can lead to greater market share. Marketing can have a positive impact on healthcare organizations. Its design should involve the board of directors, leaders, and
Key terms and concepts
➤➤ Community➤health➤needs➤
➤➤ Digital➤media
➤➤ Five➤Ps➤of➤healthcare➤marketing
➤➤ Indirect➤marketing
➤➤ Marketing➤plan
➤➤ Medical➤tourism
➤➤ Print➤media
➤➤ Radio➤and➤television➤media
➤➤ Social➤media
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E s s e n t i a l s ➤ o f ➤ S t r a t e g i c ➤ P l a n n i n g ➤ i n ➤ H e a l t h c a r e1 1 6
physicians as well as community stakeholders. An outstanding marketing plan is a way to improve operations and transform the organization.
defInItIon A marketing plan is a written document that guides marketing activities by considering the competitive marketplace, the healthcare organization’s capabilities, and the service lines with the greatest economic potential. The marketing plan can include the development of websites, social media, educational seminars, radio or television advertising, printed brochures, and other materials and activities to promote a new business initiative. This process helps an organization shape its overall direction in future years. Marketing can help ensure that available healthcare services are well known in targeted communities. As a result, the marketing plan should include information about the internal and external environ- ment and focus on service lines that community leaders believe are important for future growth.
strategIc HealtHcare marKetIng Marketing can help improve operations—but to do so, organizations should create a stra- tegic marketing plan with input from key stakeholders.
Strategic management theory emphasizes the importance of positioning the healthcare organization relative to its environment to achieve its objectives and ensure its survival. This theory is important to the marketing process because it allows the organization to develop a strategy appropriate for the targeted market. A good marketing plan will enhance the managerial decisions made throughout the organization. In addition, marketing provides a solid foundation for meeting the need for essential healthcare services efficiently. Hospital executives have the ability and the responsibility to choose a marketing strategy that will maximize their organization’s position in the healthcare market and enhance its performance.
According to strategic adaptation theory, an organization’s actions can shape its environment and improve its performance. Among these actions are marketing decisions, which can improve financial performance and enhance profitability. The four primary components of a marketing plan are growth and financial outlook, service-line strategy, care quality, and clinical innovation. With more publicly reported quality measures available, citing positive quality outcomes can be a major strategy and also an internal motivator for continued improvement.
Working from a strategic management perspective, marketing is vital for maximiz- ing the allocation of scarce healthcare resources and ensuring the success of new healthcare services. Most important, because healthcare organizations operate in a dynamic environ- ment, a sound marketing plan can lead to organizational growth and increased effectiveness.
Marketing plan
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EBSCO : eBook Collection (EBSCOhost) – printed on 4/30/2019 4:22 PM via WESTERN KENTUCKY UNIV AN: 1843079 ; Harrison, Jeffrey P..; Essentials of Strategic Planning in Healthcare Account: s8993066.main.ehost
C h a p t e r ➤ 5 : ➤ H e a l t h c a r e ➤ M a r k e t i n g 1 1 7
tHe fIve ps of HealtHcare marKetIng
The five Ps are fundamental marketing elements designed to assess a business strategically. Building a brand for a healthcare business in a consistent way is important. Using the five Ps can help healthcare leaders think about products that can add value and offer a service that is different from those of competitors. Using the five Ps can also identify areas for improvement or change needed to meet the needs of your target market.
The five Ps of healthcare marketing are shown in Exhibit 5.1. They include
1. people—patient demographics, along with the physicians and healthcare workers required to deliver a quality service line in the local market;
2. product—the mission-driven type of healthcare services offered and the data or quality outcomes measured;
3. price—the fee schedule or rate of reimbursement for the service, adjusted for payer mix;
4. place—the location of the service, including the facility, parking, signage, and access to major highways; and
5. promotion—the method of advertising to be used to appeal to physicians, patients, health plans, and local businesses. This method could include focus groups, corporate branding, or indirect marketing and an evaluation of the competitor’s marketing strategies.
An analysis of patient demographics is important because the demand for new healthcare business initiatives is often a function of age, gender, culture, and economic status. When forecasting the profitability of a new initiative, evaluating payer mix and the level of charity care the new business is expected to generate is also important. The marketing plan should ensure an appropriate payer mix to maximize profitability. A high percent- age of patients with commercial insurance will increase the level of profitability for a new business initiative, whereas a high percentage of patients who are dependent on Medicaid reimbursement or who have no way to pay will reduce profitability.
While the Internet is driving much of marketing today, promotion should also con- sider traditional methods such as local radio, cable television, and billboards, especially for organizations with larger marketing budgets. Sponsorship of local and regional events can be a cost-effective way to show consumers how you and your business are associated with the community. Direct mail and some print advertising, including appointment-reminder postcards, continue to be affordable traditional options and can be beneficial (Lavinsky 2013). Two keys to success are as follows:
Five Ps of healthcare
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E s s e n t i a l s ➤ o f ➤ S t r a t e g i c ➤ P l a n n i n g ➤ i n ➤ H e a l t h c a r e1 1 8
1. Know who your customers are and target them. The best marketing message in the world delivered to the wrong consumer is a waste of money. You would likely not, for instance, advertise cataract surgery on ESPN.
2. Develop a compelling, unique selling proposition that makes you stand out. Are you better, faster, or less expensive than your competitors? Why would patients come to you instead of your competitor? What can you offer them? Consider what would persuade them to take action (Lavinsky 2013).
marKetIng medIa In tHe current envIronment The healthcare strategic planning process is subject to considerable outside control and rapid change. Federal and state legislation, physician involvement, and the actions of third- party payers and competitors all affect an organization’s operations. As a result, healthcare organizations need to focus on the external environment and future changes to the industry. By gathering information from external sources, healthcare organizations increase their likelihood of achieving success.
exHIbIt 5.1 Five Ps of
Healthcare Marketing
Place Local focus
Service location Geographic barriers
Promotion Focus group
Competitors’ marketing Corporate branding
Product Mission driven Service types Data driven
Price Fee schedule
Reimbursement Payer mix
People Patients
Staff Physicians
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C h a p t e r 5 : H e a l t h c a r e M a r k e t i n g 1 1 9
External information includes market position; data on local demographics, com- petitors, and payers; and information on the business environment. Such data are available through online databases maintained by hospital associations, regional health-planning groups, the US Census Bureau, and the US Department of Health & Human Services. Major healthcare trends include growth in managed care and accountable care organizations, new population health initiatives, participation in healthcare systems, and the expansion of ambulatory healthcare services. These innovations are all potential selling points.
Trends in PrinT Media
One of the more traditional modes of advertisement and marketing for hospitals has been the use of print media such as newspapers, magazines, brochures, and billboards. These methods are often combined with patient education materials by including healthcare organization logos and contact information. Outdoor advertising such as billboards and ads displayed on public transit continue to be a method used by larger hospitals and institu- tions. Magazine ads have seen a consistent decline in dollars spent, dropping by about 20 percent between 2008 and 2013. Newspaper ads have become cost prohibitive. In 2013, a color healthcare ad in a Sunday New York Times cost $28,900 for less than half a page and $41,200 for a half a page to a full page (Landen 2013).
Advertisements for healthcare often use emotional appeal and usually avoid cost information. Of 102 cancer centers that placed 409 unique clinical advertisements in top media markets in 2012, the majority (88 percent) of advertisements promoted treatments, and less than 5 percent mentioned insurance coverage or costs, risks, or benefits. Emotional appeals were frequent (85 percent), evoking hope for survival. Nearly half included patient testimonials, which were usually focused on survival rather than what a typical patient may expect (Vater et al. 2014). More research is needed to determine how these advertisements influence patient understanding and expectations.
Trends in radio and Television Media
Healthcare organizations can purchase a span of programming on radio or television media, typically using it to market a product or service. These segments are produced and paid for by the organizations themselves.
Between 2008 and 2009, while Internet marketing increased, television marketing fell 7 percent from $395.3 million to $369.3 million. Yet spending on television market- ing was 6.5 times larger than on digital media. In 2010, while television advertising rose 10 percent to $407.9 million, Internet ad spending more than tripled to $202.1 million, half of the television total. In 2011, the average national 30-second television spot cost $354,000 (Landen 2013). The cost-effectiveness of digital media makes it accessible to all organizations, while television is restricted to larger healthcare organizations. Radio can be used to target a specific audience.
Print media
magazines, brochures,
and billboards.
Radio and television
distributed via
television or radio.
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E s s e n t i a l s ➤ o f ➤ S t r a t e g i c ➤ P l a n n i n g ➤ i n ➤ H e a l t h c a r e1 2 0
Direct-to-consumer advertising (DTCA) is a form of marketing promotion that is aimed toward the end users—the patients—rather than healthcare professionals. For example, pharmaceutical companies frequently use television ads for this purpose and research indicates that it raises prescription rates. Physicians report filling DTCA-prompted patient requests for interventions that they considered inappropriate 70 percent of the time; prescribing rates for antidepressants were 22 percent higher when patients made brand- specific requests that they heard about through advertisements (Wang and Kesselheim 2013).
trends In dIgItal medIa
Digital technology has become mobile. People are constantly connected via smartphones and tablets. As of January 2014, 90 percent of US adults owned a cell phone and 58 percent of US adults owned a smartphone (Pew Research Center 2015). They have come to expect the same at a hospital, and they research hospitals on the Internet. Technology trends sug- gest that patients will soon be able to check into the hospital with their portable devices, using the devices to select their preferences for television shows and dinner options before they are even assigned a room (White 2014). Digital marketing media have the potential to improve the efficiency of the healthcare delivery system and to increase market share. Accordingly, Internet marketing by hospitals, clinics, and medical centers rose about 20 percent from $47.5 million to $57.2 million between 2008 and 2009 (Landen 2013). While the majority of healthcare marketing in the United States is done via print, radio, and tele- vision, digital marketing provides important opportunities to exchange information about an organization’s services and its use of evidence-based treatment. Such digital marketing can provide a competitive advantage by furnishing multiple consumers with up-to-date information and creating an opportunity for online consumer response. During 2012, 72 percent of Internet users looked online for health information (Pew Research Center 2015).
Digital marketing can also allow for the telling of patient stories, a technique that is very effective in healthcare. Appealing to emotions can be more effective than touting quality or specialty care (Landen 2013). Digital marketing information can be updated from a centralized database and provides efficient allocation of scarce marketing resources. This use of digital marketing can improve efficiency and quality in marketing healthcare services.
As consolidation in the healthcare field increases, the need for more effective digital marketing is critical to the success of integrated delivery systems. Four types of digital media—web-based methods of making contact with consumers, including organizational websites, social media, patient portals, and digital bulletin boards located in patient waiting areas—are discussed here in detail:
1. Organizational websites. Hospital websites should be evaluated on five dimensions: (1) accessibility, (2) content, (3) marketing, (4) technology, and (5) usability. Up-to-date content is a positive indicator to consumers that
Digital media
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C h a p t e r ➤ 5 : ➤ H e a l t h c a r e ➤ M a r k e t i n g 1 2 1
the organization is engaged in state-of-the-art activities. Routinely adding and changing content to remain current and explicitly documenting the dates that webpages are updated should be standard practice. Search engine optimization is also an important aspect of marketing and should be tested for specific clinical topics or points of interest for the public. Huerta and colleagues (2014) examined 2,407 unique web domains covering 2,785 hospital facilities and scored their websites in these five dimensions. They scored each dimension on a scale of 0–10 and gave the hospital an average score. They determined the top 100 hospitals by ranking each dimension and calculating an average ranking. The best site overall in their evaluation was, the website for St. Vincent’s Healthcare in Jacksonville, Florida, with a score of 29.6. It ranked fifteenth in accessibility, sixty-first in content, fifty-second in marketing, fourteenth in technology, and sixth in usability.
2. Social media. Social media encompass websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or participate in social networking sites on Facebook and LinkedIn, blogs, content-hosting sites (e.g., WebMD), and virtual communities. In a recent report called Engaging Patients Through Social Media, the IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics states that the use of social media among US adults has grown from 8 percent in 2005 to 72 percent in 2013 (Collier 2014). Other research has found that the adoption of social media varies across hospitals, with 94 percent having a Facebook page and 50 percent having a Twitter account (Griffis et al. 2014). A majority of hospitals have a Yelp page, and almost all hospitals have comments on Foursquare. The social media pages of large, urban, not-for-profit, and teaching hospitals are more likely to be visited. A strong social media presence can help increase market share by supporting a hospital’s reputation and ability to attract patients. For example, patients may perceive hospitals with a social media presence to be more likely to offer advanced technologies in the course of evidence-based treatments. Some institutions now include experts in social media as part of their public relations team.
3. Patient portals. Patient portals are web-based applications that enable patients to interact and communicate with their healthcare providers. The adoption and active use of patient portals continues to increase across the United States, driven by Stage 2 meaningful use (MU) requirements. These federally mandated changes began in October 2013 for hospitals and in January 2014 for physicians. Stage 2 MU requires providers to adopt and use technology that allows patients to view, download, and transmit copies of their own health records electronically (Tulu et al. 2015). Patient portals are the key
Social media
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E s s e n t i a l s ➤ o f ➤ S t r a t e g i c ➤ P l a n n i n g ➤ i n ➤ H e a l t h c a r e1 2 2
technologies that will help providers meet these requirements. In addition, providers that adopt patient portals will enjoy a competitive advantage, as patients increasingly demand convenient, 24/7 access to their financial and clinical data (Frost and Sullivan 2013). While accessing data is the first step, the future of the patient portal is to look for more advanced solutions for patient engagement that can motivate patient compliance and sustain behavioral change.
4. Digital bulletin boards located in patient waiting areas. Larsson (2015) conducted a study to evaluate the effectiveness of a digital bulletin board in an emergency department in Montana. She was trying to promote the home testing of radon levels, a health risk in that area of the country. The bulletin board encouraged viewers in the waiting room to participate in the radon program. The message addressed price only in terms of the convenience of mailing completed tests from home in a postage-paid envelope. No information about the research study, the dollar cost of the radon test kits, or participant incentives was included in the message. The intent was for people to be persuaded to action by only the information provided, which is the preferred outcome of a social- marketing approach. Larsson found that participation in the radon program increased by more than 50 percent at the intervention site without requiring providers to present the information. This increase occurred during a time that participation in the program declined at two control sites.
Digital media cannot be ignored in a marketing plan, but setting up a system to ensure the accuracy and currency of the information is important. Dealing with the prolific flow of health information on the Internet and the crucial need for better governance to enable evidence-based sources are both vital factors in good execution. Healthcare leaders need to ensure that the health domains on the Internet are safe, regulated spaces for health marketing (Mackey et al. 2014).
IndIrect marKetIng
Indirect marketing is not targeted directly to consumers but rather consists of leveraging brand recognition and awareness of a provider in the community. Healthcare organizations are well positioned for indirect marketing because they focus on community need and well- ness. For example, hospitals will sponsor charity events, host speakers for the community, conduct free health clinics and health fairs, or provide healthcare services for athletic teams. Hospital and facility signage is one of the cheapest and most effective marketing tools avail- able to healthcare organizations. Because healthcare is a local commodity, signage placed in a prominent place on the building and sized in a way consistent with the maximum
Indirect marketing
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C h a p t e r ➤ 5 : ➤ H e a l t h c a r e ➤ M a r k e t i n g 1 2 3
authorized by local ordinance is appropriate. This signage should be lighted after dark and remain lighted until dawn, regardless of the operating hours of the facility.
Word-of-mouth advertising by patients, physicians, and staff is the most powerful indirect marketing tool influencing decision making for prospective patients. A satisfied consumer will return and might even bring two or three family members as consumers. On the other hand, an unhappy patient can be expected to discuss her bad experience with the community at large over an extended period of time, frequently reaching hundreds of potential consumers.
HealtHcare marKetIng at tHe local and regIonal levels The vast majority of healthcare services are provided within ten miles of an individual’s home. In this context, geographic barriers such as rivers, bridges, and interstate highway networks affect healthcare marketing. As a result, local healthcare marketing is essential for organizational survival and is the foundation for creating a strong patient referral network.
local marKetIng
By many accounts, healthcare in the United States is a local commodity produced to meet local demand. For this reason, much of an organization’s marketing plan is developed using local data. A good understanding of community needs is necessary to develop a local marketing plan.
The Affordable Care Act, enacted March 23, 2010, added new requirements that hospital organizations must satisfy to be considered not-for-profit or charitable. One of the requirements is to conduct a community health needs assessment (CHNA) at least once every three years to identify key health needs and issues through systematic, com- prehensive data collection and analysis. This information can help develop a community health improvement plan by justifying how and where resources should be allocated to best meet community needs. A CHNA can also serve as another method for indirect market- ing by improving organizational and community coordination and collaboration. Such local marketing efforts should stress the availability of physicians, the quality of hospital infrastructure, and the use of advanced technology.
regIonal marKetIng
As healthcare complexity increases and health systems in the United States gain market share, healthcare systems will increasingly market at the regional level. Such an approach can help integrate highly complex healthcare services and reduce costs through greater purchasing power with media vendors.
Community health
needs assessment
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E s s e n t i a l s ➤ o f ➤ S t r a t e g i c ➤ P l a n n i n g ➤ i n ➤ H e a l t h c a r e1 2 4
The European concept of medical tourism is gaining favor in the United States. Mayo Clinic, for instance, is promoting itself as a destination medical center—a healthcare organization that draws patients from outside the local area because it offers higher-value or unique services. Such medical centers must provide a service that moves patients to drive past their local providers on their way to an alternate healthcare organization.
As air travel has become cheaper and exchange rates more stable, medical tourism is becoming more viable. More than 50 countries have identified medical tourism as a national industry, often for highly specialized treatments that may be unavailable in home countries for cancer, reconstructive surgery, cardiovascular disease, or organ transplant. Other services include eye surgery, joint replacement, dental surgery, cosmetic surgery, and bariatric surgery. Providers and customers usually find each other via the Internet. Developed countries such as the United Kingdom, Germany, and the United States are prominent medical tourism destinations (Connell 2015).
Medical tourism is a relatively new industry that is becoming increasingly competi- tive and consumer oriented. When marketing specific procedures for medical tourism, marketing departments should consider highlighting quality metrics that exceed established US standards of care. With access to quality and cost data, healthcare consumers are better able to assess the value of services among regional and international healthcare organiza- tions. However, medical tourism can create an ethical dilemma because it raises concerns about the need to provide quality care to local, as opposed to international, patients (Con- nell 2015). In some ways, medical tourism represents a dynamic restructuring of healthcare from an industry once assumed to be local to one that is international in scope. This glo- balization of healthcare will require new and innovative approaches to marketing.
Healthcare➤marketing➤is➤a➤method➤of➤educating➤consumers➤on➤the➤attributes➤of➤a➤healthcare➤ organization’s➤services.➤A➤marketing➤plan➤should➤focus➤on➤outstanding➤clinical➤services➤that➤ lead➤to➤improved➤quality➤and➤greater➤customer➤satisfaction.➤Many➤organizations➤use➤a➤mul- tiplatform,➤multichannel➤approach—television,➤outdoor➤and➤digital➤advertising,➤radio,➤print,➤ giveaways,➤and➤public➤relations.➤When➤appropriate,➤healthcare➤marketing➤can➤also➤address➤ low➤costs➤and➤increased➤efficiency.➤High-quality,➤low-cost➤care➤enhances➤the➤value➤of➤health- care.➤An➤outstanding➤marketing➤plan➤that➤stresses➤customer➤satisfaction➤will➤result➤in➤higher➤ profits➤and➤reduced➤costs.
revIew QuestIons
1.➤ Evaluate➤the➤idea➤that➤healthcare➤marketing➤is➤an➤annual➤process➤done➤by➤senior➤ leadership➤with➤limited➤involvement➤from➤key➤stakeholders.➤
Medical tourism
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C h a p t e r ➤ 5 : ➤ H e a l t h c a r e ➤ M a r k e t i n g 1 2 5
2.➤ Provide➤an➤example➤from➤your➤own➤personal➤or➤work➤experience➤that➤illustrates➤a➤ marketing➤initiative➤that➤had➤a➤positive➤influence➤on➤an➤organization’s➤reputation.
3.➤ Does➤the➤diversity➤of➤a➤healthcare➤organization’s➤staff➤have➤any➤impact➤on➤the➤suc- cess➤of➤a➤healthcare➤marketing➤plan?
coastal medIcal center exercIse
According➤to➤Chapter➤5➤and➤the➤case➤study,➤does➤Coastal➤Medical➤Center➤(CMC)➤have➤the➤ organizational➤capabilities➤to➤develop➤a➤marketing➤plan?
After➤investigating➤the➤declining➤performance➤of➤CMC,➤the➤new➤CEO➤believes➤that➤ a➤new➤marketing➤plan➤is➤necessary➤to➤gain➤market➤share.➤Based➤on➤your➤research,➤use➤the➤ following➤questions➤to➤help➤the➤CEO➤develop➤a➤marketing➤plan➤that➤will➤place➤CMC➤on➤a➤new➤ road➤to➤success.
coastal medIcal center QuestIons
1.➤ Outline➤a➤general➤healthcare➤marketing➤plan➤that➤is➤appropriate➤for➤CMC. 2.➤ CMC➤is➤experiencing➤declining➤inpatient➤and➤outpatient➤volumes.➤Develop➤a➤list➤of➤
five➤marketing➤initiatives➤to➤improve➤clinical➤workload. 3.➤ Who➤should➤be➤involved➤in➤developing➤the➤CMC➤marketing➤plan,➤and➤at➤what➤point➤in➤
the➤planning➤process➤should➤you➤consult➤them?➤ 4.➤ How➤will➤you➤know➤your➤healthcare➤marketing➤plan➤is➤a➤success?
Collier,➤R.➤2014.➤“Patient➤Engagement➤or➤Social➤Media➤Marketing?”➤Canadian Medical Asso-
ciation Journal➤186➤(8):➤E237–E238.➤
Future.”➤Social Science in Medicine➤124➤(January):➤398–401.
tive➤Analysis➤of➤Adoption➤and➤Utilization.”➤Journal of Medical Internet Research➤16➤(11):➤
00_Harrison (2302).indb 125 2/18/16 4:12 PM
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ri gh ts r es er ve d. M ay n ot b e re pr od uc ed i n an y fo rm w it ho ut p er mi ss io n fr om t he p ub li sh er , ex ce pt f ai r us es p er mi tt ed u nd er U .S . or a pp li ca bl e co py ri gh t la w.
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E s s e n t i a l s ➤ o f ➤ S t r a t e g i c ➤ P l a n n i n g ➤ i n ➤ H e a l t h c a r e1 2 6
tal➤Effective➤Consumer➤Engagement.”➤Journal of Medical Internet Research➤16➤(2):➤e64.➤
Kent,➤ M.➤ 2015.➤ “Six➤ Ways➤ for➤ Healthcare➤ Marketers➤ to➤ Win➤ at➤ Local➤ Advertising.”➤ Rise
Interactive.➤ Published➤ April➤ 27.➤➤
Landen,➤ R.➤ 2013.➤ “Telling➤ Their➤ Stories:➤ Healthcare➤ Marketing,➤ Advertising➤ Emphasize➤
ern Healthcare. Published➤ August➤ 3.➤
nology➤for➤Reaching➤Families➤in➤the➤Waiting➤Room.”➤American Journal of Public Health➤
Advertising.”➤Annals of Family Medicine➤13➤(1):➤82–85.
Need➤for➤Global➤Health➤Internet➤Governance.”➤Journal of Medical Internet Research➤16➤(3):➤
Spaulding,➤ A.,➤ M.➤ Zhao,➤ and➤ D.➤ R.➤ Haley.➤ 2014.➤ “Value-Based➤ Purchasing➤ and➤ Hospital➤
Acquired➤Conditions:➤Are➤We➤Seeing➤Improvement?”➤Health Policy➤118➤(3):➤413–21.➤
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ri gh t @ 20 16 . He al th A dm in is tr at io n Pr es s.
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ri gh ts r es er ve d. M ay n ot b e re pr od uc ed i n an y fo rm w it ho ut p er mi ss io n fr om t he p ub li sh er , ex ce pt f ai r us es p er mi tt ed u nd er U .S . or a pp li ca bl e co py ri gh t la w.
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C h a p t e r ➤ 5 : ➤ H e a l t h c a r e ➤ M a r k e t i n g 1 2 7
Portals:➤An➤Underutilized➤Resource➤for➤Improving➤Patient➤Engagement.” Chest. Published➤
Cancer➤Centers➤Advertising➤to➤the➤Public?➤A➤Content➤Analysis.”➤Annals of Internal Medi-
cine 160➤(12):➤813–20.➤
Advertising➤in➤Patient➤Consumerism.”➤American Medical Association Journal of Ethics 15➤
White,➤ J.➤2014.➤“Technology➤Trends:➤3➤Reasons➤Hospitals➤Should➤Expand➤ IT➤Networks.”➤
Healthcare Business and Technology.➤Published➤July➤31.➤www.healthcarebusinesstech.
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- Discussion Questions (DQ)
Initial responses to the DQ should address all components of the questions asked, including a minimum of one scholarly source, and be at least 250 words. Successful responses are substantive (i.e., add something new to the discussion, engage others in the discussion, well-developed idea) and include at least one scholarly source. One or two-sentence responses, simple statements of agreement or “good post,” and responses that are off-topic will not count as substantive. Substantive responses should be at least 150 words. I encourage you to incorporate the readings from the week (as applicable) into your responses.
- Weekly Participation
Your initial responses to the mandatory DQ do not count toward participation and are graded separately. In addition to the DQ responses, you must post at least one reply to peers (or me) on three separate days, for a total of three replies. Participation posts do not require a scholarly source/citation (unless you cite someone else’s work). Part of your weekly participation includes viewing the weekly announcement and attesting to watching it in the comments. These announcements are made to ensure you understand everything that is due during the week.
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I discourage over-utilization of direct quotes in DQs and assignments at the Master’s level and deduct points accordingly. As Masters’ level students, it is important that you be able to critically analyze and interpret information from journal articles and other resources. Simply restating someone else’s words does not demonstrate an understanding of the content or critical analysis of the content. It is best to paraphrase content and cite your source.
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The university’s policy on late assignments is a 10% penalty PER DAY LATE. This also applies to late DQ replies. Please communicate with me if you anticipate having to submit an assignment late. I am happy to be flexible, with advance notice. We may be able to work out an extension based on extenuating circumstances. If you do not communicate with me before submitting an assignment late, the GCU late policy will be in effect. I do not accept assignments that are two or more weeks late unless we have worked out an extension. As per policy, no assignments are accepted after the last day of class. Any assignment submitted after midnight on the last day of class will not be accepted for grading.
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