Regulation for Nursing Practice
Nursing is a very highly regulated profession. There are over 100 boards of nursing and national nursing associations throughout the United States and its territories. Their existence helps regulate, inform, and promote the nursing profession. With such numbers, it can be difficult to distinguish between BONs and nursing associations, and overwhelming to consider various benefits and options offered by each.
Both boards of nursing and national nursing associations have significant impacts on the nurse practitioner profession and scope of practice. Understanding these differences helps lend credence to your expertise as a professional. In this Assignment, you will practice the application of such expertise by communicating a comparison of boards of nursing and professional nurse associations. You will also share an analysis of your state board of nursing.
To Prepare:
Assume that you are leading a staff development meeting on regulation for nursing practice at your healthcare organization or agency.
Review the NCSBN and ANA websites to prepare for your presentation.
The Assignment: (8- to 9-slide PowerPoint presentation)
Develop a 8- to 9-slide PowerPoint Presentation that addresses the following:
Describe the differences between a board of nursing and a professional nurse association.
Describe the board for your specific region/area.
Who is on the board?
How does one become a member of the board?
Describe at least one state regulation related to general nurse scope of practice.
How does this regulation influence the nurse’s role?
How does this regulation influence delivery, cost, and access to healthcare?
Describe at least one state regulation related to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs).
How does this regulation influence the nurse’s role?
How does this regulation influence delivery, cost, and access to healthcare?
Include Speaker Notes on Each Slide (except on the title page and reference page)
By Day 7 of Week 6
Submit your Regulation for Nursing Practice Staff Development Meeting Presentation.
Rubric Detail
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Name: NURS_6050_Module03_Week06_Assignment_Rubric
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List View
Excellent Fair Poor
Boards of Nursing vs. Professional Nurse Associations
Develop a 8- to 9-slide PowerPoint presentation that addresses the following:
· Describe the differences between a board of nursing and a professional nurse association.
· Describe the members of the board for your specific region/area.
· Who is on the board?
· How does one become a member of the board?
· Speaker notes are included on every slide and are used to explain and elaborate the significant points on each slide. 23 (23%) – 25 (25%)
The response accurately and thoroughly describes the differences between a board of nursing and a professional nurse association.
Response provides a complete and accurate description of who is on a board of nursing, detailing geographic distribution, academic credentials, practice positions, and licensure status.
The response provides a detailed and thorough explanation of how one becomes a member of the board of nursing.
Presentation includes speaker notes that explain and elaborate the points of the presentation. 18 (18%) – 19 (19%)
Description of the differences between a board of nursing and a professional nurse association is inaccurate or incomplete.
Description of who is on a board of nursing is incomplete or inaccurate in detailing geographic distribution, academic credentials, practice positions, and licensure status.
Explanation of how one becomes a member of the board of nursing is vague or inaccurate.
Presentation includes speaker notes that are incomplete or lack appropriate explanation. 0 (0%) – 17 (17%)
Description of the differences between a board of nursing and a professional nurse associations is inaccurate and incomplete, or is missing.
Description of who is on a board of nursing detailing geographic distribution, academic credentials, practice positions, and licensure status is inaccurate and incomplete, or is missing.
Explanation of how one becomes a member of the board is vague and inaccurate, or is missing.
Speaker notes are incomplete or missing altogether.
The Impact of State Regulation on Nurse Practice
Describe at least one state regulation related to general nurse scope of practice.
· How does this regulation influence the nurse’s role?
· How does this regulation influence delivery, cost, and access to healthcare?
· Has there been any change to the regulation within the past 5 years? Explain.
· Speaker notes are included on every slide and are used to explain and elaborate the significant points on each slide. 27 (27%) – 30 (30%)
Response includes a complete and accurate description that fully details how one or more state regulations are related to general nurse scope of practice.
Response clearly and accurately explains in detail how the regulation(s) influences the nurse’s role.
Response clearly and accurately explains in detail how the regulation(s) influences delivery, cost, and access to healthcare.
Presentation includes speaker notes that explain and elaborate the points of the presentation. 21 (21%) – 23 (23%)
Description of one or more state regulations that are related to general nurse scope of practice is incomplete or inaccurate. Explanation of how the regulation(s) influences the nurse’s role is vague or inaccurate.
Explanation of how the regulation(s) influences delivery, cost, and access to healthcare is vague or inaccurate.
Presentation includes speaker notes that are incomplete or lack appropriate explanation. 0 (0%) – 20 (20%)
Description of one or more state regulations related to general nurse scope of practice is vague and inaccurate, or is missing.
Explanation of how the regulation(s) influences the nurse’s role is vague and inaccurate, or is missing.
Explanation of how the regulation(s) influences delivery, cost, and access to healthcare is vague and inaccurate, or is missing.
Speaker notes are incomplete or missing altogether.
Describe at least one state regulation related to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs).
· How does this regulation influence the nurse’s role?
· How does this regulation influence delivery, cost, and access to healthcare?
· Speaker notes are included on every slide and are used to explain and elaborate the significant points on each slide. 27 (27%) – 30 (30%)
Response includes a complete and accurate description that fully details how one or more state regulations are related to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs).
Response clearly and accurately explains in detail how the regulation(s) influences the nurse’s role.
Response clearly and accurately explains in detail how the regulation(s) influences delivery, cost, and access to healthcare.
Presentation includes speaker notes that explain and elaborate the points of the presentation. . 21 (21%) – 23 (23%)
Description of one or more state regulations that are related to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) is incomplete or inaccurate.
Explanation of how the regulation(s) influences the nurse’s role is vague or inaccurate.
Explanation of how the regulation(s) influences delivery, cost, and access to healthcare is vague or inaccurate.
Presentation includes speaker notes that are incomplete or lack appropriate explanation. 0 (0%) – 20 (20%)
Description of one or more state regulations related to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) is vague and inaccurate, or is missing.
Explanation of how the regulation(s) influences the nurse’s role is vague and inaccurate, or is missing.
Explanation of how the regulation(s) influences delivery, cost, and access to healthcare is vague and inaccurate, or is missing. Speaker notes are incomplete or missing altogether.
Written Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization:
Paragraphs make clear points that support well developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused–neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction is provided which delineates all required criteria. 5 (5%) – 5 (5%)
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity.
A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion is provided which delineates all required criteria. . 3.5 (3.5%) – 3.5 (3.5%)
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%- 79% of the time.
Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment is vague or off topic. 0 (0%) – 3 (3%)
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time.
No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion was provided.
Written Expression and Formatting – English writing standards:
Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation 5 (5%) – 5 (5%)
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors. 3.5 (3.5%) – 3.5 (3.5%)
Contains several (3-4) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. 0 (0%) – 3 (3%)
Contains many (≥ 5) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding.
Written Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list. 5 (5%) – 5 (5%)
Uses correct APA format with no errors. 3.5 (3.5%) – 3.5 (3.5%)
Contains several (3-4) APA format errors. 0 (0%) – 3 (3%)
Contains many (≥ 5) APA format errors.
Total Points: 100
Name: NURS_6050_Module03_Week06_Assignment_Rubric
At least 5 Learning Resources
Note: To access this week’s required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in the Course Materials section of your Syllabus.
Required Readings
Milstead, J. A., & Short, N. M. (2019). Health policy and politics: A nurse’s guide (6th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Chapter 4, “Government Response: Regulation” (pp. 57–84)
American Nurses Association. (n.d.). ANA enterprise. Retrieved September 20, 2018, from
Bosse, J., Simmonds, K., Hanson, C., Pulcini, J., Dunphy, L., Vanhook, P., & Poghosyan, L. (2017). Position statement: Full practice authority for advanced practice registered nurses is necessary to transform primary care. Nursing Outlook, 65(6), 761–765. doi:10.1016/j.outlook.2017.10.002
Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.
Halm, M. A. (2018). Evaluating the impact of EBP education: Development of a modified Fresno test for acute care nursing. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 15(4), 272–280. doi:10.1111/wvn.12291
National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN). (n.d.). Retrieved September 20, 2018, from
Neff, D. F., Yoon, S. H., Steiner, R. L., Bumbach, M. D., Everhart, D., & Harman J. S. (2018). The impact of nurse practitioner regulations on population access to care. Nursing Outlook, 66(4), 379–385. doi:10.1016/j.outlook.2018.03.001
Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.
Peterson, C., Adams, S. A., & DeMuro, P. R. (2015). mHealth: Don’t forget all the stakeholders in the business case. Medicine 2.0, 4(2), e4. doi:10.2196/med20.4349
Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.
Required Media
Laureate Education (Producer). (2018). The Regulatory Process [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.