Social and Cultural Counseling

Social and Cultural Counseling

Social and Cultural Counseling

A detailed survey and case, please read and follow instructions.

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    Cultural Self-Awareness & Case # 1

    Activity # 1 is composed of two parts:

    1) Cultural Self-awareness. Please complete the survey Attached!


    Complete the self-awareness survey – add up your scores and assess where you are in the spectrum of worldviews depending on whether you scored higher on the right side, on the left side, or if your scores are in the middle. If you scored on the left side, your worldviews are more consistent with those of the macro-culture, American, Caucasian population. If you scored higher on the right side, your worldviews are more consistent with those of cultures other than White, Caucasian populations. If you scored in the middle, you are either undecided (not about your scores but you share worldviews from both sides) or are in the process of moving from one side to the other.

    Please discuss your scores and how you believe this survey describes your cultural make-up.


    2) Case # 1  (see 2 attachments)


    Make sure you provide in-text citations (e.g., Corey, 2017, p. 248) first citing the required readings, and then additional readings if you would like to add material from other sources. This is not necessary, but it is necessary to cite often in your assignments. Then add the references at the end of the assignment – all in APA style of writing. 




    Make sure you provide in-text citations (e.g., Corey, 2017, p. 248) first citing the required readings, and then additional readings if you would like to add material from other sources. This is not necessary, but it is necessary to cite often in your assignments. Then add the references at the end of the assignment – all in APA style of writing. 


    · Interpretation of the Cultural Self.docx – BELOW

    · Case # 1.docx – BELOW

    · Cultural Self-Awareness.pdf – Attachment- SURVEY to be completed


    Interpretation of the Cultural Self-Awareness Survey

    · Descriptions:

    · Left Side: Higher scores as compared with the right side tend to represent mainstream North American culture; examples of characteristics are emphasis on competition and individualism, internal locus of control, and internal locus of responsibility. Social and Cultural Counseling


    · Middle/balanced between both sides/Undecided: representing an integration of two or more cultures, in the process of changing world views, and/or undifferentiated or marginal to one particular culture.


    · Right Side: Higher scores as compared to the left side tend to represent a contrasting world view from mainstream North American culture, with an emphasis on cooperation and group orientation; external locus of control and external locus of responsibility.


    · After viewing your scores, how do you describe your world view? What do you believe about the human experience? Did you discover anything about yourself that you did not know (or knew but it became more clear now?)



    Case # 1


    · Julia is a 35-year old single mother of two teenage boys who came to see a therapist for anxiety related to her new job. She explained to the therapist that she had worked part time and attended school for over 10 years to reach her dream of becoming an occupational therapist (OT). After obtaining her degree, she was hired by a hospital with a large OT staff, and within 3 years she was promoted to department head. But since her promotion, the staff had become increasingly critical of her, and her supervisor had made several pejorative remarks about her qualifications. Julia was feeling a great deal of anxiety about their opinions of her, and although she knew she was well qualified, she was doubting her ability to do her job. She asked the counselor to help her find a way to decrease her anxiety and “not care so much what other people say or think about me.” Social and Cultural Counseling


    · Questions:


    · 1) What are the cognitive, behavioral, affective, and environmental components of Julia’s complaint?


    · 2) What do you think are the sources of Julia’s anxiety?


    · 3) What would you do if you were Julia’s counselor? Which counseling techniques would you use?

    · 4) What type of information would you need to conceptualize Julia’s case?

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    Cultural Self-Awarene ss


    destnrctiva 3210123 3210123

    l. Innate human nature is: good

    constnrctit B

    are controlled (gubiugated) bY human nature3210123

    2. People: can control (master) human nature

    ‘being,” Spontaneoua e:mresbion. what haPpens will ha-pperu accePting life as il3210123

    3. Acttuity ts: concern with doing somethingr, gaining something, Prognes+ change, achigvement’ strivingr,

    steady, rhythmb’ noncomPulsitB3210123

    4. A desirablo lnce of life is: iast, busy, driving


    3. The emphasis in Planning activilba b:

    “,:, th6:tneang.r”l

    spiritual fullness of Pain and3210123 6. Lnportanl goals’in life are:

    comfort and absenceactivity I

    Gtssenc€ (is il lded?)3210123

    7. AciMty !c stnluat€d on the basb ot utility and practbalitY (does it

    those with Proper authority3210t23 8. Who should make decisbns?

    the people afiected

    learner is Passive (material’ centered)32r0123

    9. What b learning activitf trearner Is active (learner- centered)




    Accessing Awareness and Developing Knowledge

    REIATIONS WITH PHXSICAI, WORI,D 10. Mhd and bodrr:

    edst Bepantety 3210123 work together ll. People:

    control the phwical world 32r0r23 are controlled by the physbalworld 12. The natural world:

    b phyeical and mectanbal h whbh pmple nra*e us6 of machtres 3210123 b spirilual and organb 0iYing)and disarowg machineo

    13. The world operates ln a: ratbnal l€amable, controllable menner twotving chance and nrobabilitv 3210123

    mystba[y ordere4 spirilualy conceived manner iwolving dMnatbn and no chanrce or probability

    l{. People: edst apart from nature or &om any hierarchy in nature 32t0t23 are a part of nattue or of somehierarchy

    15. The good reourcea in natura AI€:

    unlimiled and people ehonld tnodify br th€ir u8€ 32l0l2s limited and pople shouldaccept lhe naturd order

    16. Tnrth and goodneos arc: the analysis of what worle in each circumstance 32t0t23 absolute and apprehendedas a whole

    l?. Property is: prhrate ownership as extensbn of self 3210123 used for natual

    purpceg reqrardless of ownersldp

    18. Time b: work and antbipatlcn of the future, meagured ln precisa unils, lineal and a Umited golEc€

    S[‘M 32t9r23

    the past that iE remetnbered, the present erpe*mce4 undifierentiat€d unils, circular, and not limiled (not a reeource)

    REI.TTTIONSHIP WITH THE SEI.F 19. The eelf ls deftred as:

    diffuse, changing, Ilotible (being-in-becoming) 32t0123 fi:red, clearV deftpd, lrocatedh a social slrstem (beins)

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    Cultural Self-Awareness

    20. A person’a ldentity k: wilhtr the s€ll (achbvement, etc.) 3210123 outsile the salf ln rolea, group,family, clan, ca^ste, society

    21. One’s rana6 of responsibility rests in:

    the e€U 3210123 tha group 22. A person should ptrace reliance


    EeU and tnporsonal organlzatbns Oob, govarnment) 3210123 status sup€rbrq b€n€ractor,Hn, and other persons

    23. The Hnd of pereon who is valued and resp€cted ls: one who ls youthful (vigorous) 3210123 ased (wise, experienced)

    24. S6hl control of behavior ls based on: persuarbn, appeal to the individual guilt (blame) 3210123 formality, authority, sharne

    28. Reaponsibiltty lor decisbns:

    lb8 wilh each indivltud SUM

    32r8123 is a function of a gnoup or resides in a role the individud hag

    REI,ATIONSIIP WITH OTHENS 26. The nature of relatbns is

    determlned by

    each indirddual (inditddurliatlc) 3210123 lineal ordering (submisbn to others by way of heredity, sor, age, ancestors)

    27. The rolea (parents, spouse, child, etc.) that one performs are:

    earned. loee. generd 3210123 Qriven, tight, sp€cific 28. When people relate to othere

    whea alatus and/or role is difier€nt:

    equatity and lniormality ehould be emphasized and di$erences mhrimized 3210123

    hierarchhal ranks, formality and difierences should b€ emohasized

    29. Sen roles ghould bs: l€ss legitimized, similar, orerlapping, egual, with filends ol both aexea 32t0123

    legitimized, distinct, unequal male superircrity, with tbnde of same soc only




    Accessing Awareness and Developing Knowledge


    lilliiilt ll:i,i’ lll.rr llii,;rl:

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    liiil, ir,il

    li,,r, tlr.,i. ,i,:l !i::lir, l:1i i’t: iit’i I:r;il rilll ii:r: i1,,,1


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    B. What Is Your World View? Add up your numbers for each cultural component and for your final total scor€.

    Irft Side Undecided (number of 0s) Right Side

    Humdn Nature

    Human Activity

    Relations with Physical (Natural) World Relationship with the Self Relationship with Others Final Total Score

    30. In a group, membar’e rfihts and.dutiea ghould bs to: alsume ltnit€d liability, Join to se€k own goal+ be active in order to trlluence group 3210123

    assum€ unlimiled ltrhilitlr, accept constraint by group, let leader run the group (membera do not)

    31. Pcopl,e fudge othen: by theh sp€ciEc abilities or lntereatg (task achiere) 3210123 by their overall lndividuality andEtatus

    32. Friendshb b: social Abndship (ahort-term commitments, tl€nda are ehared) 3210123

    intenso tiend.shlp 0ong-term commilment, khnds ara exclusive)

    33. Ftiandly aggrressbn in socid lnteractbn is:

    acceptable, interesthg, fun suM

    3qlgr23 not acceptabla, embarrasshg

    FINAL TOTAI, SCORE Gfr- 6′, E[‘t


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