Topic: Nutrition and Healthy Eating

Topic: Nutrition and Healthy Eating

Topic: Nutrition and Healthy Eating

Need at-least three credible references

(Also use this website      as one of the reference)



Assignment submission MUST not exceed 3 pages. Form can be single-spaced and instructions can be removed if necessary, to allow additional space to record information. An APA style paper with title page, etc. should not be submitted for this assignment.

Student Name:



a. Topic Selected

b. Rationale/ Why Important today

c. Intended Target Audience 

i. The intended target audience for this topic is the college student.

1. Discuss 1-2 aspects of the college learner you considered; consider age, gender, developmental stage, culture, etc.


a. Objective #1:

i. The learner will be able to:

b.  Objective #2:

i. The learner will be able to:


This is the most important information you found in your literature review for your topic. These will be included in your teaching session. Your SMART goals were developed from THESE TWO KEY POINTS.

a.  First Key Point:

i. Include In- text citation for information

b.  Second Key Point:

i. Include In-text citation for information

4. Healthy People 2020 (Include 1 item from HP 2020 to support this topic): (10 pts)

a. According to Healthy People 2020, this topic is considered pertinent to overall health because:

5. Plan for Evaluation: (20 pts)

a. Method to evaluate 2 SMART objectives.

i. How to Evaluate First SMART Objective:

ii. How to Evaluate Second SMART Objective:

6. 2- 4 Scholarly References Listed in APA Format Below. Check for proper grammar, spelling throughout entire form. (10 pts)

a. Textbook, scholarly journal articles which are current- past 5 years, credible professional websites- AHA, AHNA, etc. 

b. Healthy People 2020 website can count as a reference. A variety of references are recommended, but not required.

  • attachment





N3333: Promoting Healthy Lifestyles


Project Purpose: The purpose of the Teaching Project assignment is for students to learn how to develop and evaluate a health teaching presentation. Think about how you would design a “live” teaching presentation you would conduct on a college canvas. This could be done through a variety of settings, including a health fair format, poster presentation, or brief teaching session. For this current semester, this presentation will NOT be presented within the community setting. Topic: Nutrition and Healthy Eating

Project Overview: Students will select a topic they feel is timely and appropriate for college learners on a university campus such as UTA. They will develop 2 SMART objectives, select 2 key points with rationale, reference Healthy People 2020, and create a plan to evaluate whether their 2 SMART objectives were met. This information will be recorded on the Project Submission Form in a maximum length of 3 pages.

Project Requirements: The following information must be included on the Project Submission Form for this assignment. Students should not submit a formal APA style paper with title page, etc. The form should follow proper sentence structure and grammar and can be single- spaced. References for the Key Points (refer to grading criteria) should be included on page 3

The teaching project form submitted for this assignment should include the following information. Please review the Project Grading Rubric as you prepare your presentation form.


a. Include topic’s major theme for target group. (Eg. Heart Healthy or Cardiac Health).

b. Include rationale for why the topic was selected for this learner and why it is pertinent today.

c. Consider age, Erickson’s developmental stages, gender, socioeconomic level, cultural considerations, etc. for the college student audience. The Leifer textbook may be helpful.



a. Develop 2 objectives the group would like the learner to “take away” from the presentation. Students should not develop more than 2 objectives.

b. Objectives should be SMART (Smart, measurable, attainable, realistic & timed).

· Refer to measurable verbs (identify, list, define, etc). discussed in the Health Education lecture slides.



These will include the most important information you found in your literature review for your topic. Your SMART goals should be developed from these 2 key points. Include one in-text citation for each key point listed. They may or may not be the same reference source. The in- text citations will also be included in your list of references on the last page.

4. HEALTHY PEOPLE 2020 (10 pts)

After a review of Healthy People 2020, discuss why this topic is considered pertinent to overall health. Focus areas, leading health indicators, social determinants or general information from Healthy People for your topic can be included here.


a. Develop a method to evaluate the effectiveness in achieving each of the objectives.

b. Include the following criteria (a, b, c, d) for each of the 2 objectives:

a. Type: Of evaluation strategy to be used (Eg. Pre/ Post-Test, Surveys, games such as true/ false, matching, spin wheel).

b. Specific criteria: The learner must accomplish to determine if SMART objective was met?

c. Percentage of Learners: You desire to meet each of the objectives. (Eg. 90%or 2/3 of the learners will be able to fulfill the SMART goal).

d. Follow-up and Re-Teaching: Needed for those who don’t meet the criteria for the 2 SMART objectives.


a. Reference listing should include 2-4 scholarly references listed in APA format.

b. Textbook, scholarly journal articles which are current (past 5 years), and/ or credible professional websites can be listed. It is not required to have 1 reference from each source (textbook, journal article, website). However, a variety are recommended.

c. Healthy People 2020 website can count as one reference.

d. Check for APA format, proper grammar and spelling throughout the entire form. A formal APA paper with title page, etc. should not be submitted for this assignment



N3333- Promoting Healthy Lifestyles


CATEGORY Accomplished Proficient Needs Improvement Possible Points Points Earned




Includes thorough description of the topic, rationale and intended target audience.


A limited description of the topic, rationale and intended target audience.


Description of the topic, rationale and intended target audience is lacking.





Includes 2 learner objectives pertinent to the selected topic which are SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic & timed).


Includes less than 2 objectives which are SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, timed) and aren’t pertinent to the selected topic.


No SMART objectives pertinent to the selected topic are included.


KEY POINTS (For Topic)



2 Key points listed which represent a comprehensive literature review; are accurate and all recorded in a logical order. Includes in-text citations for all key points. Project Form is complete & uploaded to Canvas before due date/ time.


A limited comprehensive literature review. Key points are incomplete, inaccurate, and/ or missing information. Content is not presented in a logical order, making it difficult to follow. In- text citations included for some key points. Project form is incomplete and/ or not uploaded to Canvas before due date/ time.


A comprehensive literature review is lacking. Key points are incomplete, inaccurate, and/ or missing information. Content is not presented in a logical order, making it difficult to follow. In- text citations for key points are missing. Project form is incomplete and/ or not uploaded in Canvas before due date/ time.





Thorough description of how topic is considered pertinent to overall health according to HP 2020.


Limited description of how topic is considered pertinent to overall health according to HP 2020.


Lacking description of how topic is considered pertinent to overall health according to HP 2020.





Thorough description of method to evaluate 2 SMART objectives.


Limited description of method to evaluate 2 SMART objectives.


Lacking description of method to evaluate 2 SMART objectives.





2 or more current sources (within past 5 years) included. Sources included in listing of references; follow proper APA format. No spelling or grammatical errors; formatted correctly.


Less than 2 current sources (within past 5 years) included. Some sources included in listing of references follow proper APA format. Few spelling or grammatical errors; not formatted correctly.


No sources included; does not follow proper APA format. There are more than 4 errors in spelling or grammatical errors; not formulated correctly.


Faculty Comments:



Topic SMART Goals

Teaching Project Review



The topic I have selected is adequate sleep hygiene for college age students.


Portion distortion is the focus of this teaching project. This project aims to teach the importance of maintaining a healthy weight throughout the lifespan, and the physical application of its culmination through the reading and selecting of appropriate servings for foods. Topic: Nutrition and Healthy Eating



Prepackaged grocery items, snack foods, and restaurant meals are all presented to the consumer in larger quantities than in the past. These growing quantities parallel an increase in consumption and percentage of the population that is overweight or obese. As an unhealthy weight increases an individual’s risk for chronic disease, it is important that individuals become more aware of how their consumption impacts their overall health and longevity.


This is an important topic because many college students do not receive adequate sleep, whether it be from studying all night cramming before a test, poor time management, or lack of parental guidance. Poor sleep habits can affect the student’s physical, mental and emotional health in addition to resulting in poor grades.


Target Audience

The intended target audience of this teaching project was identified as college students. In preparing this project, new college freshman who are living independently for the first time are the most appropriate learners. Individuals of both sexes, varying developmental stages, and diverse cultural backgrounds are welcome. The individuals are between 18 and 24 years of age, transitioning from adolescence into adulthood, and new to living independently. Topic: Nutrition and Healthy Eating

The intended audience for this topic is college students, regardless of gender and inclusive to a variety of ages. The developmental stage of Intimacy vs. Isolation was primarily considered. The age group of college students is varied but stressors such as course load, exposure to increased social activities, and challenges of time management are all experienced by college students, regardless of age, culture, and gender.

The target is anyone. There are people who have not experienced physical domestic violence but there are certainly people who know someone that has been in an abusive relationship



The learner will be able to: identify an increased risk for two health conditions as a result of poor sleep hygiene at the end of the presentation.


At the end of a 1 hour information session presented to college freshman, >75% of all learners will be able to write down the individual serving restraint and the total servings per container on 10 different foods, by using provided food nutrition labels, with an overall quiz accuracy of >80%. Topic: Nutrition and Healthy Eating


The learner will be able to Identify signs of domestic abuse.


Objective #1: At the end of a 1 hour information session presented to college freshman, >75% of all learners will be able to write down both the individual serving restraint and thetotal servings per container on 10 different foods, by using provided food nutritionlabels, with an overall quiz accuracy of >80%.b. Objective #2: At the end of a 1 hour information session presented to college freshman, >50% of learners who choose to engage will choose 1 individual serving or less of each snack from a X


Marianne Doan

2refreshments table, which includes each food’s original package withnutrition label, as observed and documented by hospitality staff.

Objective #1: At the end of a 1 hour information session presented to college freshman, >75% of all learners will be able to write down both the individual serving restraint and thetotal servings per container on 10 different foods, by using provided food nutritionlabels, with an overall quiz accuracy of >80%.b. Objective #2: At the end of a 1 hour information session presented to college freshman, >50% of learners who choose to engage will choose 1 individual serving or less of each snack from a X


2refreshments table, which includes each food’s original package withnutrition label, as observed and documented by hospitality staff.


Teaching Project Review #2

2 Key Points


Healthy People 2020


2 KEY POINTS: Support 2 Smart Goals

Vaccines have successfully eradicated multiple diseases. They offer protection against modern diseases, while also offering prevention to other factors. Vaccines also prevent the chance of spreading the disease to others, this is known as herd immunity. This is beneficial for populations that are unable to get the vaccine (CDC, 2016). Topic: Nutrition and Healthy Eating

1 In- Text Citation per APA format. Also include citation in listing of references.


Understanding portion control begins with knowing both the individual serving restraint and total servings per package. The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (2020) encourages consumers to “pay attention to the serving size, especially how many servings there are in the food package”, even suggesting to “ask yourself if you are consuming ½ serving, 1 serving, or more”. Beginning the lesson with this basic skill, and providing an environment to practice, the teaching project creates food literacy where everyone can communicate.

1 In- Text Citation


HP 2020

According to Healthy People 2020, portion distortion is pertinent to overall health because individuals that support and manage a healthy weight are less likely to develop chronic disease, experience complications during pregnancy, and die at an earlier age. Obesity in children and adolescents, and adults, are two recognized Leading Health Indicators (LHIs) for 2020 recognized by These Leading Health Indicators, in connection to the lifespan, address one its overarching goals to “promote quality life, healthy development, and health behaviors across all life stages”.

According to research getting less sleep puts a person at greater risk for developing health conditions such as diabetes, obesity, heart disease, cancer, stroke, and other serious life-threatening conditions. Healthy People supports this topic because of its threat to a person’s overall health and the fact that 1 in 3 adults do not get enough sleep. Topic: Nutrition and Healthy Eating


Teaching Project Review #3


Plan for Evaluation


Wrap Up/ Questions?


Plan for Evaluation Example #1

Method to evaluate 2 SMART objectives. (Address each)

Type of Evaluation Strategy

Specific Criteria to be Accomplished

Percentage of Learners

Follow-up and Re-teaching


How to Evaluate First SMART Objective:

At the end of a 1 hour information session presented to college freshman, a 10 item quiz will be administered. Each item will include the image of a different nutrition label. The learners will be prompted to write both the single serving requirement, and the total servings per container for each food. The learner will use the nutrition label provided to deduce the information. When reviewing the quizzes, 1 point will be awarded for each entry, with a goal of >80% accuracy. If >75% of participants scored >80% on the quiz, the SMART objective was achieved. Topic: Nutrition and Healthy Eating


Plan for Evaluation Example #1

Method to evaluate 2 SMART objectives. (Address each)

Type of Evaluation Strategy

Specific Criteria to be Accomplished

Percentage of Learners

Follow-up and Re-teaching


How to Evaluate First SMART Objective:

In order to determine if the goal was met for the first smart goal, a survey will be implemented to all participants of the target audience. The criteria will include if any bullying or harassment has been witnessed or experienced. I expect that 95 % of all participants document accurate encounters of bullying or harassment. Re-teaching will be implemented in the importance of observing and speaking out against bullying.


Plan for Evaluation Example #2

Method to evaluate 2 SMART objectives.

Type of Evaluation Strategy

Specific Criteria to be Accomplished

Percentage of Learners

Follow-up and Re-teaching


How to Evaluate Second SMART Objective:

At the end of a 1 hour information session presented to college freshman, all learners will be welcome to select refreshments from a food table. On the table will be 3 snack foods, all in their original packaging. These snack foods will all have nutritional labels defining their serving size by number of pieces (as opposed to weight or volume restrictions alone). Examples of such foods may be crackers, cookies, chips, and/or candies. Hospitality staff with monitor and record each individual’s type of refreshment selected, and total number of pieces taken. This data will be compared to the individual serving size identified for each food. If >50% of learners chose 1 individual serving or less for each snack food they selected, the SMART objective was achieved. Topic: Nutrition and Healthy Eating


Plan for Evaluation Example #2

Method to evaluate 2 SMART objectives.

Type of Evaluation Strategy

Specific Criteria to be Accomplished

Percentage of Learners

Follow-up and Re-teaching


How to Evaluate Second SMART Objective: In order to determine if the goal was met for the second smart goal, mock scenarios will be implemented to all participants of the target audience. The criteria will include whether or not the participants are able to recognize signs of abuse and the effects of all individuals involved. I expect that 95 % of all participants will pick up scenarios in which bullying is happening and the effects that an individual may have as a result. Re-teaching will be implemented on the effects of bullying and harassment has on all of the individuals involved.


References/ Mechanics

2-4 scholarly references

Recommended sources- textbook, scholarly journal articles, credible professional websites.

Current (within past 5 years).

In- text citations ONLY for KEY POINTS.

No more than 3 pages, including references.

HP 2020 can count as one reference.

APA format, proper grammar/ spelling entire form


Review the Project Grading Rubric for sections and points


Only upload the Project Submission Form to Canvas.

*No formal paper with title page, etc. is required.

*No powerpoint, prezi presentation to submit with script, or form criteria.

*Fill in form with majority of complete sentences


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