Week 2: Project Scope and Charter

Week 2: Project Scope and Charter

Week 2: Project Scope and Charter

R631 W2 Project Scope and Charter Guidelines and Rubric

NR631 W2 Project Charter Appendix

NR631 W2 Scope Statement Appendix



This assignment is designed to help students lay the groundwork for their project plans with the help of mentors and professors. The mentor becomes a team member for the project that the student will manage. The student will identify the stakeholders, the project priority, how the measurable goals will be met for a successful project, and who will receive the report of the results of the project. The scope document describes the parameters of the project, including what can and cannot be accomplished and the measurable objectives and outcome measures. The project charter describes and defines the project. When the sponsor signs off on the project, it becomes the document that authorizes the project. Week 2: Project Scope and Charter

Week 2, you will complete the project scope and charter. Based on the information from the mentor and professor, each student finalizes and completes the project charter and scope documents or statements. The project scope must be approved by your practicum organization. Your mentor should help you obtain approval. Project approval must be received prior to submitting these documents. Appendices are provided for both of these documents above.

Course Outcomes

This assignment enables the student to meet the following Course Outcomes (COs):

CO 1: Apply leadership skills concepts of project management as a nurse executive in an organizational setting to develop, implement and evaluate successful project plans. (PO 4,5)

CO 2: Using current knowledge, standards of practice, and research from evidence-based literature, synthesize a foundation for the nurse executive role. (PO 3,4)

Due Date: Sunday at 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 2

Students are given the opportunity to request an extension on assignments for emergent situations. Supporting documentation must be submitted to the assigned faculty. If the student’s request is not approved, the assignment is graded and a late penalty is applied as follows:


If the student’s request is approved, the student will be informed of the revised due date. Should the student fail to meet the revised due date, the assignment is graded and a late penalty is applied as follows:


Total Points Possible: 100


  1. Complete the Project Scope document, including signatures of approval.
  2. Complete the Project Charter document.
  3. Documents are attached as appendices to a professional, scholarly paper following the guidelines for writing professional papers found in the Resources tab.
  4. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, and citations must be consistent with formal academic writing and APA format as expressed in the sixth edition of the APA manual.

Preparing the paper

  1. All aspects of the Project Scope document must be completed, including signatures.
  2. All aspects of the Project Chart document must be completed.
  3. Ideas, references, and information from professional sources must be cited correctly using the sixth edition of the APA manual.
  4. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, and citations must be consistent with formal academic writing.
  • attachment


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    NR631 Executive Concluding Graduate Experience I – Charter


    Appendix B: Practicum Project Charter


    Project Title:

    Project Start Date: Project End Date:


    Project Manager:



    Budget Information:


    Measureable Project Objectives – (Use 5 W’s and H. Sipes, 2016):




    Roles and Responsibilities:


    Comments (from each of the stakeholders listed in the Roles and Responsibilities):



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Project Scope and Charter

Guidelines and Scoring Rubric


This assignment is designed to help students lay the groundwork for their project plans with the help of mentors and professors. The mentor becomes a team member for the project that the student will manage. The student will identify the stakeholders, the project priority, how the measurable goals will be met for a successful project, and who will receive the report of the results of the project. The scope document describes the parameters of the project, including what can and cannot be accomplished and the measurable objectives and outcome measures. The project charter describes and defines the project. When the sponsor signs off on the project, it becomes the document that authorizes the project. Week 2: Project Scope and Charter

Week 2, you will complete the project scope and charter. Based on the information from the mentor and professor, each student finalizes and completes the project charter and scope documents or statements. The project scope must be approved by your practicum organization. Your mentor should help you obtain approval. Project approval must be received prior to submitting these documents. Appendices are provided for both of these documents in Course Resources.

Due Date: Sunday at 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 2

Total Points Possible: 100


1. Complete the Project Scope document, including signatures of approval.

1. Complete the Project Charter document.

1. Documents are attached as appendices to a professional scholarly paper following the guidelines for writing professional papers found in Course Resources.

1. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing and APA format as expressed in the sixth edition of the manual.

Preparing the Paper

1. All aspects of the Project Scope document must be completed, including signatures.

1. All aspects of the Project Chart document must be completed.

1. Ideas, references, and information from professional sources must be cited correctly using the sixth edition of the APA manual.

1. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing.


Assignment Criteria

Category Points % Description
Project Scope document contains a well-developed mission statement, measurable objectives, and completion date; document instructions are removed; Appendix A is attached to a professional paper. The scope intent is explained in a professional paper. 20 20 Project Scope document contains a well-developed mission statement, measurable objectives, and completion date; document instructions are removed; Appendix A is attached to a professional paper. The scope intent is explained in a professional paper.
Project Scope document thoroughly describes the measures of success including metrics, assumptions, and constraints 20 20 Project Scope document thoroughly describes the measures of success including metrics, assumptions, and constraints
Project Charter contains appropriate budget information and is approved; Appendix B is attached to the professional paper. The charter intent is explained in a professional paper. 25 25 Project Charter contains appropriate budget information and is approved; Appendix B is attached to the professional paper. Charter intent is explained in a professional paper
Project Charter thoroughly describes the approach and contains comments from each team member 10 10 Project Charter thoroughly describes the approach and contains comments from each team member
Project Charter lists all roles and responsibilities of each team member 10 10 Project Charter lists all roles and responsibilities of each team member
Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, citations, and APA formatting 15 15 Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, and citations consistent with formal academic writing and APA format as expressed in the sixth edition of manual
Total  100 100 A quality assignment will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

Chamberlain College of Nursing NR631 Nurse Executive Concluding Graduate Experience 1

Grading Rubric

Assignment Criteria



Outstanding or highest level of performance



Very good or high level of performance



Competent or satisfactory level of performance

Needs Improvement


Poor or failing level of performance



Unsatisfactory level of performance


Possible Points = 85 Points








Project Scope document contains a well-developed mission statement, measurable objectives, and completion date; document instructions are removed; Appendix A is attached to a scholarly paper. The scope intent is explained in a scholarly paper. 20 Points 18 Points 16 Points 8 Points 0 Points
  Project Scope document contains a well-developed mission statement, measureable objectives, and completion date; document instructions removed; Appendix A is attached to the scholarly paper that summarizes the purpose and intent of a scope document

Project Scope document contains adequate mission statement, measureable objectives, and completion date; document instructions removed;

The scholarly paper does not adequately summarize the purpose and intent of a scope document. The scholarly paper describes the student’s project rather than summarize purpose of a scope document

Project Scope document contains minimal mission statement, few measureable objectives, no completion date; document instructions not removed;

The scholarly paper does not adequately summarize the purpose and intent of a scope document. The scholarly paper describes the student’s project rather than summarize purpose of a scope document

Project scope document is missing one or more of the required elements or is not attached as an appendix to a scholarly paper Project Scope document is not submitted
Project Scope document thoroughly describes the measures of success including metrics, assumptions, and constraints 20 Points 18 Points 16 Points 8 Points 0 Points
  Scope document thoroughly describes the measures of success, including metrics assumptions, and constraints Scope document adequately describes the major measures of success, assumptions, and constraints but does not include all possible measures, including metrics assumptions, or constraints that apply to this project Scope document adequately describes the major measures of success, assumptions, and constraints but does not include all possible measures, assumptions, or constraints that apply to this project. Scope document minimally describes the major measures of success, assumptions, and constraints but does not include all possible measures, assumptions, or constraints that apply to this project

Scope document does not describe the major measures of success, assumptions, or constraints that apply to this project





Project Charter contains appropriate budget information; Appendix B is attached to the scholarly paper. The charter intent is explained in a scholarly paper. 25 Points 22 Points 19 Points 10 Points 0 Points

Project charter contains a detailed budget that is approved. The budget is detailed enough to allow for variance analysis later in the project.

Appendix B is attached to the scholarly paper that summarizes the purpose and intent of a project charter

Project charter contains limited budget information that is not detailed enough to allow for variance analysis and/or status updates later in the project.

The scholarly paper does not adequately summarize the purpose and intent of a project charter. The scholarly paper describes the student’s project rather than summarize purpose of a charter

Project charter addresses the topic of a budget in general terms but does not include budget items that should be listed and would normally be associated with the project.

The scholarly paper does not adequately summarize the purpose and intent of a project charter. The scholarly paper describes the student’s project rather than summarize purpose of a charter

The student states that no budget is necessary, or that the project is “budget neutral”, or will not cost the organization anything.


A scholarly paper describing the purpose and intent of the project charter is not included

Project charter contains no budget information
Project charter thoroughly describes the approach and contains comments from each team member 10 Points 9 Points 8 Points 4 Points 0 Points
  Project charter thoroughly describes the approach and contains comments from each team member Project charter adequately describes the approach or does not contain comments from one of the team members Project charter briefly describes approach or does not contain comments from two of the team members Project charter does not describe the approach Project charter does not contain any comments or no more than comments from one team member
Project Charter lists all roles and responsibilities of each team member 10 Points 9 Points 8 Points 4 Points 0 Points
  Project charter lists all roles and responsibilities of each team member Project charter lists most roles and responsibilities of each team member Project charter lists some roles and responsibilities of each team member Project charter lists few roles and responsibilities for each team member Project charter lists no roles and responsibilities of any team member
Content Subtotal     _____ of 85 Points


Possible Points = 15 Points

Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, citations, and APA formatting 15 Points 13 Points 12 Points 6 Points 0 Points
  No grammar, spelling, punctuation, reference, citation, or APA errors One grammar, spelling, punctuation, reference, citation, or APA error Two total grammar, spelling, punctuation, reference, citation, or APA errors Three total grammar, spelling, punctuation, reference, citation, or APA errors Four or more total grammar, spelling, punctuation, reference, citation, or APA errors
Format Subtotal   _____ of 15 Points
Total Points     _____ of 100 Points


NR631 Directions & Rubric.docx Revised 11/27/17 RD 7



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NR631 Concluding Graduate Experience – Scope : Project Management & Leadership


(This document must be attached as an appendix to the professional, scholarly paper explaining what you are doing. Include title page, headings, introduction, body of paper, summary and at least three current, relevant references. All information in this form below must be professional, complete sentences in APA format)


Appendix A: Scope Statement


Organization’s Name:


Project’s Name:

Project Manager:

Sponsor(s), Title:

Organizational Priority (High, Medium, Low):


Mission Statement:



Measureable Project Objectives – (Use 5 W’s and H. Sipes, 2016):



Justification of Project:



Implementation Strategy:



Project Resources – Human and Technical:




Completion Date:



Measures of Success – Include all Metrics:












Print or Type Name



Project Manager Approval:


Owner or Sponsor Title and Approval:    



This document must be approved by sponsor before submission to Dropbox



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