Wk4: Quantitative and Qualitative Summary

Wk4: Quantitative and Qualitative Summary

Wk4: Quantitative and Qualitative Summary


Topic: Effect of Nutrition of Diabetic Patient.

PICOT Questions


1. In diabetic patients above 65 years of age, how does nutrition compared to no

nutrition influence the health of the patient over one week?

2. In diabetic patients below the age of 65 years, how does nutrition compared to

physical exercise influence the health of the patient over one week?

3. In a diabetic patient of any age, how does nutrition compared to other treatments

influence the health of the patient over one week?

Week 4: Quantitative and Qualitative Summary (Abstract)

This week, you will submit summaries of quantitative and qualitative studies. The purpose of this assignment is to become familiar with published research, research designs, and methodologies. For the assignment, you will select one quantitative research study and one qualitative study related to the field of nursing and write a summary of each study. Each summary must be accurate, succinct, and clear. These articles should be somewhat related to your PICOT questions.

Ensure the following questions are addressed in each summary:

1. What type of research is it (quantitative, qualitative, and design)?
2. What was the research question(s) or hypothesis?
3. What is the sample, the sample size, and sample attributes?
4. What was the setting of the study?
5. What were the researcher’s findings? (Identify one.)

 You must submit the research study articles along with your summaries.

  • Each summary should be between 150–250 words. 
  • Use current APA format to style your paper and to cite your sources.

Review the rubric for further information on how your assignment will be graded.

Points  150



7/9/20, 1:36 AMRubric Detail – NURS 350 Research in Nursing 202006SUI OL-H

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Rubric Detail A rubric lists grading criteria that instructors use to evaluate student work. Your instructor linked a rubric to this item and made it available to you. Select Grid View or List View to change the rubric’s layout. Wk4: Quantitative and Qualitative Summary

Meets or Exceeds Expectations

Mostly Meets Expectations

Below Expectations

Does Not Meet Expectations

Type of Research: Quantitative Study

6.75 (4.50%) – 7.5 (5.00%)

Research is correctly and clearly identi!ed as quantitative.

5.7 (3.80%) – 6.675 (4.45%)

Research is not clearly identi!ed as quantitative.

4.5 (3.00%) – 5.625 (3.75%)

Research type is not identi!ed as quantitative.

0 (0.00%) – 4.425 (2.95%)

Research type is not identi!ed.

Research Questions & Hypothesis: Quantitative Study

13.5 (9.00%) – 15 (10.00%)

Research questions and hypotheses are mostly correctly identi!ed and stated.

11.4 (7.60%) – 13.35 (8.90%)

Research questions and hypotheses are partially correctly identi!ed and stated.

9 (6.00%) – 11.25 (7.50%)

Research questions and hypotheses are partially incorrectly identi!ed and stated.

0 (0.00%) – 8.85 (5.90%)

Research questions and hypotheses are incorrectly identi!ed and stated.

Name: NURS350-Summary (Abstract) of Study

Description: This rubric is used to evaluate the the abstract of a quantitative and qualitative research article in NURS350. The rubric is set up to score each research article (quantitative and qualitative) separately and provide one cumulative grade. For each research article, there are 6 categories to assess: type of research, research questions & hypothesis, sample, setting, !ndings, and mechanics.


Grid View List View



7/9/20, 1:36 AMRubric Detail – NURS 350 Research in Nursing 202006SUI OL-H

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Sample Quantitative Study

13.5 (9.00%) – 15 (10.00%)

Sample, sample size, and sample attribute are mostly correctly identi!ed and stated.

11.4 (7.60%) – 13.35 (8.90%)

Sample, sample size, and sample attributes are partially correctly identi!ed and stated.

9 (6.00%) – 11.25 (7.50%)

Sample, sample size, and sample attributes are partially incorrectly identi!ed and stated.

0 (0.00%) – 8.85 (5.90%)

Sample, sample size, and sample attributes are incorrectly identi!ed and stated.

Setting Quantitative Study

6.75 (4.50%) – 7.5 (5.00%)

Setting is mostly correctly identi!ed and stated.

5.7 (3.80%) – 6.675 (4.45%)

Setting is partially correctly identi!ed and stated.

4.5 (3.00%) – 5.625 (3.75%)

Setting is partially or incorrectly identi!ed and stated.

0 (0.00%) – 4.425 (2.95%)

Setting is incorrectly identi!ed and stated.

Findings Quantitative Study

13.5 (9.00%) – 15 (10.00%)

Researcher !ndings are mostly accurately identi!ed and stated.

11.4 (7.60%) – 13.35 (8.90%)

Researcher !ndings are partially identi!ed and stated.

9 (6.00%) – 11.25 (7.50%)

Some researcher !ndings are incorrectly identi!ed and stated.

0 (0.00%) – 8.85 (5.90%)

Researcher !ndings are incorrectly identi!ed and stated.

Mechanics & Length Quantitative Study

13.5 (9.00%) – 15 (10.00%)

Summary is 150–250 words. Grammar and spelling are mostly free of errors.

11.4 (7.60%) – 13.35 (8.90%)

Summary is 100–300 words. There are some grammatical and spelling errors, but they do not signi!cantly impede readability.

9 (6.00%) – 11.25 (7.50%)

Summary is 100–300 words. There are grammatical and spelling errors that impede readability.

0 (0.00%) – 8.85 (5.90%)

Summary is less than 100 or more than 300 words. There are signi!cant grammatical and spelling errors that impede readability.

Type of Research: Qualitative

6.75 (4.50%) – 7.5 (5.00%)

Research type

5.7 (3.80%) – 6.675 (4.45%)

Research type

4.5 (3.00%) – 5.625 (3.75%)

Research type

0 (0.00%) – 4.425 (2.95%)

Research type



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Qualitative Study

Research type is correctly and clearly identi!ed as qualitative.

Research type is not clearly identi!ed as qualitative.

Research type is not identi!ed as qualitative.

Research type is not identi!ed.

Research Questions & Hypothesis: Qualitative Study

13.5 (9.00%) – 15 (10.00%)

Research questions and hypotheses are mostly correctly identi!ed and stated.

11.4 (7.60%) – 13.35 (8.90%)

Research questions and hypotheses are partially correctly identi!ed and stated.

9 (6.00%) – 11.25 (7.50%)

Research questions and hypotheses are partially incorrectly identi!ed and stated.

0 (0.00%) – 8.85 (5.90%)

Research questions and hypotheses are incorrectly identi!ed and stated.

Sample Qualitative Study

13.5 (9.00%) – 15 (10.00%)

Sample, sample size, and sample attribute are mostly correctly identi!ed and stated.

11.4 (7.60%) – 13.35 (8.90%)

Sample, sample size, and sample attributes are partially correctly identi!ed and stated.

9 (6.00%) – 11.25 (7.50%)

Sample, sample size, and sample attributes are partially incorrectly identi!ed and stated.

0 (0.00%) – 8.85 (5.90%)

Sample, sample size, and sample attributes are incorrectly identi!ed and stated.

Setting Qualitative Study

6.75 (4.50%) – 7.5 (5.00%)

Setting is mostly correctly identi!ed and stated.

5.7 (3.80%) – 6.675 (4.45%)

Setting is partially correctly identi!ed and stated.

4.5 (3.00%) – 5.625 (3.75%)

Setting is partially or incorrectly identi!ed and stated.

0 (0.00%) – 4.425 (2.95%)

Setting is incorrectly identi!ed and stated.

Findings Qualitative Study

13.5 (9.00%) – 15 (10.00%)

Researcher !ndings are mostly accurately identi!ed and stated.

11.4 (7.60%) – 13.35 (8.90%)

Researcher !ndings are partially identi!ed and stated.

9 (6.00%) – 11.25 (7.50%)

Some researcher !ndings are incorrectly identi!ed and stated.

0 (0.00%) – 8.85 (5.90%)

Researcher !ndings are incorrectly identi!ed and stated.

Mechanics & 13.5 (9.00%) – 15 (10.00%)

11.4 (7.60%) – 13.35 (8.90%)

9 (6.00%) – 11.25 (7.50%)

0 (0.00%) – 8.85 (5.90%)



7/9/20, 1:36 AMRubric Detail – NURS 350 Research in Nursing 202006SUI OL-H

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Mechanics & Length Qualitative Study

15 (10.00%)

Summary is 150–250 words. Grammar and spelling are mostly free of errors.

13.35 (8.90%)

Summary is 100–300 words. There are some grammatical and spelling errors, but they do not signi!cantly impede readability.

11.25 (7.50%)

Summary is 100–300 words. There are some grammatical and spelling errors that impede readability.

8.85 (5.90%)

Summary is less than 100 or more than 300 words. There are signi!cant grammatical and spelling errors that impede readability.

Name:NURS350-Summary (Abstract) of Study

Description: This rubric is used to evaluate the the abstract of a quantitative and qualitative research article in NURS350. The rubric is set up to score each research article (quantitative and qualitative) separately and provide one cumulative grade. For each research article, there are 6 categories to assess: type of research, research questions & hypothesis, sample, setting, !ndings, and mechanics. Wk4: Quantitative and Qualitative Summary




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