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Wk6 DQ ANP650 Assignment
Wk6 DQ ANP650 Assignment
Instructions for Answer to 2 Question
1- After Each DQ (question), write down references
2- 300 minimum words for every DQ, you can go up to 800 words but answer should be complete.
3- 2-3 Peer Reviewed/ scholarly references for each question
4- References should be within 4 years
5- I am in acute care nurse practitioner program.
6- The response to the DQ is expected to be a minimum of 300 words. A minimum of two peer reviewed/ scholarly resources are expected. These need to be appropriate for a clinical professional to guide decisions about patient care. If a textbook is used for one of these responses, the other needs to be journal or professional-level website. The references need to be correctly formatted, as do the citations for those references. “ Question words” don’t count towards 300 minimum count”
Complete the following discussion question using the DxR website:
1. Access the DxR Clinician website at
2. Select the folder labeled: gcu_npstudents_patients.
3. Select the Selma Davis – Weight Loss case study.
4. Upon clicking on the case, you will see the “Enter Case” button at the top of the page. Select “Enter Page.” Under “Name,” enter First Initial, Last Name, all in lower case. Leave password blank. This will give you entry into the case study.
5. Complete the Selma Davis – Weight Loss case.
6. Discuss possible differential diagnoses and the strategies that you used to assess this patient. Synthesize this information and explain what you learned and how you will improve in the future.
Mrs. Green, a 76-year-old patient, has been hospitalized with pneumonia. While rounding on your patient, her neighbors, a younger couple, state that they know she is a diabetic and is not eating correctly. The neighbors, who often take Mrs. Green to the grocery store, state that she buys ice cream and cookies and rarely fixes “proper meals.” They are concerned about her and want the nurse practitioner to notify her family. Upon examination, Mrs. Green is alert, oriented, well groomed, and appropriate. Her glucose is 200 and she is in no distress. She states, “I like ice cream, I’m old, and I deserve it.” How should you respond?
Revised: 9/22/2020
Please attest that you have read and understood the following information as a reply to this post. I will deducte 10% per inappropriate reference used. If you use UpToDate for an academic resource for a paper you may only count it as one reference
Acceptable References
Rationale: As future providers, one wants to follow the evidenced-based practice that is accepted by regulatory authorities. The authorities and peer-reviewed journals have the input of many professionals and not just one provider’s opinion. As a provider, you want your care substantiated with best practices and published treatment plans and protocols to withstand your defense with other providers and a lawsuit.
Examples of these authorities include, but not limited to:
ACOG, AADE, ADA, American College of Surgeons, etc.
Acceptable Resources Unacceptable resources · Textbooks used in your courses · Peer-reviewed journal articles:
· New England Journal of Medicine
· Diabetes Educator
· Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners
· UpToDate with an author
· Epocrates – Drug information only
· WebMD ·
· Dynamed
· Stat pearls
· Medscape
· No blogs
· Educational tools for patients
· Mayo and Cleveland Clinic – opinions, not evidence,
· Materials aimed at the “lay” person
How to locate adequate resources that are peer-reviewed:
· Link your computer to the GCU library
Library resources/education links:
· Library Walkthrough Tutorial:
· Nursing & Health Sciences Research Guide:
· Nursing Webinar:
· Appointments with a librarian:
· Phone Local 602.639.6641
· Email:
T:CONHCP COMMITTEESFNP ACNPAPRN 2020APRN Curriculum _Faculty Meetings2020 APRN Acceptable References.docx