Wk9 Final Research Paper: Disease and Nutrition

Wk9 Final Research Paper: Disease and Nutrition

Wk9 Final Research Paper: Disease and Nutrition

Week 9 Final Research Paper: Disease and Nutrition

The purpose of this assignment is to synthesize and apply the knowledge you gained in class into a well-written research paper. For this assignment, you will conduct research and write a paper containing three parts:


  1. Part I: Analyze diet
  2. Part II: Evaluate how the patient’s diet affects:
    • The person’s health (anatomy)
    • The progression of the illness (pathophysiology)
    • Common medications associated with the disease
  3. Part III: Create patient SMART goals and an evidence-based plan of care (patient education)

Begin by viewing the patient profiles and assignment details in the the Worksheets, Forms, and Templates area at left. Choose one patient profile and use it to complete Parts I–III of the assignment.

In addition to the assignment specifics, your paper should:

  • Be 4–5 pages, not including the title and reference pages.
  • Source(s) should be integrated into the paragraphs. Use in-text citations pointing to evidence in the literature and supporting your ideas.
  • Incorporate a minimum of two peer-reviewed sources into your paper.
  • Use current APA format to style your paper and to cite your sources. Follow the list structure of the sample paper for the section on calculations. You can download a sample paper in the Worksheets, Forms, and Templates area at left.
  • Include a title page and a reference page listing the sources you used. Be sure to plan enough time for proofreading and editing.

Review the rubric for further information on how your assignment will be graded.

Points: 220

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    Rubric Detail A rubric lists grading criteria that instructors use to evaluate student work. Your instructor linked a rubric to this item and made it available to you. Select Grid View or List View to change the rubric’s layout.

    Meets or Exceeds Expectations

    Mostly Meets Expectations

    Below Expectations

    Not Meeting Expectations

    Part 1: Diet Identification and Analysis of Nutrients

    19.8 (9.00%) – 22 (10.00%)

    Accurately identifies all details of three macronutrients in excess/deficient of CHO, PRO, and fats, and provides detailed examples.

    16.72 (7.60%) – 19.58 (8.90%)

    Accurately, identifies most details of three macronutrients in excess/deficient of CHO, PRO, and fats, and provides some detailed examples.

    13.2 (6.00%) – 16.5 (7.50%)

    Accurately identifies the details of one to two macronutrients in excess/deficient of CHO, PRO and fats, but does not provide detailed examples.

    0 (0.00%) – 12.98 (5.90%)

    Does not identify details of macronutrients in excess/deficient of CHO, PRO, and fats

    Part 1: Diet RDA Approval Analysis

    19.8 (9.00%) – 22 (10.00%)

    Identifies details for five or more key micronutrients that meet RDA approval and provides detailed explanations for each.

    16.72 (7.60%) – 19.58 (8.90%)

    Identifies details for five or more key micronutrients that meet RDA approval and provides one or two explanations. Some explanations may be vague.

    13.2 (6.00%) – 16.5 (7.50%)

    Identifies detail for 1–4 key micronutrients that meet RDA approval. Detailed explanations are not provided

    0 (0.00%) – 12.98 (5.90%)

    Does not identify or explain any key micronutrients that meet RDA approval.

    Part #2: Disease Nutrition and Pathophysiology

    39.6 (18.00%) – 44 (20.00%)

    Accurately details how the diet from Part 1 would affect the patient and the disease. Provides three or more specific examples. Accurately details and analyzes the ways that nutrition affects the pathophysiology of the disease in general. Provides specific examples.

    33.44 (15.20%) – 39.16 (17.80%)

    Details how the diet from Part 1 would affect the patient and the disease but may show some areas of confusion or slight inaccuracy. Provides three examples. Provides some detail and analysis for the ways that nutrition affects the pathophysiology of the disease but may show some areas of confusion or inaccuracy. Provides some specific examples.

    26.4 (12.00%) – 33 (15.00%)

    Provides confusing, vague, or inaccurate information on how the diet from Part 1 would affect the patient and the disease. Provides fewer than three specific examples. Provides a vague or inaccurate analysis for the ways that nutrition affects the pathophysiology of the disease.

    0 (0.00%) – 25.96 (11.80%)

    Does not provide dietary or nutritional analysis.

    Part #2: Disease Medical and Nutrient-Related Interventions and Dietary Needs

    39.6 (18.00%) – 44 (20.00%)

    Accurately describes how medicines interact with key nutrients, and details several nutrient recommendations and restrictions for this patient based on diet and medicines.

    33.44 (15.20%) – 39.16 (17.80%)

    Describes how medicines interact with key nutrients, and details several nutrient recommendations and restrictions for this patient based on diet and medicines with only one error.

    26.4 (12.00%) – 33 (15.00%)

    Describes how medicines interact with key nutrients, and details several nutrient recommendations and restrictions for this patient based on diet and medicines with multiple errors.

    0 (0.00%) – 25.96 (11.80%)

    Does not describe nutritional interactions.

    Part 3: Patient Education/Care Plan Nutrient Calculations

    19.8 (9.00%) – 22 (10.00%)

    Accurately calculates the five required figures for this patient and identifies additional calculations as appropriate for the patient’s care plan.

    16.72 (7.60%) – 19.58 (8.90%)

    Calculates the five required figures for this patient with only one error, and identifies additional calculations as appropriate for the patient’s care plan.

    13.2 (6.00%) – 16.5 (7.50%)

    Calculates 1–4 of the required figures for this patient, but there are several errors. Does not identify additional calculations as appropriate for the patient’s care plan.

    0 (0.00%) – 12.98 (5.90%)

    Does not provide calculations, or all calculations are incorrect.

    Part 3: Patient Education/Care Plan SMART Goals and Patient Care Plan

    39.6 (18.00%) – 44 (20.00%)

    Provides three well- written and clear SMART goals. Offers 2–3 specific nursing strategies and examples for the patient, and considers all aspects of the patient’s lifestyle (i.e., culture, religion, activity level).

    33.44 (15.20%) – 39.16 (17.80%)

    Provides three SMART goals, but some may lack clarity. Offers 2–3 specific nursing strategies and examples for the patient, and considers most aspects of the patient’s lifestyle (i.e., culture, religion, activity level).

    26.4 (12.00%) – 33 (15.00%)

    Provides one to two SMART goals; several may lack clarity. Offers 1–2 specific nursing strategies and examples for the patient; may not show consideration for the patient’s lifestyle (i.e., culture, religion, activity level).

    0 (0.00%) – 25.96 (11.80%)

    Does not provide SMART goals or nursing strategies.

    APA and Mechanics

    19.8 (9.00%) – 22 (10.00%)

    The assignment consistently follows current APA format and is free from errors in formatting, citation, and references. No grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors are present. All sources are cited and referenced correctly.

    16.72 (7.60%) – 19.58 (8.90%)

    The assignment consistently follows current APA format with only isolated and inconsistent mistakes and/or has a few grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. Most sources are cited and referenced correctly.

    13.2 (6.00%) – 16.5 (7.50%)

    The assignment does not follow current APA format and/or has many grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. Many sources are cited and referenced incorrectly, or citations and references are missing where needed.

    0 (0.00%) – 12.98 (5.90%)

    No attempt to follow APA format is indicated. Sources are not used and/or there is no reference page. Mechanical errors significantly interfere with the readability of the paper.

    Name: Final Research Paper: Disease and Nutrition

    Description: Research Paper: Disease and Nutrition


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    Name:Final Research Paper: Disease and Nutrition

    Description:Research Paper: Disease and Nutrition



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    Final Research Paper: Disease & Nutrition

    Signature Assignment Details

    Part I The Diet

    Include the following in Part I:

    • Criterion 1: Determine if the person’s diet is deficient or in excess of CHO, PRO, and fat

    and explain why.

    • Criterion 2: Explain in detail how the person’s diet meets or does not meet the RDA for

    five or more micronutrients.

    Part II Disease and Nutrition

    Include the following in Part II:

    • Criterion 1: Explain how the person’s diet would affect the patient’s disease symptoms

    and progression. Provide a minimum of three examples of how specific foods affect the

    disease pathophysiology. Provide examples of foods the person should avoid, and those

    he/she should consume.

    • Criterion 2: Explain how food interacts with the medications this patient takes. What are

    the nutrient-related side effects of the medication? What are the nutrient restrictions and

    recommendations for the medications?

    o Example: Iron supplements cause constipation, so people are

    advised to increase fiber foods; however, if a person is taking fiber

    with iron, the fiber will reduce the absorption of the iron thus

    decreasing the effectiveness of the iron.

    Part III Patient Education

    Include the following in part III:

    • Criterion 1: Calculate the following for the patient: BMI, BMR, CHO, PRO, and fat

    needs and any other relevant calculations that will help you develop a nutritional plan for

    your patient.

    • Criterion 2: Develop an evidence-based nutritional education plan with three SMART

    goals for your patient. Provide specific nursing strategies and examples for the patient,

    and consider all aspects of the patient’s lifestyle. Wk9 Final Research Paper: Disease and Nutrition





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    Getting Started Tips

    Some common diets in the United States:

    • Paleo diet

    • DASH

    • Diabetic

    • Hemodialysis

    • Vegetarian

    • Atkins

    A few recommended peer-reviewed journals:

    • Journal of American Medical Association

    • Lancet

    • Journal of American Dietetic Association

    * You may not use WebMD or any Wiki sources. Check with your instructor or librarian to

    confirm that your sources are credible and scholarly. Your librarians are here to help you with

    your research questions!

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